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Chapter Fifty Nine

Christmas Morning, 12/25/05

Christmas morning dawned as if it were the first day of a new creation. The sun's rays fanned out over the horizon and there were nothing but blue skies and scattered, white, puffy clouds. God had surely provided the perfect day for this wedding.

Elaine lay in the middle of what this day would become her and Lance's bed, their marriage bed. She slowly awakened to music on the CD/Clock/Radio. This wasn't from the radio, this was special music. This was a CD that Lance put together of her favorite songs that they had done over the years.

The song playing now was one of her favorites, HERE AND NOW. It was a beautiful ballad and Lance's voice was so rich and full on it. Elaine just laid there listening to the perfectly blended voices of *N SYNC and smiling when Lance's part came and his voice filled the room. She looked at the clock and it was almost 6 AM.

To the side of the clock was a picture of Lance and her at her birthday party, before all hell broke loose. She shivered when she thought about how different things could be right now. 'Thank You Lord for sparing us all,' she prayed silently. As she turned on her side to look at the picture more, the phone rang. 'Who could be calling at this hour?' she thought. Then she saw the caller ID and she smiled. She cleared her throat and prepared to answer the phone in the sexiest voice she could anage. "Hello?" Nothing. "Hello?"

"Sugar Bear, if I can wake up to that voice every morning for the rest of my life, I'll be a happy camper," he said in an equally sexy voice.

"Only if I can wake up to yours too." She smiled into the phone.

"Well, good morning baby. I missed you last night."

"I missed you, too. I missed getting my goodnight kiss on the stairs," she laughed.

Lance laughed and snuggled into the covers of the guest room bed he slept in at Justin's house. "Just think, this time tomorrow, we'll be snuggling together REAL close," he whispered with a bit of an evil laugh.

"Well, depending on what time zone we're in, we may be up and out doing something at this time tomorrow."

"Oh baby. Trust me. We WILL be snuggling in a bed this time tomorrow."

Elaine could feel her face turning ten shades of red and she gave a nervous laugh into the phone. "Are you going to hold me hostage?" she laughed.

"Baby, I don't think I'm gonna have to do that. I have a feelin' you're gonna want to hibernate with me too. You're gonna get loved so well and so good, you're not gonna wanna leave my arms."

Elaine breathed deeply into the phone, "Lancelot, I already feel well loved by you. What are you going to do to persuade me to spend all this time in bed with you?" She was playing with him now.

"Well, I was thinking of some kisses strategically placed all over your body. My hands caressing certain places and hugging you so close to me that we can feel each other's heart beats. How's that?"

Elaine could feel her heart pounding in her chest. If he was affecting her like this on the phone, oh baby, what would he accomplish in person? "We'll just have to see about that, now won't we?"

"You better believe it Sugar. I've waited so long to really love you. I got a lot of time to catch up." Lance was quiet for a moment. "We are going to be so happy. I love you, Elaine."

Elaine thought she would cry. No, I will NOT have red, puffy eyes today. "Lance, I love you so much. I can't wait to be your wife. Please don't be late. Hurry to me, my love."

Lance's heart felt as though it would burst. "Baby, I'll be there with bells on and at least a half hour early or more. Is everything set and okay?"

As they talked, Elaine had gotten out of bed to move to the balcony and outside to check the garden. People were already working, quietly about the area. The caterers were back and the florist was there with the additional flowers that were needed. "My goodness, everyone's working and I didn't even hear them."

"That's cause I told Wes and Larry to keep things quiet until you got up. Are they around anywhere?"

Elaine stepped to the railing of the balcony and looked down in the yard. There stood Wes and Larry, each with a large mug of coffee in their hand. Wes noticed her first as he was facing towards the house. He smiled and waved, "Good morning, Mrs. Bass. We didn't wake you did we?"

"Good mornin' guys, but I'm not Mrs. Bass, yet, and no you didn't wake me. I didn't even know anyone was here yet. Thanks for keeping everyone quiet so everyone can sleep. Is everything moving along okay?"

"Yes maam. We're keepin' everything movin'. The florists are about done and the caterers are setting up everything in the closed tent."

"Thanks guys." She turned back to the bedroom. "Honey, did you hear, everything is moving right along."

"Yep, and I need to move right along and get myself together so I'm not late for a very important date." He snickered.



"I promise I'm gonna love you forever and ever with all my heart. I love you, Lance."

