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Chapter Sixty


The limo ride to the airport was quick and Lance and Elaine held onto each other the whole way there. She tried to get him to tell her where they were going and he still would not say anything. "You'll know when we get there," he said.

"Have I ever been there before?" Elaine probed. "Just tell me something, pleaassseee," she said in a baby voice as she ran her hand down his face to his neck and then she pulled him to her and kissed him so tenderly.

Lance was breathless when the kiss ended and he looked into her eyes. "No baby, you've been nearby, but not where we're goin'." She continued trying to get him to tell her and he said it was a surprise.

They finally reached the airport and drove to the private jet area. "I thought we were flying commercial?" commented Elaine. "Why are we back here?"

"It's an extra benefit of the honeymoon provided by a friend. This way we can get there faster and be able to rest on the way."

"Rest?" She looked at him and grinned. "All alone on this jet? You want to rest?"

Lance looked at her as he helped her out of the limo. "You better conserve all your energy for tonight," he grinned. "You're gonna need it, Sugar."

As they approached the plane, a young man appeared at the top of the steps. "Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Bass. It is a pleasure to have you with us today. My name is Lt. Hall. Welcome aboard." He showed them into the huge private jet and into the sitting area. In one corner, there was a table set with snacks and drinks for the couple. "Your host has asked that these accommodations be provided for your convenience and pleasure on your trip. There is an ice box beneath the counter to place anything you wish to keep cold in and for drinks.

I will be in the cockpit with the pilot during the flight, if you should need anything, just use the phone by the couch or bed. You have full use of the entire living area and bedroom," he said as he led them to the back down a short hallway.

As they entered the bedroom area, the fragrance of roses could be detected. All over were red and white roses and red and white rose petals were scattered on the white satin sheets of the bed. "Oh Lance, this is beautiful. It's like a fairy tale come true."

"Oh Baby, you ain't seen nothing yet. Just wait until we get where we're going." He turned and walked a ways down the hall with the copilot. "She may try and find out where we're going, it's a surprise, so please don't let her know. Also, when we start approaching the island, let me know so that I can show her as we approach, OK?"

"Very well Sir. I will also inform Captain Oaks of your wishes. Now is there anything we need to get you before take off?"

"No Sir, just get us there as quickly as you can. How long will we be laid over in LA?"

"Only a few hours to fuel and check the craft. Depending on the winds, we may need to touch down on the main island to refuel before proceeding on. We will let you know ahead of time. But, we should make it to the private island by early afternoon. Dinner will be ready and then everyone will clear out for your stay. The kitchen has been stocked, there are numerous videos for viewing, if you're inclined to and there is also a satellite dish. There is a sailboat available for you or a speedboat, whichever you prefer. There is a radio phone if you need to contact anyone and of course, security will be outside the gates. There is a blast button in each room. If there is an emergency, all you have to do is press the button and the horn will blast and security will be there in less than two minutes."

An airport maintenance crewman came on board to announce all was well with the plane for take off and all the luggage had been loaded.

"Well, Mr. Bass, if you and your wife will be seated for the take off, we'll be on our way."

Lance went back to the bedroom to get Elaine to take her forward for the take off while Lt. Hall went to the cockpit. They strapped themselves into their seats and listened to the engines as they hummed and moved the plane to the end of the runway. Elaine looked into Lance's eyes and said, "I love you, Lancelot."

"I love you, too, Sugar Bear."

They remained strapped in until the jet reached cruising altitude. Captain Oaks emerged into the cabin and greeted Lance and Elaine. He advised them of their arrival time in LA and then off to their destination.

After they talked, the Captain went back to the cockpit and Lance and Elaine fixed something to drink and eat and sat down together. They shared their feelings about the wedding and all that had gone on. "You, by far, were the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. When you stepped to the back of the aisle, my breath was taken away. You were a vision of loveliness. You ARE a vision of loveliness, now," he said as he wrapped his arms around her. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her shoulder and up to her ear. There he moaned his approval of her.

Elaine closed her eyes in contentment and longing. She turned to him and looked into his eyes, the eyes she had found love, comfort and desire in. "The song that Meredith sang, I've never heard it before. It was beautiful. Where is it from?"

Lance blushed and looked into her eyes. "You haven't heard this song because it's not out. It's a song that...I wrote...for you...for our wedding."

Tears spilled from Elaine's eyes. "You wrote that...for me? That beautiful song...was for me?"

Lance nodded his head a yes and took her hands in his. Her ring and his together sparkled in the light. "It was all for you. Every word was from my heart. I wanted you and the world to know what you mean to me. I wanted you to know what was in my heart. I love you, Sugar Bear, with every beat of my heart, I love you."

