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Chapter Fifty Six

Even before the sun's golden rays peaked over the horizon, Lance was awakened by a tickling on his nose. As he gradually became aware of his surroundings, he realized that he was still on the couch in the family room and Elaine was lying beside him with her head on his chest and her hair was tickling his nose. He carefully shifted and moved to where her head was on his shoulder and her hair was pulled back.

When he had gotten home last night, all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms and let her know over and over again, how much he loved her. Elaine had given him some strange looks from time to time as he was constantly right beside her, like her shadow. She loved him and she adored the attention, but, this was bordering on obsessive. Finally, she stopped dead in her tracks and Lance literally ran into the back of her. "What is going on?" she asked looking him directly in the eye.

Lance's cheeks burned from embarrassment and the look in Elaine's eyes was so intense. He had to say something so as not to give away to his anxiety of being away from her all day and the fact she had no idea where he had been. He decided to use the tried and true puppy dog eyes and pouty mouth to get to her. He took her in his arms and pulled her close and timidly nuzzled into her neck and kissed her there a few times and then looked her in the eye and whined, "I missed my Sugar Bear, today. Do you realize that I missed you? A whole day without sugar makes Lance a little crazy."

When Lance turned on the puppy dog eyes and pouted his lips, it melted her heart. How could she be upset with that? And when he started kissing her neck and shoulder, she just lost it. His lips near her ear, whispering words of love for her alone sent shivers down her spine, he felt it. Then they danced and he held her so close to him. How could anyone not love this heavenly creature in his arms? How could a father ever think that she would care about material things and status over the love of a Dad? He just didn't know her and had not taken the time to get to know her.

Lance would make her happy no matter what. He was determined that she would never feel unloved. There was enough love in him for her to make up for anything else, but he knew that her father's love would mean so much to her.

They had danced for the longest time and finally sat on the couch when they couldn't stand any longer. It was so late, they didn't even feel like climbing the stairs to their rooms, so they sat and held each other on the couch until slumber spirited them away.

As he laid there on the couch holding her and stroking her hair, he thought about what would be happening over the next few days. In four days, they would be married and off on the honeymoon of a lifetime. He had managed to confirm everything with a business associate of his that was letting them use his place in the Islands. The house was secluded with a private beach miles from anyone. They would have the run of the island and his friend was seeing to it that security was bumped up to give the newlyweds all the privacy they would desire. If they wanted to, they could run naked on the beach and no one would see them.

His main concern was the night they arrived there from the main island. He had specific details he wanted for the honeymoon suite. He knew his cell phone bill would be unreal but Elaine was worth it to make things special for their first time together.

Lance did not like to admit it, but he was nervous about that night. Elaine was precious to him and he did not want to hurt her in any way. He had been talking some more with Dani and Chris. They had been very helpful and he was thankful. Dani stressed to him the importance of taking his time and going slow. Taking their time and being patient with one another was of great importance. He wanted their first time to exceed all expectations.

Elaine shifted and her hand slipped beneath his shirt and up to his chest. She just snuggled in and her fingers gently caressed his abdomen. He looked at her and watched her peacefully at sleep and the sensations from her tender fingers was starting to get to him. He shifted again and her hand came from under his shirt and her arms wrapped tightly around his waist and pulled him so close to her. She moaned against his chest and he thought, again, of the plans he had for the honeymoon.

Lance and the guys had stayed at this house before. Elaine had thought the view from their balcony at the retreat in Tennessee was incredible, but she hadn't seen anything yet. She was going to fall in love with this place. The view was breathtaking. Their own private Garden of Eden. They would explore their love in every way possible.

Elaine began to move around and crawl up next to Lance and draped her leg across him. Lance couldn't help but laugh softly. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up more and nuzzled her neck and spoke into her ear, "Oh Bay Bee, you're turnin' me on. You better wake up soon."

Her eyes tried to open and she squinted at him. "What?" she asked groggily. "Where are we?"

"We're still in the family room, Baby."