"I love you, Elaine, and in less than six hours, we will belong to one another for the rest of our lives."

Elaine smiled to herself and felt like the most blessed woman in the world. "I'll see you at noon, Mister."

"You better believe it, Lady."

They said their good-byes and each went to get their respective showers and begin the preparation for the wedding. When Elaine came out of the shower, she smelled the best smell in the house. She threw on her robe and went downstairs.

There sat her Dad at the table drinking coffee and cutting up ham, bacon and sausage and her Mom was at the stove cooking breakfast. Omelets. They were talking and going over a checklist that they had made for the days events.

Elaine stood in the doorway watching her parents and smiled. When Walter was done cutting, he got up from the table to take everything over to Gwen at the stove. He spotted Elaine standing there in her robe and her hair in a towel and he smiled. "Morning Little One," he said as he came to give her a hug.

"Mornin' Daddy." Lord, it felt good to say that. "Mom, crackin' the whip already this mornin'?"

"Nah, she's a pussy cat. I was just trying to give her a hand with breakfast so that we are not behind this mornin'."

"Thanks Dad. I'm sure she appreciates it, don't you Mom?" she asked, looking toward her Mom.

Gwen looked at her daughter as if to say, 'well of course.' "I told him thank you, what more do you want?"

They laughed and Elaine and her Dad sat at the table while Gwen fixed them something to eat. "Well, Daddy, how does it feel to be a child of God for a full day?"

Walter looked at his daughter and smiled. "It feels so good to KNOW that my eternity lies with God. That He will not give me anymore to bear than I can handle with His help. And I want to thank you for putting the Romans Road in my new Bible like yours is. I also noticed some other verses highlighted. My favorite is Phil. 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me."

"That's my verse, too. Without God in my life, I would be a mess."

They talked and ate their breakfast. The girls came in from the guest house with their makeup kits and dresses. They were there to get Elaine and themselves ready for this wedding. Lance had arranged for the guys' hair stylists to come and fix their hair, in fact, they were due at any moment.

Kelly and Dani arrived with all their things and everyone headed upstairs to get ready. Dani was moving along in her last stage of pregnancy. Seven months was the point where you start the countdown to due date. The doctors had determined that she was due around the middle of February. "She just better hold off until Joey and I get married Valentine's Day. We're gettin' married in the morning, so she has the whole rest of the day and month to have that youngun," laughed Kelly.

Elaine fixed up the oversized chair in her and Lance's bedroom for Dani to sit in and put a pillow on the small table for her to put her feet up on. She had the hair stylist work on her first.

Meanwhile, over at Justin's house, after Lance had gotten off the phone with Elaine, he went in to get his shower too. He stood there as the water beat down on his shoulders and back thinking about this day that he had waited his whole entire life for. There was still one, knawing, nagging fact that kept it from being the perfect day. That was the fact that he was not a virgin, though it was through no fault of his own. He prayed for God to remove that nagging factor from his mind. Elaine deserved the best and he prayed that God would help him be his best for her.

As Lance stood in the bathroom drying off after his shower, a million thoughts went through his head about the honeymoon, the wedding, the part he would speak to Elaine during the ceremony. He was so anxious for Elaine to hear Meredith and Richard sing the song he had written for her. He had really been moved that Richard Marx would do this and Meredith was thrilled that she was singing with him.

A thought hit him and he went and grabbed his cell phone and called a number he had learned by heart, he had called it so many times. It rang twice and then clicked over and rang some more. "Hello," came a sleepy voice.


"Yeah. Lance?"

"Is everything set at the house for tonight?"

"Everything is to perfection for you and your lovely bride. Have you tied the knot yet?"

"No a few more hours. Just anxious I guess. I want everything to be perfect for this honeymoon."

"Oh my friend, she will think she has died and gone to Paradise. You know something, the flowers are blooming like crazy right now. She will be enchanted, I promise you."

"Thank you again Arnold for all you have done and for letting us use the house on the island. I want complete and total solitude, away from prying eyes. This is our time together. I don't want someone or something ruining it."

"There will be no one on the island but you and your bride and security on the outer perimeter and they will coordinate with your people."

"Thank you, again Arnold, for understanding and letting my people work with yours. They do know me after all."

"For you man, anything. And now for an extra treat. Actually, it's a continuance for Security purposes. Instead of a commercial flight, you and the new Mrs. Bass will be using my private jet. That way no one can track you. It is waiting for you at the airport."