Elaine's trembling hand reached up to caress his cheek and she kissed him deeply. Every time she didn't think she could love him more, something happened to prove her wrong. "Oh Lance, that was INCREDIBLE. My heart is so full and it's all because of you. The words touched me in a way I can't even begin to explain. Baby, you're my world and I love you so much I can't stand it. Hold me and don't ever let me go."

They sat and kissed and held each other and talked more about the wedding until they landed in LA for refueling. After everything was checked and they took off, Lance suggested that they get a nap before they arrived at their final destination. He called Capt. Oaks to let him know where they would be and to wake him when they approached their destination.

Lance led Elaine back to the bedroom and they turned back the covers so they could lay down for the rest of the trip. There, lying in the middle of the bed was a package wrapped in gold paper. Elaine reached to pick it up and there was a card addressed to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bass. Lance took the card and opened it while Elaine held the package.

Dear Lance and Elaine:

I hope everything is to your liking on the plane. We have tried to make it as comfortable as possible for you. Now the package is for just in case you get bored and have nothing else to do. Ha! Ha! I wish you all the happiness in the world. Enjoy my friends.

Your friend,


"So does that mean we don't open this unless we get bored?" asked Elaine.

"Are you kidding, let's see what it is," Lance said as he reached to open it. As the paper came off and he saw the front of the book, Elaine could see him blush.

"What is it?" she prodded and pulled the book from him. "No, we don't need this," Lance said trying to keep Elaine from getting it.

Elaine looked at him and gave him the puppy dog eyes and the pouty lips and ran her hand over his chest. "Please baby, let me see. Please?"

She started kissing him and as he got into the kiss, she slipped her hand behind his back and grabbed the book from where he was trying to hide it. He grabbed her around the waist as she crawled onto the bed and looked at the book. She blinked and then smiled as she looked at him. "The Joys of Sex. You were embarrassed by this?"

Lance crawled onto the bed after her trying to get the book away. She quickly put it under her and laid down on it. As he reached her, she reached for him with open arms and pulled him to her and kissed him deep and long. He tried to reach for the book under her and she wrapped her legs around him to where he couldn't get away. The kiss and how they were laying on the bed was getting to Lance and he moaned into her mouth.

When Elaine felt him relax against her, she rocked him and slipped him over on his back with her straddling him on top. As she sat up, she grabbed the book and started turning pages. "Oohhh, this looks interesting. I think I'd like this one. And this one's not bad either. How long did you say we're gonna be in this Garden of Eden of ours?"

Lance looked at her and pulled her to him and began a litany to her lips and neck and ears. They rolled and played on the bed for some time. Elaine looked into Lance's eyes and he saw the unasked question there. "Not now baby, this night is too special. Our first time will be a time to remember. But, I promise you one thing."

"What's that Lancelot?"

"Going home, there will be two new members of the Mile High Club."

They snuggled under the covers and held each other close and drifted into blissful slumber content in their undying love for one another and the stand they had taken.

Ring.........ring.......ring. Lance stirred slowly. Ring......ring......ring. One eye opened and he realized where he was and then reached for the phone by the bed. "Hello?"

"Mr. Bass, Capt. Oaks here. We are about thirty minutes from our destination. We are not stopping at the main island. We were fortunate to get a good tailwind and we're actually ahead of schedule some."

"Uuummm. Thank you. Thank you for waking me. See you shortly." Lance replaced the phone on the cradle and rolled back to where he was, spooned up next to his wife. His wife. That sounded so good to him. She was so good for him, they were so good for each other. He pulled her up against him and whispered her name. "Elaine...Elaine baby...time to get up."

Elaine stretched and pushed back against him and cuddled into his warmth and strength. "Ummm...hey baby. What time is it?"

"I honestly couldn't tell you right now. Don't know which time zone we're in yet. It's early morning hours Orlando time."

"Oh. Why did you wake me?"

"We're getting close to our destination and I wanted you to see it from the air."

"You have my curiosity peaked, Mr. Bass," she cooed as she turned in his arms to face him.

"Well, let's get up and you'll see."

"Do we have to? I'd much rather lie here in your arms a while longer."

"Oh Baby, you're gonna do a lot of that over the next couple of weeks." Lance grinned and he pulled her close to him and kissed her lips softly. Then he moved to her neck and down to her collarbone. Just as he went to move lower, the phone rang again.


"Mr. Bass, the island is on the horizon."

"Thank you. Can we see it from the bedroom?"

"We will be coming around and it will be on the starboard side."

"Okay, let me know when we're there." He hung up and returned to his wife's arms and lips.

