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Chapter Fifty Eight

"Gwen! Gwen, wait up. Please wait," called Walter.

Gwen turned and looked at him with tears running down her face. "Haven't I waited long enough? Haven't I wasted enough of my time and my life?" She turned and walked away again, crying even harder.

Walter looked as she walked to the back of the guest house and he couldn't stand to watch her go. He took off after her and found her sitting behind the guest house by the small pool there. As he quietly approached her, he could hear her sobs and see her body shaking from them. He thought, 'how can I ever get her to forgive me? I've hurt her way too much. What am I gonna do?'

Gwen sat, her body racked with sobs of tears held in for fifteen years. The flood gates had finally opened and once the tears started, she couldn't stop them. All the pain and the loneliness of the years gone by were finally released. All she wanted to do was scream at the top of her lungs or hit something.

As quietly as he could, Walter came up behind Gwen and put his arms around her. She flinched from him and tried to get up and leave, but this time, he wasn't gonna let her go. He held tight to her and she fought him.

Gwen managed to turn herself in his arms and she began to beat on his chest. Years of loneliness, bitterness and anger came to the surface. Years of pent up frustration came to a head.

"Do you have any idea how many nights I sat and cried over your worthless self?" she vented vehemently. "Do you know how many nights I sat and held our daughter while she cried over you? Do you know how many times I struggled just to make ends meet, or did you even care? Do you know how many excuses I've made for you to our daughter?"

Gwen went on and on until she had no more to say except to just pound on his chest.

Walter had known that it must have been a struggle for her, but had no idea just how much of one it had been. He held her close to him and just rocked her until finally, her sobs decreased.

Gwen pushed back from him and looked into his deep blue eyes. "Do you have any idea of how much I loved you? Did you ever know? I loved you more than my own life. I put you ahead of everything in my life. I loved you with every fiber of my being. All I ever wanted was to love you and make you happy."

As Gwen poured her heart and soul out before Walter, he looked at this woman with a newfound respect. He had taken her for granted. He had used her for his own pleasure and thrown her away. How could he have been so stupid? If he were completely honest with himself and anyone else, he would have to say that Gwen was the best thing that ever happened to him and he was such an idiot to let her go.

"You're right Gwen. I took advantage of you and I am such a jerk." He looked at her tear stained face and took his thumbs and wiped them away as tears came to his own eyes.

Walter dropped to his knees and took Gwen's hands in his and held them to him. Gwen was completely dumbfounded by what he had done. "I have wronged you so bad. I have been selfish and self centered about me and how everything would affect me. Never mind that I was hurting someone I cared a great deal about...and loved. I was only interested in appearances and show. I wasted years away from our daughter and I can never regain those, they're gone forever. And I hurt a woman who never did anything but love me.

My life has been a joke and I am so sorry I played with your heart and broke it. I'm the biggest screw up around. I hope that someday, you can forgive me, please Gwen, I need for you to forgive me. I'm so sorry."

Walter buried his head with her hands near him. She could feel the sobs starting to take over his body. Gwen hesitated to put her arm around him. She dared not allow him to perceive her as weak. There was an anguish in his eyes that there was a feeling of loneliness that was overpowering emanating from his very being.

As she moved from him some, he grabbed her hands again and held on with everything in him. She felt her heart easing in the mental wall she had erected. She couldn't resent him forever, he was, after all, her child's father. But, she would not make it easy for him. That much she vowed to maintain, he would earn the forgiveness.

Walter and Gwen finally moved to a swing and sat and talked for a long time. Meanwhile, Lance and Elaine were wondering what had happened. They took a walk and found her parents sitting in the swing walking to one another and being generally calm with each other. Once they knew that they weren't killing each other, the couple walked back to the house and closed up for the night.

Lance walked Elaine to the stairs. He looked deep into her eyes. "Are you happy my love?"

Elaine smiled from ear to ear. "I'm the happiest woman on the face of the earth tonight. I have the most wonderful man in the world in love with me and he has brought my father home where he belongs, and in just another day, I'm marrying that wonderful man for the rest of my life. No, I'm not happy. I'm deliriously happy. I love you so much." With that, Elaine leaned down and kissed Lance tenderly and as she did, she touched his face. "Thank you so much Lancelot. Thank you for making my dream come true."

She turned and walked up the stairs to Lance's room and he stood at the bottom of the stairs watching her leave him alone. Two more nights of being alone. Two more nights of sleeping in separate beds. He closed his eyes and he could vision her on that island in the moonlight.