Lance was completely blown away. "But Arnold, I've already got reservations."

"I've taken care of that. The limo will take you directly to the jet. Then you will fly nonstop to LA International for refueling and then on to the airstrip on the island. And just so you know, there's a bed on the plane," he said as he laughed.

Lance felt himself blush. "Thanks Arnold, but tonight is very special and our first time is special to us. We will probably rest on the flight over. Thanks again, Arnold."

"No problem Lance. Security will check in with you in the morning and at night and if you need them any other time, there is a radio."

"Thanks. We'll talk to you later." Lance hung up and headed back to shave and get ready for the wedding.

The morning sun rose bright and clear and the air was clean and refreshing. The florists left the garden and it looked like something out of a fairy tale book. White chairs were set up in front of the flower draped alter. The lavender rose bushes Lance had placed there for Elaine were in full bloom as were the rest of the flowers in the garden.

Diane Bass could never remember seeing the garden this beautiful at this time of year. She walked through the garden with her cup of coffee checking everything out. As she approached the alter area, she was amazed at the site. At that moment, she lifted her eyes to God. "Oh my Lord. This is so beautiful. I've never seen this garden look this beautiful before and at this time of year. I guess this is Your Seal of Approval on this marriage, huh? Well, that makes it unanimous."

She headed back in to get ready for the wedding and everyone else was scrambling to get ready, too. There was music already playing in the garden through the speakers that were set up. Time was getting short. Noon was rapidly approaching and Lance and Elaine were both getting anxious.

The guys all gathered at Justin's house to help make sure that Lance was ready and get him to the wedding on time. They would be leaving to go to Lance's house soon to wait in the guest house for the wedding to start.

Lance stood in the guest room in front of the mirror while Justin's Mom, Mrs. Harless, sewed a button back on his tux jacket that he had pulled off from worrying with it. He didn't look bad for a guy of twenty-six. His body was in pretty good shape and he managed to cultivate a tan more often than not anymore thanks to his tanning bed. The days of the Mississippi Albino were over. His eyes sparkled the greenest green he had ever seen in them. Elaine had brought those eyes back to life. She had brought him back to life.

He suddenly felt a great need to hear her voice, to confirm that she was really there and not a dream. He grabbed his cell phone and dialed his house. His Mom answered and put Elaine on the phone. "Hey there, Lancelot. What's up?"

"Elaine, you're there."

"Of course I'm here honey, where else would I be baby?"

"I was standing here looking in the mirror and all of a sudden I felt like all this was a dream. I felt as if I didn't hear your voice, I would wake up and find this was all a dream."

Elaine's heart was so full of love for this man. "Oh Lance, I am real and so are you and so is our love. And tonight, I'm gonna show you just how real my love for you is," she said with a smirk in her voice.

"Woman, are you teasing me?"

"Sweetie, we're gonna be man and wife tonight, no holes barred."

"None huh? I'm gonna remember that baby. You just watch out."

"I'm watchin' hon, I'm watchin'," she said seductively.

They talked for a few minutes and then returned to the job at hand, getting ready to get married. The button was sewn on and they guys were ready to head to Lance's house. They would coordinate with Security about getting to the guest house without running into the bride. They all got into their vehicles and headed to the wedding.

Back at the house, all the hair was done and make up was being done. The dresses and shoes were lined up on a portable clothes rack so that they would not get messed up.

The attendant dresses had changed over the months. The style was the same almost as Elaine's dress to accommodate for Dani's pregnancy. At first, the dresses were going to be solid colors graduating to a purple, but Elaine found the perfect material to have dresses made out of and on the cream background was Lavender roses with greenery. It was almost as if someone had taken the material out to the garden and painted her roses onto it. Now all the girls wore these with a lavender chiffon wrap and lavender shoes.

The guys had matching vests with their black tuxes and a lavender rose was the boutonniere. Her Mom was wearing a soft lavender dress with matching shoes and Diane was wearing a soft blue dress with matching shoes.

The bouquets were delivered up to the bedroom to be checked over. Lavender roses and white roses were arranged with Baby's Breath and Elaine's bouquet was a larger version with white and purple ribbons hanging from it. After they were checked along with the boutonnieres, they were taken to the kitchen to await the start of the wedding.

Diane and Jim were dressed and ready and before they went downstairs, they wanted to speak to Elaine. Diane gently tapped on the door to Lance's room. Lynne answered the door and stepped back when she saw it was Lance's parents. Elaine was standing before the mirror while the girls made sure all the zippers were zipped and buttons buttoned and snaps snapped.