"As much as I would love to stay right here, there is something much better awaiting us. Come with me Babe." Lance led her to the starboard porthole and they looked out as he had her sit in his lap in the chair by the bed.

Just then the phone rang again. "Yes?"

"The island should be at your right now, Sir."

"Thanks." He leaned into the window and saw the island. It was lush and green and the most peaceful place Lance had ever been on earth. His friend Arnold had found this island quite by accident. It wasn't even on the maps. When he found it, he laid claim to it and built a beautiful home there high in the side of a mountain with a secured and protected lagoon in front of the house and waterfalls on either side

Lance pulled Elaine into his lap to look out the window and see the island together. His arms wrapped around her lovingly and held her close as he showed her their home for the next two weeks. The pilot was circling the island before aligning for his descent to the private airstrip on the island.

They were coming around some high cliffs and all of a sudden, in the middle of a lush, green garden, there sat a beautiful home with a wrap around porch on all levels. And, on either side of the house, there was a waterfall that came from the cliffs above the house, and they emptied into the lagoon that was in front of the house.

The lagoon was huge and indented in far enough it was protected in most major storms. There was a long pier out into the water and a huge sailboat was anchored out in the middle of the lagoon. As they came around more, they saw the door to the boathouse at the end of the pier was open and there was a huge speedboat. All of this was there for them to use over the next two weeks. No one there but them and a handful of Security.

"Lance, this place is beautiful! Oh my God in Heaven, this is paradise."

As he kissed her neck and held her close to him, he spoke into her ear with that deep, sexy voice, "Yeah, and it's OUR PARADISE for two weeks. Our own Garden of Eden. We don't have to worry about anyone messing with our time alone. We're all alone in our own little world. I love you Baby and I want to spend the next two weeks just lovin' you. No distractions, no outside influences. Just you...(kiss)...and me."

Elaine was spellbound by the desire she saw in his beautiful green gaze. She saw his tongue as it darted out to moisten his lips and she wanted that. She wanted him. 'Just you wait,' she thought.

The plane landed and everything was loaded into the truck and they began their drive to the house. As they drove along, the head of island Security Captain Wesley pointed out the sights around the island that they might want to visit. Finally, they reached the house.

Captain Wesley took them on a tour of the grounds while their luggage was being put in the Master Suite upstairs in the house. They walked all the way around the porch and the view everywhere was breathtaking. There was even a small waterfall in back of the house near the pool by the Jacuzzi. Tiki lamps were being put up for the evening and Lance and Elaine could not get over the beauty that surrounded them.

Lance and Elaine were advised about all the security checks and places where Security could be reached. They were advised that Larry of *N SYNC Security was already there making sure everything was in line with island security. Everything was perfect.

"Your bags have been taken to the Master Suite and dinner is being set up in there as well for you for tonight per your instructions Mr. Bass. There will be no one around until you call to advise us otherwise. The kitchen is stocked," he said as he walked through, "and the keys for the boats are by the back door. If you have need of anything at all, all you have to do is call on the phone. We will maintain surveillance of the outer perimeter and anything overhead. We promise you a secure and happy HONEYMOON. Do you have any questions?"

Elaine and Lance looked at one another and shook their heads. Lance turned to Capt. Wesley and thanked him for everything, and with that, he gathered the staff and carried them back to the small security village they had there.

They stood on the porch, arm in arm, and waved bye to everyone. Lance looked at Elaine in such awe. She was beautiful in the afternoon sunlight. He turned to her and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him.

"I love you, Mrs. Bass. You look absolutely breathtaking this afternoon."

"Well, thank you sir," she said as she stepped into his embrace. "I love you, too, Mr. Bass." They leaned into each other and kissed hungrily. Their mouths opened and their tongues sought and they both felt weak in the knees from the feelings they each had.

Lance was the first to pull apart. When he did this, Elaine moaned in frustration. "Baby, we got other things to do right now. Come on, I need to give you a tour of the place. We'll start in the kitchen."

With the porch going all the way around, they could go into any room off the porch. There were doors all around the house. The kitchen was huge with a center cooking island with dark green Italian granite tops and Peachwood cabinets.

Then he carried her to the formal dining room. There was a huge Mahogany table that would seat ten comfortably, but you could do twelve if need be. The tablecloth was linen and lace. In the huge China Cabinet, there were sets of dishes in solid white with a simple gold ring around the edge. A matching Mahogany buffet sat against the wall for serving purposes. The room was elegant.

Next they went to the formal living room where everything was white. "Your friend evidently does not have children or he ties them up when he comes here."