"What time is it?"

Lance looked at his watch just as he heard some workers walk through to the garden. "It's 7AM Sugar. The workers are here to set up the tent for the rehearsal tomorrow afternoon and the dinner afterward. And then, in two days, we'll be married there. What do you think, Mrs. Bass?"

Elaine looked into his eyes and was overwhelmed by the richness of the green in them this morning. "Actually, I love Mr. and Mrs. Bass. I'm gonna have to start practicing writing that name." She raised up to kiss him holding his face with her hand to pull him to her. "Good Morning, Lancelot."

"Mornin' Sugar Bear." He kissed all over her face and hugged her to him. "Guess I better get up and go out to make sure the workers are where they need to be."

"Okay, and while you're checkin' on them, I'll fix something for breakfast, so hurry back. Okay?"

Lance went out to the garden to check on the workers. As he stood there watching them mark off the area to put the tents in, he thought how beautiful this was gonna be. The flowers in the garden were looking especially beautiful. He didn't think he had ever seen them look so vibrant. It was as though they had been specially ordered for this wedding.

He looked all around him at God's beauty and his heart was quickened. "Oh Father, thank You for Your beauty. Thank You for these beautiful flowers for this wedding. I know You are responsible for these because they've never looked this good before at this time of the year. We are so excited about this wedding. Father, help us to be an example for You. Help us to stay true to Your Word. Help me Lord to be the best husband I can be. Give me the strength to be everything Elaine needs. I pray for the wisdom to handle all situations in the manner that You would have me to.

Father, I pray that my trip to see her Father will prove to be a fruitful one. She needs her father. She needs to know that he loves her and that he cares. Oh, please Lord, touch his heart and cause him to long for his daughter before it's too late. They have missed so much already. Please don't let anymore time be lost."

"Mr. Bass?"

Lance's attention was brought to the present. "Yes?"

"Would you please confirm we have everything staked out correctly before we start putting the tents up?"

"Sure," Lance offered, "let's get this show on the road. I wanta get married!"

Elaine stood in the kitchen preparing breakfast when Lynne and Rickii came in from their morning run. "There's the bride to be!" exclaimed Lynne as she went over to Elaine and gave her a big hug.

"Four days, can you believe it?" chimed in Rickii.

Elaine turned to her friends. They all looked at one another and did their little scream that they had not done in a while. They hugged and Lynne and Rickii went up to shower for breakfast.

As they left the kitchen, Elaine turned back to the sink and looked out the window to the garden. She could see Lance walking around checking whatever the workers were showing him. He looked so handsome. After all these years, he was still a hunk. He was like a fine wine, he got better with age. The way he walked and that incredibly sexy voice were mind blowing.

Lance started back toward the house and stopped to pick a rose for Elaine. He suddenly felt eyes watching him. He looked up and around. Then he saw her in the window watching him. He raised his hand to wave at her and then he placed it over his heart. "Oh Lord. I am a blessed woman. thank you, Father for giving me the desires of my heart."

Lance and Elaine held each others' gaze as he walked to the house. That walk, that smile. Elaine was mesmerized by the man. And now that all the ghosts from the past had been put to rest, he walked with a newfound confidence. His shoulders were squared and he walked with a defined purpose. He no longer had the worry lines on his face. He was like a giddy teenager again and a smile was always on his face now. There was a spring in his step that was almost comical.

Just before he reached the house, the phone rang and Elaine picked it up. It was Pastor Jeremiah wanting to finalize some things about the accommodations for the wedding. Elaine assured him there was plenty of room in the guest house.

As she was talking on the phone, Lance slipped up behind her and rubbed the rose on the side of her face. His other arm slipped around her and pulled her back against him as he nuzzled her neck and ear with soft kisses and whispers of 'I Love You's.'