A warm gentle breeze blew threw the open patio doors. The sheer curtains danced in the moonlight and created a soft fantasy. Lance stood on the patio looking out over the water, the moonlight glistening on his tanned skin and the while silk pajama bottoms flowed in the breeze. They caressed his body as a lover's soft touch would do. His anticipation growing by the moment waiting for his love to come to him.

Suddenly, he hears music begin to play softly in the background and he turns to the most exquisite vision he has ever seen. Standing there before him is his life and his heart clothed only in a white silk gown that is pressed against her body by the breeze. Her body is defined for him and his breath is taken from him. Her hair gently blows in the breeze from her face and she looks into the eyes of her lover. There is a moment in time when two hearts truly fuse together and this is that time when two become one.

They slowly walk toward each other and reach for each other. As soon as they touch, the fire truly ignites within. Her fragrance overwhelms him and he is lost in her loveliness. They make eye contact and slowly lean in to each other and when their lips meet, the fire within becomes a ragging inferno.

Passions bottled up for so long are finally released. Their hands caress each other as never before and seem to be trying to learn each peak and valley as quickly as possible. He gathers this vision of beauty up to him and holds her in his arms and kisses her passionately as he walks back into the room filled with hundreds of vanilla scented candles lit and creating a serenity beyond imagination.

He puts her down to stand by the round, silk covered bed in the middle of the room. His eyes feast on her loveliness as his hands gingerly touch her skin. She in turn, reaches and touches his chest and her soft fingers trail down across his stomach to the top of his pajama bottoms. His hands touch her shoulder and his fingers take hold of the straps of her gown. Slowly, he slips the straps from her shoulders and she unties the string to his bottoms.

White silk flutters to the floor...

Lance sat bolt upright on the couch, sweat pouring from his body. Damn dream! 'Oh God, get me through just one more night.'

Breakfast was total bedlam in the kitchen. Due to Lance's early awakening, he had gone out into the kitchen and started fixing breakfast and as everyone got up and came down, he fed them.

He was busy scrambling eggs when Elaine came through the kitchen door and saw him there. She motioned to everyone in the kitchen to not let on she was there and she slipped over behind Lance and grabbed his waist and planted a kiss on his back just above the wifebeater he was wearing. Her hands rubbed up and down the front of his chest and she knew she was making it hard for him to stand there and not react, but, she just couldn't resist. Everyone cracked up laughing at the faces that he made. He managed to put everything down and turn around on her.

"Woman, you are so gonna pay for that," and he started tickling her. Elaine ran toward the patio doors with Lance right behind her. He caught her out by the pool and pulled her tight to him. Her wiggling against him was creating feelings that were better yet left alone. Lance looked into her eyes and devoured her with his. "Woman, you better be glad that I'm the gentleman that I am or you would be in so much trouble."

Elaine touched his face and traced his lips with her fingers. "I love you." That's all she said and she melted his heart.

"If I manage to keep my sanity until tomorrow, it will be a miracle. You're driving my crazy Sugar Bear." She pulled him into another kiss and they spent some time by the pool before going back in.

Meanwhile, in the guest house, Gwen was up in the kitchen putting breakfast together. In spite of the late hour she got to bed, she felt pleasingly refreshed this Christmas Eve morning. For the first time in years, the burden she had carried was gone. All the anger and frustration was gone. She and Walter had talked long into the night and had come to terms with the things that had happened in their lives. They also resolved to make this wedding as wonderful as possible for Elaine. As Walter had gone to bed that morning, he left a note on Pastor Jeremiah's door that he wanted to talk to him as soon as he got up. They met in the kitchen for breakfast and then went to talk to Lance about using his study. They wanted to talk and not be disturbed and Lance was happy to oblige.

In his haste, Pastor Jeremiah had left his Bible in his room, so he asked Lance if he had one handy. Lance remembered Elaine's Bible being in the study from the day before. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind your using it." Pastor Jeremiah thanked him and they went in and closed the door.

Pastor Jeremiah looked at Walter and could see the turmoil there. Someone for him to minister to as God had commanded. "Go and be fisher's of men."

"Well, Walter, what did you want to talk to me about?"

Walter proceeded to tell him about his life and the things he had done. It was like a cleansing of his very being. When he started talking, things he had completely forgotten were brought to mind. Then he told about his affair with Gwen and how he had left and all the things that had happened since he left.