Lance laughed. "No, his kids are all grown and he only uses this as a 'get away from the hell in the world' place. He has held some conferences here and parties, but it's mostly just for relaxation."

There was a family room with a big screen TV in it. There were shelves and shelves of movies. There was even an old-time movie projector that sat on a table just behind the conversation pit type couch that sat around the outer edges of the sunken room. There were books and all sorts of things around.

As they completed their touring of the first floor, Lance showed Elaine the two bedrooms on the first floor. They went back to the main entry hall and up the stairs to the second level of the house. There were three bedrooms on each side of the hall that led back to the Master Suite. Each was huge and beautifully decorated with different types of furniture and art.

At the end of the hallway, they approached huge Mahogany double doors. Lance had her to wait while he peeked inside. As he opened the door, the vanilla scented breeze almost blew him away. Everywhere he looked, there were candles and in the middle of the sitting area was the table with their dinner all ready for them. He looked up and saw the loft part of the Master Suite.

He ran up the stairs and there was the round bed with white satin sheets and sprinkled all over were lavender and white rose petals. There were candles all over the sleeping area and the large double patio doors stood open and allowed a tropical breeze to blow into the room right onto the bed. The white sheer curtains stood out in the breeze and looked like a dream. Lance felt everything was perfect, now for his Bride.

Elaine was beginning to think that Lance had forgotten about her and she was about to open the door when he appeared in front of her. He stepped into the hallway and proceeded to pick her up. "What are you doing?"

"I'm carrying my Bride across the threshold, what did you think I was doing?"

"I thought you had forgotten me," she said in her pouty child voice.

"You are unforgettable Baby. Now, for the most MEMORABLE NIGHT of your life, just hold on tight." He opened the door and carried her into their new life together.

Elaine was overwhelmed. The room was incredible. She had never seen anything like it in her life. Whoever had designed this room, this house, was a genius. The Master Suite was two levels, a sitting and living area below with a bath and then the bedroom as a loft with a bath there. A pink and gray granite fireplace graced the one corner and in front of it, there was a beautiful table set with silver and china and lavender and white roses.

Before he put her down, Lance kissed Elaine's neck and ear and worked his way around to her lips. They were soft and wet and they were so sweet. As they kissed more, he gently let her down from his arms. Once her feet hit the floor, his arms pulled her to him and the kiss deepened. They were completely lost in one another.

Finally, they pulled apart from the kiss, each panting for their breath. Lance looked into her eyes and as she looked back into his, it felt as though he was looking into her very soul and the love she saw there was so intense.

Back before they got together and Lance was dating different ones, she always watched the way he looked into their eyes. She always thought that the woman who looked into his eyes and saw love looking back at her would be the luckiest woman alive. Well, now looking into his eyes, ALL she could see was LOVE, overwhelming and abounding. 'Oh God in Heaven, I am truly blessed and I have all that I desire,' she silently prayed.

Lance leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes as though he were concentrating intently on something. "We need to eat before it gets cold and before I get carried away here and get side tracked from my plans for this night and you."

He led her to the table and helped seat her and then they ate their first real meal together as husband and wife. The candles were the right mood setter for this evening and Lance had the cooks to prepare Elaine's favorite dish, grilled steak Caesar salad and of course there was Lance's favorite drink, iced sweet tea.

They talked and Elaine was completely taken in by the room they were in. It just ooozzzed romance. Music played softly down below and the sun was fading fast. When they were through with their food, they slipped out to the porch to watch the last of the sunset.

Elaine stood in front of Lance with his arms wrapped around her pulling her back against his body. She was in heaven. She was in the arms of the man she loved more than life itself.

Lance inhaled her scent and was so overwhelmed, he felt weak in his knees. The tropical breeze that was blowing caused her scent to waft around him like it was wrapping him up. He took his hand and pulled her long, curly hair back from her neck and began kissing her softly up and down her neck to her shoulder. His hands wrapped around her and pulled her back into his body more. "I love you, Elaine. I love you woman."

Elaine smiled to herself. "I love you too, Sir Lancelot. You're my main man."

Lance looked around at her, "I'm your ONLY said so," he said in a pouty voice.

He turned Elaine in his arms to where she was facing him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. She could swear that she felt his heart beating in his chest and she leaned into his neck and started kissing and licking the tender skin there. Lance's hands were rubbing up and down her back pulling her closer to his body.

As she continued attacking his neck, she moved to his earlobe and nipped at it with her teeth and then she slipped her tongue into his ear and moaned his name. "Lance...Lance...I love," she growled.