Elaine's breathing was getting shorter and she was trying to keep it together while she spoke to her Pastor. She finished her conversation and went to tell Pastor Jeremiah that she would see him tomorrow for the rehearsal. At the mention of his name, Lance froze and started to back up, but Elaine grabbed his hand and held onto him. She thought, 'I'll teach him,' as she backed up against him and slipped her arm back behind her and him. She shimmied against him and couldn't help but smile when she heard him gasp at the sensation that caused in him. Slowly, she turned her face to him and gave him an evil grin as she kissed his cheek and then his ear. His grip around her waist tightened and again, he pulled her to him.

"Oh, he's right here Pastor. Would you like to speak with him?" Elaine said coyly.

She handed Lance the phone and he gave her a quick peck on the cheek and a light smack on her behind. As he talked to Pastor Jeremiah, she moved behind him and guided him to the table so that he could eat his breakfast.

When she brought him his plate, she placed it on the table and then proceeded to massage his neck and shoulders because she had seen him rubbing them. Probably from falling asleep on the couch. Lance laid his head back against her as she stood right behind him and closed his eyes as he began to relax to the gentle rubbing she was doing.

"Pastor Jeremiah, don't worry about a thing. The buses will be thereat your church in the morning to pick up everyone who is coming to the wedding. They will be there at 7. Gwen has overseen all the accommodations in my guest house. We have sleeper sofas and cots and rollaway beds. Food is in the kitchen and there is nothing for anyone to worry about. Rehearsal is at 7 tomorrow night and dinner will be afterward under the tents nearby."

Lance paused and then spoke again. "Great, then we'll see you around lunch time and it will be waiting for everyone. See you later."

Lance hung up the phone and turned to pull Elaine into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her and then went for her ear and neck. The sensations he was causing were making her breathless. He deepened the kisses and ran his hand up and down her back. On the next sweep upward, his hand slipped beneath her shirt and the sudden contact with her skin was like a shock to his system. Elaine arched back into him at his touch and she gasped into his mouth.

Their kisses took on a new meaning now. They became more intense and they held each other closer than ever. "Oh Lance. Lance sweetie, I love you."

"MMmmmmmm" Lance moaned and the vibration from this sent shock waves throughout Elaine's body.

"WELL, WELL, are we getting some practice in for the honeymoon?" Lance and Elaine pulled apart only to see Rickii and Lynne standing behind them. They were breathing heavily and Elaine almost fell off Lance's lap.

The rest of the day went as a Mad Hatter's Day. Everyone was running here and there and everywhere. The girls helped Gwen with last minute preparations in the guest house. Elaine called in lunch for the workers and everyone who was helping with the wedding preparations. She answered calls from some of her friends who would be coming in on the bus tomorrow, as to the weather and what they should wear.

Lance's family would be coming in that evening after finishing up at FLE and Elaine made sure towels and fresh linens were set in their rooms. Rickii and Lynne insisted on moving out to the quest house with Gwen so that the house could be for family. After they moved their stuff out, Lance asked them if they would help to start moving Elaine's things over to his room and get everything organized. They were more than happy to help with this task. It seemed to make this wedding more of a reality to them when they started seeing Elaine's things in Lance's room.

While the girls got Elaine moved, Lance packed a small bag for the night before the wedding. He was going to stay with Justin so that Elaine could have the run of the house to get ready for the wedding. There would be NO tempting the fates on this wedding. He would see his bride, for the first time, as she walked down the garden path to the alter and to him. They would not even change for the honeymoon in the same room because he did NOT want to take the chance of being distracted and not make their flight on time. They would be married, do the reception for the obligated period of time and then, take off and leave everything in his Mom's and Gwen's capable hands to take care of.

He carried boxes from the guest room to his room for the girls to unpack. He carried hands full of hangers of clothes for the girls to sort into Elaine's new space. Finally, after had had carried the last of her things and put them on the bed to be gone through, he walked out onto the balcony. The tents were almost up and tied down. They were putting up the side flaps, just in case it rained or got chilly, as it sometimes did there this time of year. Also, if it got chilly, they had little heaters they could place around to give off some warmth. Tables and chairs were being put up for the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night and the reception two days later.