"When I showed up here, I half expected my daughter to turn her back on me. When we talked, she let me have it with both barrels, was done and...compassion...I...I couldn't believe that she was willing to...forgive me. How in God's name could she do that?"

Pastor Jeremiah smiled. "It's exactly in God's name that she does that and in His name she lives her life. She has the love of Jesus in her heart. After searching for answers, she accepted Him as her Lord and Savior and she was changed. She was tired of being miserable because of circumstances in her life.

She was a regular hellion when she was younger. Then, when Gwen took the job with *N SYNC and she made a few trips with her Mom, she started coming to me and asking questions. She had searched for answers in other venues, but there was NEVER any constancy. She soon learned that God NEVER fails us. He is ALWAYS there for us. Some people claim God has forsaken them, that He has left them. God doesn't leave, WE DO. We can't blame God for our own ignorance."

"I'm not sure that I believe that God can love me. I've done too much wrong in my life. I turned my back on my own child. How can He forgive me of something like that?"

"He loves you. He doesn't want you to be away from Him. He is the ultimate Father."

Walter looked down, "How could He love me, I've done such terrible things?"

Pastor Jeremiah shifted in his seat. "Walter, do you love Elaine?"

Walter's head snapped up and he immediately spoke, "Of course I love her."

"Okay, if she were to do something wrong, would you forgive her or turn your back on her?"

Walter looked at him like he was crazy. "I would forgive her, of course."

"Okay. Walter, we are children of God, or at least He wants us to be. So, why would he not forgive us anymore than you would forgive Elaine? He is the ultimate parent. All we have to do is accept Him."

"But there's a lot I still don't understand."

"Well, we've got all day."

Walter sat back and thought. "Pastor, I'm not good enough for God to love me. What would He want with me?"

"Walter, none of us is worthy of God's love. WE are all sinners. Let me show you something." Pastor Jeremiah reached for Elaine's Bible. "Let's see if Elaine is the good Baptist I've tried to encourage her to it is...The Romans Road. Walter, people sit around and give the excuse that as soon as they get their life straight, they'll come to church. If that's the case, they'll never show up because 'all have sinned' and you can't get your life right without God." Pastor Jeremiah pointed to the words written in the front of Elaine's Bible and by those words was written a Bible verse, Rom 3:23. "This is a tool we give the kids and adults for witnessing to the lost. It's all here in God's Word."

They turned in the Bible to the verse and found that it was highlighted. Rom 3:23 'for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.' Beside this verse was written more words and another verse. The wages of sin Rom 6:23.

"For the wrong things that we do, we deserve death and separation from God. As it says here in chapter 6, verse 23, 'For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.' God doesn't want you to die, He wants you to have eternal life with Him in Heaven and He made a way for us."

Again, next to that verse was written more words and another Bible verse. 'Christ died for us Rom 5:8. They turned to that particular verse. "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.' "What that means is, God knew back then that you would be here today asking these questions. He loved you enough, even in your sin nature, to die on that old cruel cross for your sins and mine. He paid the ultimate price for you and me, He sacrificed His One and Only Son, Jesus. The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world."

Next to this verse was more writing. 'God loved us and died for us Rom 10:9-10. Pastor Jeremiah turned to this verse. "Its really simple to be saved Walter. Read this. 'That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.' All you have to do is believe and confess that belief.

Here is another verse, Rom 10:13, 'Ask God and He will save you.' Let's look, verse 13 is simple. 'For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved!"

Walter sat there taking in all that Pastor Jeremiah had shared with him. "So what you're saying is that all I have to do is call on God and He'll save me?"

"Essentially, yes."

"But there's no way I could make up to Him for all I've done."

"Walter, His Grace is a FREE GIFT. All you have to do is accept it. You can't buy your way into Heaven and there is no in between of earning your way there. The Bible says if we are in Christ when we die, we are absent from the body and present with the Lord."

Pastor Jeremiah turned in Elaine's Bible to Ephesians 2:8-9. "Here, this essentially says it all. 'For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.' When you know what your decision is, all you have to do is pray a sinner's prayer and God will save you, plain and simple."

"I need to think about this for a little bit. Will you be around, Pastor Jeremiah?"

"Most certainly will. I'll be at the guest house when you want to find me."

Walter left and went for a walk on the grounds to ponder all he had been told.