Lance cupped her face with his hands and tenderly kissed her lips. Then he looked deep into her eyes. "I don't know about you, but I am in serious need of a shower. Whata ya say we get ready for our evening together? You take the upstairs bath and I'll take the downstairs bath and I'll meet you on the balcony off the bedroom."

"If you'll carry my bag up for me, okay. And I need to get something out for you to put in the sound system."

"The system is in the loft so go for it baby."

Lance took her bag up for her and then went back down to shower and shave. He was starting to feel a little nervous and he hoped that the shower would help him. It was unbelievable how bold Elaine had become. Now there was nothing to hold them back. They were free to love one another fully. It was okay for them to touch one another now. It was okay for them to hold each other closer than close. What was once forbidden fruit, was now enticing and inviting and Lance wanted what had been given to him. He grabbed his things and hit the shower downstairs.

Up in the loft, Elaine pulled out the CD that JC had made for her and placed it in the sound system on repeat. As she gathered her things to take into the bathroom, she gazed at this awesome bedroom. There was a huge round bed in the middle of the loft area with white satin sheets on it and white and lavender rose petals scattered all over. There were candle stands all around the room with large white candles that gave off a faint rose scent.

She moved toward the double doors to the balcony that stood open with the warm tropical breeze blowing the white sheer curtains out into the floor. When she stepped onto the balcony, she was greeted with the most breathtaking sight she had ever seen. The sun was no longer visible, but the moon was on the rise, big and full up out of the ocean and over the lagoon. It looked huge! 'Oh Lord, what a view,' she thought to herself.

Suddenly, it hit her, we're here. We're on our honeymoon. We're gonna make love here. She turned back and looked at the bed and her legs felt weak. "Oh God, help me to be the wife You want me to be. Help me to be the wife he NEEDS."

As she headed to the bathroom, she noticed the ceiling over the bed was covered in mirrors. "Oh my Lord," she gasped. Just then, Marvin Gaye's LET'S GET IT ON came on the sound system. "Oh my Lord," she commented again.

"Elaine get a hold of yourself," she said out loud to herself. She was determined that Lance would be a happy man this night, and she would be the luckiest and happiest woman on the face of the earth. She gathered the rest of her things and went into the bath and closed the door.

Lance showered and shaved making sure his face was nice and smooth. Chris had told him to be sure and give himself a good close shave cause he didn't want to scratch her face or anywhere else he might venture.

As he stood there letting the hot water beat down on his back, he closed his eyes and a vision of Elaine in her wedding gown walking down the path to him came to his mind. Oh what a beautiful bride she had been. He was so moved by her beauty, both inside and out. 'Oh Lord, I am a blessed man,' he thought as he stepped out of the shower. As he dried himself, he wondered if he would disappoint her this night. He wondered if he would be able to satisfy her. As odd as it may have seemed, Chris had shared a lot of things with him and he had a feeling that Elaine and Dani had shared a lot too. Oddly enough, Chris' last piece of advice to him was, "Just love her Lance. Just hold her and love her. Let nature take it's course. You'll be surprised at how things go. You'll find you know more than you think."

Lance towel dried his hair and just left it be. Then he slipped on the white silk PJ bottoms that were given to him along with the gown that Elaine had received from the guys and gals. The feel of the silk on his body was like soft gentle and sensual caresses. He looked at himself in the mirror and his face was clean shaved and his eyes were brighter than even he could remember seeing them. He was in love and the best part was that he was in love with his wife.

He walked out into the living area of the Master Suite. The sound system was playing AMAZED by Lone Star and he could hear Elaine singing in the shower.


(Marv Green/Aimee Mayo/Chris Lindsey)

Every time our eyes meet

This feeling inside me

Is almost more than I can take

Baby when you touch me

I can feel how much you love me

And it just blows me away

I've never been this close to anyone or anything

I can hear your thoughts

I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do

I'm so in love with you

It just keeps getting better

I wanna spend the rest of my life

With you by my side

Forever and ever

Every little thing that you do

Baby I'm amazed by you

The smell of your skin

The taste of your kiss

The way you whisper in the dark

Your hair all around me

Baby you surround me

You touch every place in my heart

Oh it feels like the first time every time

I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes

I don't know how you do what you do

I'm so in love with you

It just keeps getting better

I wanna spend the rest of my life

With you by my side

Forever and ever

Every little thing that you do

Baby I'm amazed by you

Every little thing that you do

I'm so in love with you

It just keeps getting better

I wanna spend the rest of my life

With you by my side

Forever and ever

Every little thing that you do

Oh, every little thing that you do

Baby I'm amazed by you

As she sang, he put things away into the fridge that was under the counter and found the bottle of champagne that was chilled for them. He grabbed the champagne glasses and the bottle and climbed the stairs to the balcony to wait for his woman. 'Baby, I'm gonna love you long and hard tonight,' he thought to himself.