'They were finally getting married,' he thought. It had only been months, but it seemed like years. He had thought they would never get this far. Now, he couldn't possibly imagine his life without her in it. Elaine was his heart and very soul. He stood and looked Heavenward and thanked God over and over for this beauty he had.

"Lord, you've blessed my life with a talent I could use to do what I love for a living. You've blessed me with friends and family that have loved me and supported me in all I have undertaken, and been there even when I wasn't so lovable. Thank you Father for loving me. I'm so unworthy of the sacrifice you made for me." He began to sing,

"Thank you Lord for saving my soul,

Thank you Lord for making me whole,

Thank you Lord for giving to me,

Thy sweet salvation so rich and free."

About that time, a lovely voice joined in with him to sing the chorus over. They held hands and looked into each other's eyes as they sang the Praise chorus to their Heavenly Father. When they were done, they just stood and looked into each other's eyes and smiled that loving smile they were so famous for. "I love you, Mr. Bass!"

"I love you, too, soon to be Mrs. Bass," laughed Lance.

Together they looked out over the garden and all the hustle and bustle going on. They wrapped their arms around each other and just enjoyed being close.

Standing at the sink in the guest house, Gwen looked out toward the house and saw Elaine and Lance on the balcony of his room. They were the sweetest couple. They acted like they had been together forever instead of only a few months. Actually, they had known each other for some time, all the time she had worked for them.

Gwen had been thankful for this job when it came along. She needed something with more money than what she was making and she needed to just get away for a while. She loved her kids more than life itself, but, being in that town brought back memory after memory of Elaine's Dad. As she watched Lance with Elaine, she knew in her heart that he would NEVER hurt Elaine that way. Lance was a fine young man and she could not have picked a more wonderful man for her daughter.

She wanted to talk to Elaine and hoped they would have some time these next few days. In fact, they were supposed to go see Susie in a little while about making sure she took off from work for the wedding. "Oh my," she sobbed, "my baby's getting married." Weeks and months, even years of tears spilled down her cheeks. "Why couldn't her father be here?" she thought.

Meanwhile, in a suburb of Ft. Lauderdale, a man sits at a counter in a local diner drinking a cup of coffee. Thinking. Wondering. contemplating. Walter sat looking at the pay phone across the room and then down at the business card in his hand.

By late afternoon, things were starting to wind down. Elaine and Gwen were on their way home from visiting with Susie and being assured that barring a disaster, she would be there. On the drive home, Gwen and Elaine shared some very special time.

"Do you have any idea how very proud I am of you?" Gwen asked her daughter.

Elaine sort of shrugged her shoulders and gave her Mom an "oh Mom" look.

"Well, I am. I am so proud of the things you've done in your life. I'm proud of the woman you've become. I'm proud of the stand you've taken in waiting for marriage to be intimate with someone. And most of all, I'm proud of how you stuck to your dream...of being with Lance."

Elaine gave her Mom a side glance. "You never really encouraged me where he was concerned. What's the deal?"

Gwen pulled over to a park area they were passing and turned the motor off and turned to her daughter. "No, I didn't outwardly encourage your dream of being with Lance. I didn't want you to have your hopes up so high and then, if something happened and you didn't make it, I would somehow be blamed. I have always wanted your happiness. I guess I did pray for your dreams to come true but also that you would be happy."

"I am happy Mama. I'm happier than I ever thought I could be. But, I have to admit that...I'm a bit...nervous." Elaine looked down at her hands and at the beautiful ring Lance had given her.

"Nervous? About what sweetie?" Gwen was concerned at this admission from her outwardly strong willed daughter.

Elaine took a deep breath and looked at her Mom. "I'm nervous about...the honeymoon."

Gwen knew this was coming. She wanted Elaine to feel comfortable talking to her about anything. "What makes you nervous sweetie?"