Wes found Walter out walking in the garden and told him he was heading to town and they needed to pick his tux and other stuff up. Everyone was running around doing last minute shopping and pulling last minute things together.

Lance and Elaine were up in his room finalizing the packing of the suitcases for the honeymoon. Elaine had dresses, skirts, blouses, shorts, jeans and swim suits laid out. Poor Lance had no where to pack. He stood at the foot of the bed looking at all the clothes. "Elaine, we're NOT going on a safari or a trip around the world. I told you that you would not need very much at all and there are laundry facilities at the house."

"HOUSE! So we're not going to a hotel. Lance please tell me where we're going."

"No, Sugar Bear, I'm not tellin'. This is MY surprise. All I'm tellin' you is that there won't be much need for a lot of clothes, mostly swim wear, if that," he said with a wicked smile on his face.

Elaine shook her head. "I don't know what to think of you and what you have planned."

Lance put his suit case on the end of the bed and took the clothes from her hand and pulled her close to him. "We are going to have two weeks of wild abandonment. We are going to have two weeks of learning about each other, inside and out. We are going to make love when we want to and where we want to. I've got a whole lot of lovin' to do with the woman I plan on spending the rest of my life with." With that, Lance kissed her and held her close.

Elaine held tight to Lance and gently rubbed his back with her hands. His inner strength was incredible to her and his love for her shown in his eyes in abundance. She looked at her watch and saw the time. "I've got an errand to run. Do you need anything while I'm out?" she asked.

"No, and while you're gone, I'll put these away," Lance smiled pointing to the clothes.

"You mister, leave my things alone," she said and she kissed his cheek and got ready to leave.

Lance walked Elaine out to her car and came back into the kitchen. His Mom and Dad were sitting at the table talking. He walked over to his Mom and gave her a big hug and kiss and patted his Dad on the back. "Good day you two, how's it going?"

"Well, Sweetie, we should be asking you that. Where was Elaine off to?" asked Diane of her son.

"She had an errand to run. I think she wanted to get something for her Dad for Christmas."

"That's understandable what with him just showing up here," commented his Mom.

"Well, he didn't just show up here. I found him and encouraged him to come. In fact, he's a new member of the FLE Security Team."

"What?" questioned both his parents.

Lance proceeded to tell his Mom and Dad about what had happened. When he was done, they were very proud of what their son had done to make his bride happy.

"We know you're gonna be stayin' at Justin's house tonight son, so your Mom and I wanted to talk to you while we can before the wedding.

Son, we are so very proud of the man you have become. Now I know that we've always been proud and we've always been supportive of you. But Lance, your Mom and I have noticed a whole new dimension to you. It's like you're...finally..."

"Complete," Lance finished for his Dad. "Elaine completes me. She's my very heart and soul. Over the last six or eight months, we've done a lot of talking and I've found out I know a whole lot more about her than I thought I did. We've grown together. Mom, Dad...I've learned so much from her. But most important of all, I've learned to love again. She saved me."

"Sweetie, we know what she means to you and we want you to know how very proud we are of you and Elaine for the stand you have taken to wait for marriage to be...intimate with one another. Physical love between a man and woman who are in a committed loving relationship can be the most satisfying and intense of any love out there. The two of you are so special and your life is going to be incredibly wonderful."

"I certainly hope so Mom. All I know is that I want to spend the rest of my life lovin' her and makin' her happy. There is nothin' more important in the world to me."

Lance and his folks talked for a long time until Elaine came back and Wes and Walter came back from picking up everything. They broke out the food left over from the rehearsal dinner and had lunch. Everyone gathered out under the tent nearest the house to eat.

During lunch, everyone talked and laughed. Toward the end of lunch, Elaine stood up and got everyone's attention. "I just want to let everyone know how very much I appreciate all the help for the wedding you're giving. But most of all, I want to thank you for being the friends and the supporters you've been. Lance and I are so fortunate to be able to call you friends. Some of you I've only known a short time and the same for Lance, but, you mean just as much to us as friends we've known forever. Tomorrow is going to be the biggest and best day of our lives. Thank you for coming and being a part of this very special day for us. You have no idea what this means to us."

Lance stood and added. "You have made this time in our lives even more special by being here. We just ask one favor. Pray that the weather clears for the wedding." Everyone gave a laugh and went back to laughing and talking.

Walter went to Pastor Jeremiah and asked to talk to him again when lunch was done. He agreed to meet him in Lance's study again. Then he went to Lance and asked if he and Pastor Jeremiah could use his study again.