Elaine showered with all the care of a blushing Bride preparing to present herself to her new husband. Her talks with Dani had been so helpful. Between that and all the literature that Dr. Cobb had given them, she felt she should be more at ease than she was, but this was a special night for her. This was the night she would become a woman, the night that she would consummate her marriage vows.

For years, she had prepared herself for this night, and especially for the last five years, she had saved herself for Lance. She had vowed that her womanhood would be his and his alone, as God ordained, within the bonds of matrimony. Her love for Lance was honest and pure and she was determined not to cheapen it by frivolously giving it away, even to him.

There had been times that they had come so close to crossing that line. Times it had been so hard to stop and pull back. 'Oh God, forgive me my weaknesses,' she prayed silently. But their faith, vow and determination carried them through. They were married now, there was no stopping them now.

As she stood before the mirror drying her hair, she looked at her face. This would be the last time she looked upon the face of a girl. After tonight, she would be a woman. She would no longer be a wide-eyed innocent. Her eyes closed as she tried to picture in her mind's eye, Lance waiting for her on the balcony. Was he as nervous as she was? Or was he more confident? 'Oh Lord, I hope one of us knows what we're doing,' she smiled to herself.

She could picture him standing there in his white silk PJ bottoms in contrast to his lean and tanned body. She could see the moonlight reflected on his blonde spikes that he still wore and in those crystal green eyes. The eyes that could look into your very being.

Elaine finished drying her hair and it smelled like spring flowers. Then she sprayed on some DESIRE and rubbed it all over. As she dropped her towel, she looked at herself. 'Not a perfect body,' she thought. A little plump still, but Lance had said he loved her just the way she was. He wanted someone he could feel next to him and someone he could hold on to.

Her hair glistened in the bathroom light. The highlights they put in for the wedding were the perfect touch. Elaine slipped the white silk gown over her head and it slid over her body like a glove. The feel of silk on her skin was heavenly. She wrapped her arms around herself and closed her eyes imagining that Lance was holding her.

'Enough of this,' she thought to herself. 'I've got my man waitin' on me.' She looked into the mirror and as she slipped some lip gloss on, she heard Garth Brooks come on with TO MAKE YOU FEEL MY LOVE. 'Oh JC, thanks for this marvelous CD.'

To Make you Feel My Love

by Garth Brooks

When the rain is blowing in your face

And the whole world is on your case

I could offer you a warm embrace

To make you feel my love

When evening shadows and the stars appear

And there's no one to dry your tears

I would hold you for a million years

To make you feel my love

I know you haven't made your mind up yet

But I would never do you wrong

I've known it from the moment that we met

There's no doubt in my mind where you belong

I'd go hungry I'd go black and blue

I'd go crawling down the avenue

There ain't nothing I wouldn't do

To make you feel my love

The storms are raging on a rolling sea

And down the highway of regret

The winds of change are blowing wild and free

But you ain't seen nothing like me yet

There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do

Go to the ends of this earth for you

Make you happy, make your dreams come true

To make you feel my love

As Elaine opened the door of the bathroom, the words and music flowed around her. The sound system made the music feel like it was coming at you from all directions. It felt like the music caressed your body.

Now that it was darker out, the moonlight was even more awesome than before. It shown through the double doors like a silver path. A silver path to the man she would love and honor all the rest of her days.

A warm tropical breeze blew the sheer curtains out into billowy rolls. They seemed like a slow motion dream. As she approached the doors, the breeze kissed her skin and caused her gown to flow around her. The feel of the silk on her skin was sensual and she was filled with excitement and anticipation. There was a feeling of longing deep inside, that the moment she saw him standing against the railing of the balcony, she felt as though she had come home. Home to his arms and his kisses and his caresses.

She stood there and watched him as the breeze blew around him. His back was to her and his shoulders seemed broader somehow. When he moved, the muscles rippled through his shoulders. She saw the two lasses and the bottle of champagne waiting for their toast. Waiting for the time that they would look at each other in a totally different way. Quietly she stepped into the doorway and the breeze blew her gown against her body.

Just then, Boyz 2 Men came on with I'LL MAKE LOVE TO YOU. Lance thought to himself, 'she's pulled out all the stops tonight.' He chuckled to himself as he turned to look and see if she was done. The smile on his face turned to a look of awe and he gasped when he felt the breath being sucked right out of him.