Elaine looked up and saw Jim and Diane in the doorway and she slowly turned to greet them. Jim's mouth fell open as did Diane's. A feeling of panic gripped Elaine as she saw their faces. "What's wrong?" She asked panicky.

Jim walked past Diane and over toward Elaine. He looked her up and down. His hands reached for Elaine's hands and gently brought them to his chest over his heart. Elaine could almost swear that she saw tears in his eyes.

"Elaine, I never thought I would see a bride that was lovelier than my own, but, you're pushin' right in there. Oh my Lord in Heaven, you are beautiful beyond words. My son is going to be overwhelmed by you."

Diane stepped beside Jim and echoed his thoughts. "Sweetie, you are breathtaking. You look like you belong on the cover of a Bride Magazine."

Elaine was blushing from all the praise being heaped on her. "You two need to stop or I'm gonna have to redo my makeup."

"My son is a lucky man to have you in his life and if he ever forgets that, you let me know and I'll straighten him out. Now I'm gonna go find that son of mine and see if he's put together so we can get this weddin' goin'. Diane's got something for you. I'll see you later." Jim hugged her and kissed her cheek and left the room.

Elaine looked at Diane and she was just staring at her. "Mom, are you all right?"

Diane was brought back by the sound of Elaine's voice. "Oh yes sweetie. Oddly enough, I was just thinking of the day we brought Lance home from the hospital. My life changed and he has done nothing but bless it each and everyday. My baby has grown up in so many ways especially here lately. And, I have you to thank for that Elaine.

I cried myself to sleep so many nights worried about him after the Vivica fiasco. I prayed that God would put someone in his life to give him a reason for doing all this. All the time I thought God wasn't listening, He was laying the foundation for your marriage here based on a deep and abiding friendship. I thank God that you love my son and I thank God that my son woke up to the love that was right in front of him."

"Mom, I thank God for saving him for me. I prayed for him for a long time and I am so thankful for his love."

"I know you love him and that you will be gentle with his heart. Now, for why I am really here. I know you have something borrowed and something blue and your dress covers for the new, but as for the old, I'm covering that base for you here."

As she spoke, she opened the small white Bible she was carrying and pulled out a handkerchief that was obviously old and very delicate.

"Granny Bass gave this to me when Jim and I got married. It was her mother's and she passed it to her. It now belongs to you and someday, I pray you're able to pass it along to one of your children."

Elaine was almost in tears she was so moved that Mom Bass would give this precious item to her. "Mom, I promise I will treasure this always as I treasure my new family. Thank you for welcoming me as you have. I love you." She reached and hugged Diane close to her.

"I love you, too, sweetie. I'll see you in the garden," Diane said as she went out the door.

Lance and the guys had made it to the guest house just as Jim arrived there. "Hey Dad, what's going on?"


"Who Dad? What's wrong! Oh my God, is Elaine okay? Has something happened to her?"

Jim grabbed his son to calm him down. "Lance, Elaine is fine...she's...just the...most...beautiful bride...I've seen...since your...Mom and...your sister."


"Lance, Elaine is beautiful and she is going to blow you away when she walks down that garden path. Your Mother and Stacy were beautiful on their wedding days and Elaine is right up there with them."

Lance was in a daze. "Dad, I can't wait to hold her in my arms. I felt so lost without her last night. We've slept separately, but in the same house and not being where I could see her if I wanted to, hurt. It hurt my very soul to be away from her. I love her so much, Dad."

"I know you do son. I know you do."

People were starting to arrive for the ceremony and the wedding was rapidly approaching.

After Diane had left, the girls all helped in putting the final touches on Elaine's hair and makeup. Meredith came by to see Elaine on her way to the garden. She was mesmerized by Elaine's calm and serene beauty.

Dr. Rent finally showed up after working all night in the ER. "I wouldn't miss this wedding for anything in the world. You are a stunning bride," she said to Elaine. "And I'll bet that cutie you're marrying is equally as handsome."

"Oh Susie, this wedding would not be if it weren't for you. You saved my brother's life and mine. Thank you so much."

Gwen showed up with Walter to announce that it was time to go down. Elaine hugged Susie and told her she would see her shortly. Then she turned to look at her Mom and Dad. They weren't together as a family, but they were together in a united front to support her and Lance. All her prayers had been answered.