Lance assured him it was okay. Elaine was curious as to why her Dad wanted to talk to Pastor Jeremiah and asked Lance. "Sugar Bear, I don't know. They spent a long time in my study this morning and Pastor Jeremiah asked to use your Bible. I told him it was okay, all right?"

"Sure Baby, that's very okay. Wonder what's goin' on?"

"I'm sure we'll learn sooner or later," Lance said as he gave her a squeeze.

Walter paced back and forth in Lance's study. He ran his hands through his hair and rubbed his face. Finally, he heard a light tap on the door. He stopped and called, "Come in."

The door opened and there was Elaine. "Dad, can I talk to you?"

"Sure Little One," he said nervously. "What do you want to talk about?"



"Yes, YOU. I want to know what is going on with you. Dad, is everything okay?"

Walter looked at the genuine concern in his daughter's eyes. "Little One, I'm just fine, or I will be soon, I hope."

Elaine looked at her Dad questioningly. "Dad, you're scaring me. What is wrong?"

"Honey, I'll tell you all about it later. I promise, you have nothing to worry about."

"If you're sure...okay...but you come talk to me later, okay?"

"I will honey, don't worry."

As Elaine went to leave Lance's study, Pastor Jeremiah was about to knock on the door. "Hi Pastor Jeremiah, what's up?"

"Not much kiddo, how about you?"

"Gettin' married to the greatest guy on earth tomorrow. Don't forget Christmas celebration tonight. You're reading Luke for us, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. And I'll have my trusty Bible ready," he said holding up his Bible to her.

"Thank you, Pastor Jeremiah, I knew we could count on you. What are you and my Dad up to?"

"Oh, just guy talk, don't you worry about a thing, we'll be out shortly."

Elaine gave him a hug and then went back to finish her packing and Pastor Jeremiah closed the door to Lance's study and looked quizzically at Walter.

Walter was standing with his hands in his pockets and looked as though he were about to jump out of his skin. "Well Walter, what's on your mind?"

"I want what my daughter has."

Pastor Jeremiah thought Walter was going to have a stroke he was so tense, so he tried to lighten up the situation a little. "You want Lance?"

Walter's eyes went wide open along with his mouth. "Huh?"

"I'm sorry, Walter, I was trying to get you to lighten up a little. You look so tense."

"Pastor Jeremiah, I've been thinking about our talk this morning all day. My daughter doesn't seem to have a worry in the world. If a problem comes up, she prays about it. If a tragedy happens, she prays. Is it really that easy?"

"It's that easy, if you trust in God. If you believe He is God. If you believe Jesus is His Son."

"But, what can I do to get Him to want me? To make Him love me after all I have done in my life?"

"Walter, you can't possibly do enough to make up for all the wrong you have done. NO ONE can! That's why you have to realize that God loves you, just as you are. He wants to wash your sins away as ONLY HE CAN."

"But, I'm weak and if I mess up again, is He gonna understand and forgive me AGAIN?"

"He will forgive you as many times as you ask Him. But you have to let Him take charge of your life. We are all sinners by nature."

Walter looked at Pastor Jeremiah. "You said all we have to do is ask and He will save us. Is that all it takes?"

"People make getting saved so complicated. More complicated than it should be. It's simple, you ask God to forgive you your sins. You go to Him and tell Him you're sorry for sinning against Him. And do you believe that Jesus, His Son, died on that cross for your sins as the ultimate sacrifice?"

Walter looked like he was faltering and Pastor Jeremiah did NOT want to lose him when he was this close. He prayed silently to God to speak to him something to share with Walter. Suddenly, a book Elaine had told him about came to his mind. He looked Heavenward and thanked God.

"Walter, Elaine loves to read fiction, especially end times fiction and other Biblically based fiction. She read this story one time that really impacted her life and she shared it with me. It's called THE DIVINE ROMANCE by Gene Edwards. The story is about the two angels God sends to earth with Jesus when he's born and they watch over him throughout his life. However, when it comes time for His crucifixion, they must hold back and not interfere. Jesus is doing His Heavenly Father's will. He is fulfilling the prophecies of old that the Son of God would be sacrificed for man's iniquities. As Jesus hangs on the cross, God sends his angels to the four corners of the earth, past, present and future to gather all the sins and horrors of our sin nature. They come back to that day and hour in time as Jesus hung there dying...and as he committed his spirit to God...all the sins of the world were placed on Him. He became sin...He became our sin...yours and mine. He took our sin onto Himself because He loved us that much even before we existed. God knows the beginning, middle and end. Walter...He knows it ALL."