There before him was the vision in his dream that had on more than one occasion caused him to seek a cold shower for relief. He had thought she was as beautiful as she could be when she walked down the path to marry him, but, he was so WRONG. The beauty and love that radiated from her now was almost more than he could stand. Her hair glistened in the moonlight and he could even see her eyes sparkling in the light. The smile she gave him was overwhelming.

They slowly walked towards each other and took the sight of each other in from head to toe. Their excitement was evident and each unwittingly licked their lips as they had suddenly become dry. Finally, they reached each other and held out their arms to embrace one another. Lance took in her scent and Elaine drank in his. They were both breathless with excitement and anticipation.

Foreheads touched. Noses touched. Finally, lips touched and started a move all their own. Lance brought his hands to her face and cupped it gently as his mouth covered hers in a deep and long overdue kiss. He felt as though he had been waiting forever to hold her in his arms and to taste her sweet lips on his. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that he thought surely it would jump right out. 'Oh Lord, she is even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined and she's mine, ALL MINE.'

Elaine's arms had immediately gone around his neck and pulled him to her. As their kiss deepened and he cupped her face in his hands, she slipped her arms around his waist and pulled him to her. It felt so good to be in his arms again. They each moaned with satisfaction in the other and tried to get even closer to each other.

Finally, they came up for air and leaned on each other for support. Lance wrapped his arms around her and just held on tight. His hands found bare skin as the back of her gown was not there down to below her waist. Upon this realization, he moaned into Elaine's ear, "Oh BABY!"

Elaine felt tingles go all through her body as his deep voice rumbled in her ear. She felt her knees go weak and she wrapped her arms around his neck to keep herself on her feet. "Oh Lance, you are beautiful here in the moonlight. You look so incredibly sexy here."

Lance smiled at her and said, "I could say the same thing for you. You are an ANGEL. Baby, I just want to eat you up."

"All in good time sweetie, all in good time. Did I see some champagne here?"

Lance turned to the railing and grabbed the bottle and the two glasses and turned back to Elaine. She took both glasses in her hands while Lance poured the champagne in them. He sat the bottle down and took his glass from her.

"To the most beautiful Bride I have ever laid my eyes on. To the most beautiful woman I have ever had the pleasure to know. To the woman that has taught me how to love again. You saved me baby. You are so incredible and I love you with every fiber of my being." He leaned into her and kissed her then took a drink of champagne.

Elaine was so moved by his words. He was the most compassionate man she had ever known and he was hers. She took his left hand in hers and turned it where his wedding band could be seen, then, she placed her left hand next to it. Their matching bands and the diamond cluster ring of his Granny's graced her finger. They were joined together for all eternity.

She lifted her glass in a toast. "To the man I love more than life itself. I would give my life for you, Lancelot. You are my world and I love you so much." She kissed him and then drank a sip of champagne and put her glass on the railing.

She ceremoniously lifted her right hand and held it in her left as she looked into his crystal green eyes that looked at her with so much love in them, she could hardly catch her breath. His eyes took her in and she was lost in his gaze. She finally shook herself to bring herself back to the present and what she needed to do.

"Lance, you have made all my dreams come true today. You've made me the happiest woman alive. You've given me your heart and I promise, I will be careful with it. You've given me this fantastic honeymoon. Baby, this is a Paradise."

She began fingering her True Love Waits ring and then she continued. "Lance, when I took my vow to wait for marriage to have sex, I had not even met you yet. But, I knew that God had someone special out there for me to love and I wanted to be a perfect Bride.

Then, when I fell in love with you when Mama started working for you, I KNEW I was saving myself for you. I prayed everyday for US. I prayed that God would bring us together and give us a good foundation on which to build our lives. We've been the best of friends and that is something solid on which to build.

You've given me so much and all I have to give ME." She took her TLW ring from her finger and held it in her hand. Then she took his hand and placed it on his pinkie finger near his wedding band.

"Lance, I give myself to you, body and soul. I give myself, pure and untouched by any other's hands. I've saved myself for you alone and will always remain yours. The greatest gift I have to give to you is my heart, my body, my womanhood. By waiting for this night, I respected you and I respected myself above all else, with God's help."

Elaine took the glass of champagne from Lance and sat it on the railing next to hers. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and looked deep into his eyes. The moonlight was so bright and so intense, it felt intoxicating. The breeze kissed their bodies in an extremely sensual way.

"Lance, I love you..(kiss)...I want you...(kiss)...I need you...(kiss)...Baby...I'm yours...I'm ALL yours....PLEASE...make me yours...NOW."

Lance was blown away by Elaine's boldness and he kissed her long and hard. His hands roamed up and down her back and pulled her closer to him. This was his wife, this was his life. The fire that had smoldered for so long was ignited within both of them. As their kiss deepened, it became a ragging inferno.