Gwen looked at her daughter and was completely blown away by her beauty. Elaine was a stunning bride. The girls gathered everything together and attached Elaine's veil into the loose curls piled high on her head. Then, they went downstairs to wait for the start of the wedding. Walter escorted his daughter with a sense of pride in the young woman she had become.

While Elaine was being moved downstairs, Lance and the guys left the guest house for the garden. People were being seated and it was almost time for the wedding to start. Soft music played through the speakers placed throughout the garden. Everyone was anxiously waiting for this wedding to begin. No one more so than the Bridegroom.

Lance and all the guys stood near the alter waiting for the signal to start the ceremony. When it appeared that all the guests had been seated, the guys moved forward just to the side of the alter. Justin escorted Diane to her seat and JC escorted Gwen to hers. Once the Mom's were in place, the music changed. Justin and JC joined everyone else at the alter.

Walter stood with Elaine behind the gate to the guest house. "Well Little One, this is it. You're gonna be a married woman today. I'm so proud of you. You are so very special to me and your Mama. I love you sweetie."

"I love you too Daddy. Thank you for being here on my wedding day."

"You can thank Lance for that. I'm so glad he came looking for me."

"Me too, Dad."

Suddenly they heard the change in the music and an instrumental of AMAZED began to play. The girls, in timed order, started down the garden path to the alter. The guys were already there and so was Pastor Jeremiah. Everyone watched as each of the girls walked down the path to the front.

As Stacy approached the alter, the music finished. Then, there were the first chords of the Here Comes The Bride. Elaine and her Dad stepped forward. He placed a kiss on her cheek and lowered her veil. He held out his arm to her and smiled. "Let's go get you married, Little One."

Elaine hugged her Dad's arm and looked into his eyes. "I love you, Daddy. Let's go get my man."

With that, they stepped around the corner for everyone to see. Everyone stood and at first, Lance could not see her. He saw her father's head above hers and he could see the white veil in her hair.

As Walter and Elaine came to the back of the aisle they turned and faced Lance before continuing toward the alter. Justin reached over to lift Lance's chin from where his mouth fell open at the sight of Elaine in her gown.

She was a vision of loveliness in white chiffon edged in lace. It was an Empire waist that flowed full in the back and had an A-line style in front. At the shoulders were white satin bows that attached a train of chiffon down her back. The dress was simple, but on Elaine, he thought it was elegant. Her hair had been pulled up into careless, loose curls on top of her head and her veil, that was attached to white satin roses, was pinned to the front of her curls. The soft chiffon netting flowed around her face and shoulders.

Finally, they reached the alter and Pastor Jeremiah stepped forward. "Who gives this woman in marriage?"

Walter looked to Gwen and she nodded yes and he spoke. "Her Mother and I do." With that, Walter turned to Lance and slipped Elaine's hand into his ever so gently and covered them both with his large hand. "Take care of my Little One, will ya?"

Lance looked to Elaine and then to her father. "It will be my honor and pleasure." Walter then went to sit by Gwen and Lance took Elaine's arm and they moved to Pastor Jeremiah.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here in the presence of God and these witnesses to join together this couple, Lance and Elaine, in Holy Matrimony. This is a union not to be entered into in a light manner. In speaking with Elaine and Lance, they have expressed their desire to be man and wife and they have counseled with God and me on this decision. I now come to you and ask if there is anyone here who knows of any reason why these two should not be joined in Holy Wedlock, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." Lance and Elaine held their breath until the silence was broken by Pastor Jeremiah.

"Well, now that we have the legalities out of the way, we shall proceed with the rest of the ceremony. Lance and Elaine have each decided that they want to speak their own vows to one another and they have something special for the other. Lance, you may begin."

Elaine turned to Stacy and handed her bouquet to her along with a small white Bible and handkerchief. When she turned back to Lance, he took both her hands in his and looked deep into her eyes. She was overwhelmed by the intensity of the love she saw in his eyes. She had seen his love for her before, but this was way beyond any looks he had shown her in the past. Her knees felt weak.

Lance cleared his throat and moved closer to her to speak. "We made it Sugar Bear. We're here about to become man and wife. I have lived for this moment all of my life. God has brought you to me in answer of an ardent prayer for someone to love me for me.