"But I don't deserve God's love."

"Walter, none of us do. I deserve hell but...God loved much that He sent His One and Only Son, Jesus, to die for us...that if we only believe in Him, we'll have everlasting LIFE...God did NOT make hell for us...He made it for Satan and his menions. He did not mean for any to perish."

" do I do that?"

"Believe and pray."

"Just that? It's that simple? My life will be okay then?"

"You will be assured God's love and forgiveness and when you die, you'll be with Him in Heaven. If you don't accept Him, then it's death and the fires of hell for eternity. There's NO in between. No where in His Word does it say anything about a place to go for a time out when you die. You are either saved or not."

Walter thought. He looked at the pastor and he ran his hand through his hair. "I just have to believe and accept and pray?"


"Then...let's do it."

Pastor Jeremiah prayed a silent prayer of thanksgiving for another soul snatched from the devil. He took Walter's hands and told him to pray with him a simple sinner's prayer.

Dear God,

I know that I have sinned and need Your forgiveness. I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins. Please forgive my sins and help me to turn from them.

I ask You to come into my life as Savior. I commit my life to You. Please take control of my life and make me the kind of person You want me to be. Thank You for giving me eternal life. AMEN!

When the prayer was through, Walter opened his eyes and tears rolled down his face. He was filled with the utmost joy of knowing he had God's forgiveness and when his time came, he would be in heaven with God. He reached to embrace Pastor Jeremiah and they celebrated this new born again Christian. "Walter, I am so happy for you. Welcome to the family of God my brother."

"Thank you Pastor Jeremiah and thank you for being there for my little girl when I wasn't. You have no idea how much that means to me."

"Just a part of my job and she's a delight as you will soon find out on your own. Now tonight, we're going to have the reading of the Christmas Story from the Book of Luke. Would you like to let your daughter know your decision then or do you want to tell her now and then we can share it tonight?"

"I'd like to share with her now. I'm gonna go find her and talk to her about everything."

Walter and the Pastor left Lance's study and headed out to the kitchen. Diane, Jim, Stacy and Gwen were sitting at the table talking and going over some last minute plans for the festivities that night. Gwen looked up when they walked into the kitchen. The look on Walter's face was of pure joy and contentment and Gwen was moved by the look of appreciation he gave her.

"Gwen, where's Little One, I really need to talk to her?"

"She and Lance are up in his room finishing their packing for tomorrow. Walter, are you okay?" asked Gwen.

Walter reached for Gwen and pulled her from her seat to hug her close to him.

"I'm better than okay, I'm saved," he whispered in her ear and hugged her tight and turned to go upstairs. Gwen stood there in total confusion watching him leave the room.

"Pastor Jeremiah, what just happened here?" she asked.

"You'll find out," was all he would say.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Walter was approaching the door to Lance's room and he heard Lance and Elaine laughing and talking. "I told you, you don't need to take all your clothes in the closet," he heard Lance say. "But Lancelot, what do I wear if we go out?" he heard Elaine say. Lance chuckled, "Who said we're going out while we're there?"

Walter was enjoying the banter back and forth between Lance and Elaine. As he stepped into the doorway, he saw them embrace and kiss. They were so in love with one another. As he watched them, he offered his first prayer up to God as a new Christian. "Lord, watch over these two. Keep'em safe and bless this marriage with many, many years of happiness and lots of children to share this love of theirs. Help me to reach out to her and to Gwen. I have so much to make up for. Amen."

His AMEN was spoken louder than he thought and Lance and Elaine heard him at the door and turned to him. Lance looked a little embarrassed. "Hey Walter, what can we do for you?"

"I just wanted to share something with my daughter...and future son-in-law."

"Come on in Walter," said Lance as he directed him to the sitting area in the bedroom in front of the fireplace. Lance and Elaine sat on the loveseat and Walter sat in the chair across from them.

"Kids, I just wanted to apologize first for seeming like I was snooping, 'cause I wasn't. I just was enjoying hearing the two of you be so open and honest with one another. Don't ever lose that with each other. When you go on this honeymoon, take advantage of the time away from the spotlight and the prying eyes. Use this two or three weeks you're gone to get to know one another. You can visit places over and over again, you only have ONE HONEYMOON. Use this time to find out what makes each other tick. Learn to love one another with everything you have in you."