Elaine felt a little funny talking to her Mom about sex, but they had always been able to talk about just anything. "Mom, I'm so afraid I'll be a disappointment to Lance...on night. Mom, I love him so much. I want to make him happy. I know sex is not everything in a relationship, but in just a few days, Lance and I will be married and I..."

"You want him to be pleased with you?"

Elaine nodded her head yes as she looked down in her lap. All the frustration of the last few months finally spilled out and tears fell from her eyes in abundance.

Gwen wrapped her arms around Elaine and pulled her close. "Baby, everything will be just fine. God is putting this together. You and Lance have put Him in charge of your lives and He will bless that. Trust me sweetie, it will be perfect. You and Lance love one another deeply, let that be what guides you."

"But Mom, I have no experience."

"Elaine, that's what he loves the most about you. He doesn't have all that experience either. Honey, look at me. You are bringing to your marriage bed the most precious gift a woman can give to the man she loves. Your womanhood. He knows that you have saved yourself for that one that God placed you with. And he is that lucky partner that will be the first and only man to love you.

There are more people, unfortunately, who believe, 'if it feels good, do it' and they have thrown away that special gift that God gave them to share ONLY with the one they were to spend the rest of their lives with. Your first time, because of the stand you have taken, will be incredible, wonderful, amazing, it will be the most beautiful experience you will ever have. It will be a night to remember. So have no fear my sweet girl, you will not be a disappointment to him. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that he is worried about being a disappointment to you. For all intents and purposes, this is his first time too. Be patient with one another. Take your time. There's no rush. Just let things happen as they do.

Elaine, making love to the man you have committed your life to will be the most wonderful experience of your life. You will experience so many wonderful things. Don't be afraid. Just trust Lance."

"Oh Mama, I do trust him with all my heart and soul. I love him so much, I just don't want to disappoint him."

"Honey, I don't think you could ever disappoint him. He's too in love with you. The two of you need to just...let nature take it's course. Okay?"

"All right Mama. Let's get home. I need to see my man," Elaine smiled as they pulled out of the park.

Gwen dropped Elaine off at the house as she went on to the guest house. As she entered the door, she shouted, "Ricky, I'm home!" There was nothing. She headed straight for his office to see if he was taking care of stuff so his folks could leave and head in for the wedding.

When she opened the door, Lance's back was to her and he was making some kind of arrangements on the phone with someone. It sounded like he was confirming flight plans and arrival times. She didn't want to disturb him, but she couldn't wait to feel him in her arms. She slipped over to his chair and slipped her arms around him and caught him totally by surprise. "Hey baby," he said into the phone. There was a gasp on the line. He spoke immediately, "Not you, my fiancee just came in...Yes, we will see you in the morning so that everything can be taken care of. Welcome aboard." With that, Lance hung up the phone and turned the chair to where he could pull Elaine into his lap.

"God, I've missed you. Did you guys get to see Susie? She is coming, right?"

Elaine leaned in and kissed him long and then pulled up and answered, "Yes, she will be here. And I have missed you too." She snuggled into his arms and took in his scent and felt his heart beat pick up as she kissed his neck and ear.

Lance's hands rubbed up and down her back and he cuddled and loved on her neck. She smelled so good and he had missed her so much. 'Oh God, what will I do when I have to go on the road again and have to leave her here?' Lance shook himself of that thought. He would worry about that when the time came.

Right now, he just wanted to hold her in his arms forever. He looked deep into Elaine's eyes and then spoke into her ear with that incredibly sexy voice, "I love you, Sugar Bear."

It never ceased to amaze her the effect his voice had on her and she shivered in his arms. "I love you too, Lancelot."

They sat holding each other for a while and then Elaine spoke softly to him. "Mama and I had a good talk on the way home today."

"You did? That's great baby. Anything you want to share with me?"

"Just that I should trust you," she said with a grin. "And I do trust you Lance, in everything." She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him tenderly.