Elaine, you are my world and I promise to love you with everything I have in me for the rest of my life. I promise to honor you, protect you and ALWAYS be true to you. I promise to share all I have with you, but most of all, I promise to love you every day for the rest of my life. You are my life, my love. You filled the hole that was in my heart and made it beat again and love again. You complete me. You saved my life in more ways than one. You've taught me so much just by your example. You helped me to regain my faith. There are no words adequate enough to tell you how much I love you. I have something that I hope will mean something to you once you hear it."

With that, he turned to Meredith and Richard as they moved to their places. Richard started playing a beautiful melody and Meredith began to sing.

(c)copyrighted 2000-2001

Worth The Wait - lyrics by Gwen and Shakira

How do I tell you how much I love you?

Sometimes it scares even me

There are times I don't feel that I deserve you

Oh why has God blessed me?

Your smile is like a ray of sunshine

As it slips through a stormy cloud

And to know that it's all mine

Makes me want to shout out loud.

My heart has longed for a heart that's true

It seemed such a fleeting dream

I never knew I could be loved by you

It was a fantasy it seemed.


You’re every bit a part of me

My heart belongs to you

You helped me find my soul again

You helped me make it through

And there’s nowhere else I’d rather be

Than sharing these moments with you

I’m so grateful to have you

So grateful you're mine

I hope this is the way things stay

Forever and all time

You taught me about forgiveness,

You taught me about true love,

You took me to a better place

Helped me rise above

All the pain I’d felt before

All that I’d been through

I don’t know where or who I’d be

If I didn’t have you


Richard continued playing music softly and Lance turned to Elaine and began to sing:

I don’t know how to thank you

For all the things you’ve done

I never thought it was possible

To receive such warmth and love

I’ll be forever thankful

For all you’ve done for me

For helping me through times of trouble

For showing me what I couldn’t see

I want to make you happy

I’m telling you from my heart

No force on earth could tear me away

Nobody can tear us apart

It took me so long to find you

Didn’t know how long it would take

It took us time to get here

But it was definitely worth the wait

Meredith sang the chorus one more time as Lance gazed lovingly into Elaine's eyes. He took her hands and raised them to his lips and kissed each hand. Then he held them to his heart. Elaine could feel the fierce beating of his heart against her hands. She looked into his eyes again and the love was so intense, her breath was gone.

The song ended and Lance spoke again. "I wrote that song for you because I love you, Elaine. I promise to honor and keep you in sickness and in health, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, from this day forward 'til death do us part."

They turned to Pastor Jeremiah and he continued with the ceremony. "Now Elaine would like to share her part of the ceremony."

Elaine lowered her head as though she were praying. She was still shaken from the song Lance had written for her. Then she slowly lifted her head and eyes to Lance. She smiled at him and held his hands to her own breast. "Lance, I've loved you forever, it seems I've tried to be the friend you've needed, the soul mate that will help you in life. I've been there when you've been up, I've been there when you've been down, and I've loved you through it all. You are so important to my life. You ARE my life. I am priviledged to have you in my life and more so to have you love me.

Lance, I promise to love you through good times and bad, I promise to be a helpmate for the rest of our lives together. I promise to be the best wife, friend, lover and mother I can be."

With this said, Elaine turned to JC and he walked to the keyboard. The notes of Shania Twain's "From This Moment On" played a soft melody as JC's fingers graced the keyboard. Elaine began to sing.

From This Moment On

(I do swear that I'll aways be there. I'd give anything and everything and I will always care. Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow, for better or worse, I will love you with every beat of my heart.)

From this moment life has begun

From this moment you are the one

Right beside you is where I belong

From this moment on

From this moment I have been blessed

I live only for your happiness

And for your love I'd give my last breath

From this moment on

I give my hand to you with all my heart

Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start

You and I will never be apart

My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live

I will love you, I promise you this

There is nothing I wouldn't give

From this moment on

You're the reason I believe in love

And you're the answer to my prayers from up above

All we need is just the two of us

My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live

I will love you, I promise you this

From this moment

I will love you as long as I live

From this moment on

Elaine took a big breath when she was done. Tears were in her eyes and Lance's. She wanted so desperately to hold him to her. 'Just a little longer,' she thought. Then she could hold onto him as long as she wanted to.

She smiled at him. "Oh my Sir Lancelot. You are my Knight in Shining Armor. You are my very life, my heart and soul. I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I love you. You are an incredibly important part of my life. I would be lost without you.

I promise to honor you and keep you in sickness and health, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer from this day forward, 'til death do us part."

