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Chapter Six

Mr. Dennis asked for everyone's attention for a moment. He asked that the graduates take their caps and gowns off and put them in his office before they had refreshments. Elaine excused herself and started taking her robe off as she walked toward the office that was next to the fellowship hall. When she had slipped it off her shoulders, the guys all gave a collective gasp. This was not Little Sissy. Where did all those curves come from? What had happened to her? As she left the office to come back out and join them, it seemed as though she moved in slow motion and her dress clung to every curve.

Justin made some comment under his breath and Chris smacked him on the back of his head. Lance just stood there and starred. All the time they had spent together over the years, he had never had a reaction like this. It had been a year since they had actually seen Elaine because she had to leave soon after the tour started last year when her brother was hurt.

"Let's eat guys, I'm starved," chuckled Elaine.

It worked, she thought to herself, the dress worked. Lance can't take his eyes off of me. Mr. Bass, you are in trouble this summer.

They were allowed to go through the food line first because they were special guests and so they were able to get first choice of where to sit. Elaine chose a long table in the corner out of the way of all the hustle and bustle of the crowds. To insure she would be sitting next to Lance, she excused herself for a moment and asked him to save her a seat next to him.

As she left the room, she signaled Lynne and Rickii to join her in the ladies room. When they were inside and the door was closed, the girls gave a collective, subdued scream.

"I cannot believe they are here and that they sang at our graduation," Rickii said breathlessly.

"They look so fine in those white suits and God how I would love to just throw myself at Justin," panted Lynne.

"Well, if you promise to behave, when we go back in, I'll take you over to the table to meet them," Elaine offered.

"Oh God, help me to keep it together," Rickii and Lynne prayed together.

"Did you notice how Lance is staring at me, especially since I took off my cap and gown?" asked Elaine.

"What you didn't notice was that all five of them noticed. Their jaws hit the floor when you walked into Mr. Dennis' office," Rickii shared.

"All of them? Oh well, Mr. Bass is the only one I am interested in attracting that way."

They washed their hands and straightened and smoothed everything and took a deep breath together and walked back to the fellowship hall.

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