"We will Dad, I promise, I won't complain again," Elaine spoke softly as she held Lance's hand gently in hers. "Now what were you and Pastor Jeremiah doing in Lance's study?"

"That's my big news. You're looking at a born again Christian."

Elaine looked at her father and a tear rolled down her cheek. "Oh Daddy, I'm so proud of you." She went to him and knelt before him and hugged him close.

That evening, everyone gathered out under the tents for the Christmas Eve get together. A huge tree had been set up and decorated with silver and gold bows and white lights. The kids that were there were all excited over the Santa that Lance had arranged for at the last minute. Walter, with a little extra padding, made an excellent Santa and he was having a wonderful time playing with the kids and some of the adults.

They had an exchange of gifts and the guys sang some Christmas carols in a sing along with the crowd. Then, they sang a cappella, 'O Holy Night' and 'Silent Night,' Elaine's favorites.

A chair was placed by the tree with a light on a table next to that, and Pastor Jeremiah sat there and read the Christmas Story from the Book of Luke.

Everyone was quiet during the reading. After he was done, Pastor Jeremiah was excited to announce about Walter's salvation and profession of Faith. Everyone applauded and went to Walter to let him know they were happy for him.

They had gift exchanges with the kids and then shuffled them off to bed and the adults went in to Lance's house. Lance's parents gave Lance and Elaine their gifts first. Elaine threw some of the large pillows on the floor in front of the fireplace, then she and Lance sat on the floor to open their gifts. They opened their individual gifts and found new Bibles with their names engraved on the front. Elaine looked at hers and the engraved name on the front 'Elaine Bass.' A tear fell from her eye. Lance saw this and wrapped his arms around her. "What's wrong Sugar Bear?"

Elaine looked into his beautiful green eyes and cuddled in closer to him. "I can't believe tomorrow...I'll be your...wife...Elaine Bass." She showed him her Bible and pointed to the name.

Lance was moved by her tender heart. He WAS the luckiest man alive, he just knew that. "That's're gonna be all...mine tomorrow."

They opened more presents and gave more presents. Elaine handed her father a package wrapped in royal blue paper and white and silver ribbons. "Merry Christmas Dad."

Walter looked at her as he opened the package. When the paper was gone, he could not believe his eyes. There was a beautiful black leather Bible with his name on it. "Today must be the day for Bibles," he said as he engulfed his daughter in a warm embrace.

It was rapidly approaching midnight and Lance headed to his room to get his overnight bag for Justin's house and his tux for the wedding. He was determined not to see the bride until the wedding. They had agreed it would be traditional, although difficult to be away from each other. He had everything on the bed when she came in. "I almost wish we hadn't agreed on this. I miss you already," Elaine said as she moved into his arms.

"I know what you mean. I don't want to leave tonight. I just want to lock that door and cuddle here with you in front of the fireplace." His arms pulled her closer still to him, her fragrance invading his senses. "I better get Curly and get going, it's almost midnight," he said as he looked at his watch.

They had everything loaded into Justin's car and they were standing by the door ready to leave. Lance looked deep into Elaine's eyes and smiled at the love he saw there. 'I am so blessed,' he thought. "Elaine, I love you and the next time I see you, you'll be walking down that garden path to me to become my wife. To be my helpmate throughout our lives."

"I love you too, Lance. Hurry back to me," she whispered in his ear as they hugged. "Call me before you go to bed, please?" she asked.

"Okay Baby. Later." Lance kissed her and left.

Elaine walked the grounds in Lance's absence this night. It seemed so strange to be there without him by her side. "Oh Father, thank You for all that You have provided. Thank You for my Dad's salvation. I pray he grows in You and learns that peace that passes all understanding. Thank you for the loving family that I'm becoming a part of. Strengthen me Lord to be more like Your Son Jesus and may I never be an embarrassment to my loved ones or to You.

Now most precious Heavenly Father, thank You for the desire of my heart, Lance. You kept him for me by my staying true to my word to You. Father bless us with Your unlimited love and help us to grow in You. Help us to be the couple you would have us to be.

Bless our families this night and watch over all of us throughout our lives. I ask in Your Precious Son's name, AMEN."

Elaine went back to the house and closed the door. They were not locking up tonight as Security would be working through the night to keep an eye on things and make sure no fans were lurking about. They would be in and out of the house.