They turned to Pastor Jeremiah who took over the ceremony from here out. He spoke to Lance and Elaine and they turned to Ford and Stacy to take the matching gold wedding bands from them. They in turn laid them on Pastor Jeremiah's open Bible. The Bible was opened to 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 and he read from verse one all the way to verse thirteen, "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these IS LOVE. These two have declared their love for one another. By giving and receiving a ring, this will be the outward sign of their commitment to one another."

He explained the meaning of the unending circle of the wedding band and the fact that the marriage vow is not to be broken or to be taken lightly. Lance took Elaine's from the Pastor's hand and took her left hand in his and slipped it gently down her finger. "With this ring, I commit myself to you and only you. I vow my undying love to you in front of God and these witnesses."

Pastor Jeremiah then handed Elaine Lance's ring and she took his left hand in hers. "With this ring, I commit myself to you and only you. I vow my undying love to you in front of God and these witnesses."

"As Pastor Jeremiah placed his hand over Lance and Elaine's joined hands, he spoke. "As Lance and Elaine have pledged their love to one another and have given and received a ring, by the power invested in me by the state of Florida, I now pronounce them Man and Wife. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Lance, you may kiss your Bride."

Lance lifted his hands to her face and gently cupped her face in his hands as he lowered his mouth to hers. His kiss was tender and sweet with a promise of things to come. Elaine's arms went around his neck and drew him to her. They ended their kiss and turned to face the gathering.

Pastor Jeremiah spoke, "Ladies and gentleman, may I present Mr. and Mrs. James Lance Bass." The gathering rose to their feet and applauded the new couple.

Everyone took pictures of the Bride and Groom and the wedding party. Then, Sheryl from the Orlando Sentinel was allowed to take some special pictures for the paper. "Thank you so much for the invitation and allowing me to get special pictures for the paper. It's very kind of you."

"It's no problem for you because you have been so kind to us. You have been respectful of us and our privacy," said Lance. "Elaine felt that respect deserved some reward, so here you are."

"The two of you are amazing. I have never met anyone like you two before. So compassionate and loving. I wish the very best for the two of you in your life together."

"Thank you," Elaine said as she hugged Sheryl and they headed for the reception.

The smell of food drifted all through the garden. They could hear Joey trying to determine what was on the menu. Surprisingly, he was right on most of the stuff. The tables were set up around a makeshift dance floor in the middle of the tent and the main sound system was in the corner.

Everyone drifted in and found their places at their tables. Soft music was playing and when Elaine and Lance entered, there was a fanfare played of "My Girl" Lance and Elaine looked at one another as if to say, 'I don't remember that being on the play list.'

Chris, JC, Justin and Joey took Elaine's hand and pulled her over to the small stage set up by the sound system. Chris took the microphone and spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this young lady has been a part of the *N SYNC family for a long time. She's a whole lot more than just a tour secretary and Gwen's daughter. To us, she's Sissy. She's the sister some of us never had.

Justin then spoke. "The first birthday bash we ever threw for Elaine was for her thirteenth birthday. We sang this song to her and we want to sing it again." The guys stood in line and went into their routine.

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.

When it's cold outside

I've got the month of may.

I guess you'd say

What can make me feel this way?

My girl (my girl, my girl)

Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

I've got so much honey the bees envy me.

I've got a sweeter song

Than the birds in the trees.

I guess you'd say

What can make me feel this way?

My girl (my girl, my girl)

Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

I don't need no money, fortune, or fame.

I've got all the riches baby one man can claim.

I guess you'd say

What can make me feel this way?

My girl (my girl, my girl)

Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day

With my girl.

I've even got the month of may

With my girl (fade)

When they were finished with the song, JC stepped to the microphone. "Elaine, you'll always be our Sissy. And Lance," he turned to his best friend, "you better be good to this girl or you're gonna have all of us to deal with. And I promise you, we will be there for her." Everyone laughed and hugged Elaine and Lance and let them move on to their table.

Lance and Elaine were seated at their table and as everyone found a place to sit, Pastor Jeremiah stepped up to the microphone. He offered a blessing on the food and instructed everyone on how the line would go. Elaine and Lance went first and everyone else followed.

After everyone had eaten, Ford stood up and took his place at the microphone with his champagne glass. He directed his words to the newly married couple.