Lance and Elaine worked together to get dinner done and ready for when his parents got in from the airport. He had arranged for a limo to pick them up and bring them to the house. Gwen and the girls came up and Justin and JC came over. There was gonna be a big blow out before everything started. Dani was having trouble with her feet swelling, so Elaine encouraged her to stay home in bed and save it for the next night's rehearsal. Joey and Kelly would be over later.

Every time Lance or Elaine passed one another, they reached out and touched the other one all through the evening. Even when they were not together in the same room, they could be seen looking for the other. And if they were at opposite ends of the room, they constantly looked to one another. It was evident, without a doubt, that the love between these two was something rare and special.

When Lance's family arrived, it was wonderful to watch how they all came together. Elaine was already a part of the family as far as Jim and Diane were concerned. And Stacy, too. She loved having a 'sister' to help her get to her brother. But she even knew that Elaine's loyalties would always be to Lance and her devotion was endless.

Everyone had so much fun that night. They sat and talked and told tales of things Lance and Elaine had done as kids. Elaine laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes when she heard about some of his antics as a boy in Mississippi. Lance was equally regaled with Elaine's escapades as a child and he rolled with laughter.

The entire evening they held to each other. They were never far away and they shared that specialness with everyone. Elaine was sitting there listening to Justin tell some tall tale about some trick they pulled on Lance years ago when she just felt the need to feel his arms around her. She motioned for him to get on the floor with her and then she scooted over into his arms and snuggled in close.

"What's wrong, Baby?" Lance asked.

She looked at him and smiled and said, "I suddenly just felt the need to feel your love around me. I can't explain it, it's just strange how I feel right now."

Lance wrapped his arms around her and held tight to her and kissed her hair and the top of her head. He dipped down and kissed her neck right below her ear and she moaned softly to him.

"Okay, break it up you two," teased Joey, as he and Kelly came into the room. "There will be plenty of time for that on the honeymoon." Everyone laughed and Lance and Elaine blushed.

Later, after everyone had left to go home or up to bed, Lance and Elaine went for their walk around the garden before going to bed. The tents were all in place and all that had to be done now was finish putting the tables and chairs up.

The caterers would be in around four to start setting up for the rehearsal dinner. Once the rehearsal was done, then it was party time. A new group from FLE was to play for the dinner and the stage had been set up today for that.

Elaine stopped dead in her tracks. She looked all around her as she wrapped her arms around herself and then turned to Lance with a look of total wonderment on her face. "Lance, is this really happening? Are we finally getting married in three days? Are we finally going to be husband and wife? Oh please God, if I'm dreaming, don't ever let me wake up."

Lance walked over to her and pulled her into his arms with all the love and compassion he had in him. He rocked back and forth with her in his arms, rocking and stroking her back and the hair on her head. As she laid her head against his chest, she felt and heard the rumble from his voice, "MMmmmm, you better believe it Sugar Bear. I'm gonna have the privilege of lovin' you for the rest of my life."

Elaine lifted her face from his chest and looked into his eyes that seemed to sparkle, even in the dim lights of the garden. She searched his eyes not knowing what she was really looking for. But then, he half closed them as he leaned down to her face and placed one soft kiss on her forehead, then one on each cheek, one on her nose, one on her chin and then he pulled back to look at her lips and as she nervously licked them to moisten them, he moved in to cover them with his soft, inviting ones.

The feel and taste of his mouth on hers was intoxicating. His tongue danced at the entrance to her mouth as though vying for the favor of an entrance to her secret inner chamber. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her as she tilted her head to the side to deepen the kiss as she opened her lips wide to receive him.

Once again, she moaned into his mouth and Lance's arms tightened around her, pulling her tightly against his chest. Finally, the kiss ended and they stood there looking at one another and panting for breath. Elaine spoke first. "You know what? Mama was right."

"About what, baby?"

"I told her I was nervous about the...honeymoon. She told me all I had to do was trust you."

Lance looked at her with eyes that were brimming with tears. "Elaine, I hope I never do anything to break the trust you have in me, because I would rather die than to ever hurt you."

"I know that Lance. I know it in my heart now, more than ever."

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