When Elaine came into the kitchen, Diane was saying goodnight to Jim and getting a glass of milk to drink. "Can I get you somethin' to drink sweetie?"

"That would be nice, thank you." Elaine moved to sit at the table where Diane had been sitting. "You can't sleep either?" she asked of her future mother-in-law.

"Actually, I was waitin' on you," she said in that sweet, small Mississippi accent.


"Things have been so crazy around here that we haven't had the time to talk lately. I just wanted to share some things with you if I could."

"Of course you can Diane. I want you to feel that you can come to me at any time. We have one very important person in common and we should be able to talk anytime."

Diane was still amazed by the wisdom and maturity of one so young. "It was no secret that I was not keen on the idea of you and Lance in the beginning, but, as with all things, time changes things. I've been impressed with your business sense with FLE. You care about what Lance cares about. You love my son and I can see that love every time you are together and even now, just us talking, your eyes light up at the mention of his name.

Elaine, you are everything Lance always wanted in a girl...sweet...innocent...but...not completely clueless. You conduct yourself in a lady like manner and I KNOW that he is so proud of you for that. You have respect for others as we've taught him to have, but most of all, your faith is amazing and I am so glad that you helped Lance to regain his. I was so worried for him. I prayed daily for God to heal his hurt and heart and open it to a true and honest love. Now, I thank God daily for you because you saved my son's life in more ways than one. Sweetie, I can never thank you enough for what you have done for my son.

I want you to know that if you ever feel that I am sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong, I want you to tell me. Okay? I'm here for you just as much as I'm here for Lance and so is Jim. We already love you Elaine, it's hard not to, and we just want to welcome you to the family." Diane came around the table to sit by Elaine and she reached to embrace her 'new' daughter.

Elaine was so moved by Diane's words. "I don't know what to say after such a glowing report. All I can say is that I love Lance with all my heart and soul. He is my very being and he completes me as he says that I complete him. I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. You did well with him Diane and for that, I am eternally grateful."

They hugged and talked some more. As they were washing their glasses after finishing their milk, the phone rang. Elaine looked at the clock on the wall and checked the caller ID. It was Justin's number so it must be Lance. Diane said goodnight and told her to tell Lance goodnight for her.

Elaine answered the phone and was greeted by the deepest, sexiest voice on earth. "Well, hello darlin', how ya doin', it's been a long time," Lance sang into the phone.

She smiled. Her world was right and on track. "Well, hello to you too. You really had to dig into the vault for that one," she laughed. "Mama had her picture made with Conway Twitty when she was pregnant with me. It was so cool. I love that song."

"I miss you, Baby."

"I miss you, too Lancelot. But, less than twelve hours, we'll be man and wife."

"Yep and this time tomorrow night, I'll be holding you in my arms and making sweet love to you."

Elaine blushed and Lance knew she was blushing. "Lance, you are so bad."

"I know and you love me for it. I wish I could snap my fingers and by pass all the ceremony and just get down to the business of being happy."

"Sweetheart, it won't be long. You'll make it."

"All I can say is, I'm glad I decided to stay over here tonight. I honestly don't know if I could have stayed downstairs all night. Right now, I just want to hold you and kiss you and feel you next to me. I already feel like I've been away from you so long."

"Me too. I walked the grounds tonight and it was so strange without you there beside me. It was like a part of me was missing. But, tomorrow, we become ONE. We become husband and wife. I love you."

"I love you, too, Sugar Bear. What were you doing just now when I called?"

"Your Mom and I were finishing up our talk and washing our glasses. She says goodnight, by the way."

"You and Mom were talking? Am I in trouble?"

Elaine laughed, "No baby, you're not in trouble. Not yet anyway. You better get to sleep cause you're gonna need all your strength tomorrow and tomorrow night. I don't want you poopin' out on me."

Lance could not believe how bold she could be at times. It was one of the things that he loved about her. He had his good girl with a little bad girl thrown in there for extra measure. "Oh, believe me, I won't be poopin' out on you one bit. I've been saving up all my loving just for you baby. Just savin' it all for you."

"Oh yeah? Well, Baby, I'm ready to take it all. Everything you got for me...I...WANT...IT!"

"Damn woman, what's gotten into you?"

Elaine grinned an evil grin, "Nothing...YET! Goodnight sweetheart, goodnight," she sang.

"Goodnight Baby," Lance said in his best Elvis voice.

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