"Lance and Elaine have really been an inspiration to a lot of people. First of all, Elaine, on behalf of the Bass family clan, we want to thank you, once again, for saving our boy Lance here, in more ways than one. Thank you for loving him as you have. Lance my man, don't you ever do somethin' stupid to cause you to loose this woman you have. She is your most prized possession. Her love is the best thing to happen to you in a long, long time.

As Best Man, it is my duty and my honor to propose a toast to the new Mr. and Mrs. Bass. Lance, Elaine, I think I can speak for everyone here when I say that I wish you years and years of happiness. May your lives be filled with joy and happiness and love abounding. Never forget to love one another. Never go to bed angry, Lance that's for obvious reasons, but never go to sleep with harsh words between you. Resolve any issues that arise. In essence, COMMUNICATE. I pray that God blesses you with love never-ending and lots of kids to share that love with. To the Bride and the Groom, many years of happiness."

Everyone raised their glasses to toast the couple and then Stacy stepped to the microphone. "Little Brother, all I can say to you is, you better not screw this up. This is the best thing to ever happen to you. Elaine welcome to the family.

Now if the newly weds would step to the center of the dance floor, we will have the Groom's Dance and then the Bride's Dance." Neither knew what the other had chosen for the song for their first dance together as husband and wife.

Lance stood looking at Elaine. Her face glowed with happiness. He put her right hand into his left hand and his right hand slipped around her waist to pull her to him. In a moment, the first chords of Can I Have This Dance by Anne Murray began to play. He pulled her into a two-step waltz and they flowed around the floor.

I'll always remember the song they were playing

The first time we danced and I knew

As we swayed to the music and held to each other

I fell in love with you

Could I have this dance for the rest of my life

Would you be my partner then every night

When we're together it feels so right

Could I have this dance for the rest of my life

I'll always remember that magic moment

When I held you close to me

Cause we move together I know forever

You're all I'll ever need

As they danced, Lance looked deep and longingly into Elaine's eyes. He could not believe that they were finally here. The first time they danced to this song, he thought his heart would jump out of his body. Now dancing with his wife, he could not believe the love that was in his heart for her. The contentment he had looked and longed for was right here in his arms. He leaned into her and breathed her in, then he whispered in her ear, "I love you, Sugar Bear."

She in turn looked deep into his crystal green eyes and felt a weakness in her knees. It was a good thing he was such a good dancer and held her so close or she would have collapsed from the sensation she felt after he spoke in her ear.

When the song ended, they stood gazing into each other's eyes. The entire tent was quiet as they watched this amazing couple. Then the song Elaine had chosen began softly playing. Celine Dion's THE POWER OF LOVE. Elaine placed both arms up around Lance's neck and stepped in closer to him to where they were touching forehead to toe. The look in her eyes was one of want and need and undying love and devotion.

Lance could not believe the boldness of Elaine. He looked into her eyes trying to figure out what she was up to.

The whispers in the morning

Of lovers sleeping tight

Are rolling like thunder now

As I look in your eyes

I hold on to your body

And feel each move you make

Your voice is warm and tender

A love that I could not forsake

As they danced, Elaine laid her head on Lance's shoulder and inhaled his scent. It was heady and she pressed herself closer to him with a longing that she could not describe. All she knew was that she wanted him to hold her as close as he possibly could.

(First chorus)

`Cause I am your lady

And your are my man

Whenever you reach for me

I'll do all that I can

Lost is how I'm feeling lying in your arms

When the world outside's too

Much to take

That all ends when I'm with you

Even though there may be times

It seems I'm far away

Never wonder where I am

`Cause I'm always by your side

We're heading for something

Somewhere I've never been

Sometimes I am frightened

But I'm ready to learn

Of the power of love

The sound of your heart beating

Made it clear

Suddenly the feeling that can't go on

Is light years away

When the song ended, Lance and Elaine could feel each other's hearts beating in their chests. "When are we leaving?" asked Elaine.

Lance looked at his watch. "In about an hour, why?"

"I want to be....alone...with my husband," was all she said and then she kissed him the most mind blowing kiss he had ever experienced.

They did all the obligatory dances and the cake, all the while looking at each other with such unbridled passion. There was nothing else there for them but them, and they couldn't help but get lost in the overwhelming chemistry that was slowly being created between them.

At the appropriate time, they slipped out to change into their travel clothes. Then, they were out the door and into the limo headed for the airport. Finally, alone. No one else to interfere in their time with one another. They held each other and kissed each other and just enjoyed being Mr. and Mrs. James Lance Bass.

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