Passions that had lain just below the surface were finally evident. Not only did Lance's hand explore Elaine's body, but she did likewise to his. It seemed that they wanted to memorize each other's body as quickly as possible.

Finally, Lance could wait no longer. He gathered Elaine to him and held her in his arms and kissed her passionately as he walked through the double doors into a room filled with lightly scented candles. The candle light created a serenity beyond belief and the moonlight pouring through the double doors was magical.

Lance lowered Elaine to her feet by the round, satin covered bed in the middle of the loft area. His eyes feasted on her loveliness as his hands gingerly touched her skin. Elaine, in turn, reached up and touched his chest with trembling hands. Her fingers traced the muscles up to his neck and outlined his ear. "Elaine, I love you...I love you so much."

"Lance, I love you too. Please....make love to me."

"Baby, I don't want to do anything else but make love to you."

As he eased her down onto the bed, the music changed and Faith Hill's LET'S MAKE LOVE came on. He smiled at her and drew her into a hot, passionate kiss and embrace. They had waited so long for this moment. They had waited all their lives for this moment in time, the ultimate sharing of ones self with your life's partner.

Let's Make Love

Baby I've been drifting away

And dreaming all day

Of holding you, touching you

The only thing I wanna do is be with you

As close to you as I can be


Let's make love

All night long

Until our strength is gone

Hold on tight

Just let go

I want to feel you in my soul

Until the sun comes up

Let's make love

Do you know what you do to me

Everything inside of me

Is wanting you, needing you

I'm so in love with you

Look in my eyes

Let's get lost tonight

In each other


Let's make love

All night long

Until our strength is gone

Hold on tight

Just let go

I want to feel you in my soul

Until the sun comes up

Let's make love

Hands roamed over bodies and silk and finally, there was nothing between them and ultimate ecstasy. Elaine prepared to receive her husband, her lover, her soulmate. He pressed against her and looked deep into her eyes. "Baby, I am so glad that you saved yourself for me, cause Sugar, you were definitely worth the wait."

There is a moment in time when two hearts truly fuse together and this was that time when two became ONE.

The afterglow of their intense and passionate love making filled the loft until the early morning hours. There was an insatiable hunger being filled by two people in a committed relationship. This was their reward for waiting, and IT had been worth the wait. By waiting, they belonged to one another, ONLY. After several hours of 'playtime', they cuddled together in each other's arms and drifted into blissful and fulfilled slumber, dreaming of the future that lay ahead of them.

The next two weeks were spent talking and planning. Taking walks and going skinny dipping in the lagoon. They made love on the beach, in the pool, in the jacuzzi, on the sailboat and in every room of the house. Their life was perfect for two glorious weeks. No cameras, no fans screaming and NO worries of the outside world.

As the time for them to leave drew closer, they spent every moment possible just being together. They had explored each other to such an extent, they could just look at one another and tell what the other one was thinking. They now knew each other's bodies intimately and knew what pleasured their partner.

A couple of nights before they were to leave, Lance was helping Elaine pack up some things and he found the book that Arnold had left for them on the plane. He was looking through it when Elaine came up behind and wrapped her arms around him. She laid her face against his bare back and her hands played with the hair around his navel and below.

Lance leaned back slightly as to press a body hug to her. "Whatcha lookin' at Lancelot?"

"Oh, just this book that Arnold gave us," he snickered. "THE JOYS OF SEX. An interesting title." He turned in her arms and looked deep into her eyes. "Has it been a joy my love?"

Elaine melted when he called her 'my love' and she smiled at him. "Oh yes sweet cheeks," she said as she squeezed his backside with her hands. "I would say it has been a most joyous time." She leaned into him as she squeezed is tanned butt and pulled him closer to her.

Lance, in return, squeezed her nicely tanned backside and felt himself press into her. "I think we even came up with some ideas they missed," he laughed evilly.

Elaine's desire was kindled by just the look in his eyes. "Lance, have I told you lately that I love you?"

"Yeah, but it's been a couple of hours," he teased. "But, the feeling is mutual. I love you, too."

They held each other trying to make time stand still. Several times they had expressed the feeling of wanting to never go back, to stay in this beautiful Island Paradise. They walked out onto the balcony from the loft and looked out over the lagoon. As they stood watching the stars, Lance held her in front of him. Her fragrance filled his senses and his desire grew. "Baby, tomorrow night is our last night here. Is there something special you would like to do before we leave?"

Elaine leaned back against him and felt his strength, his warmth and his desire. "I don't want this time to end. It feels like we've died and gone to heaven. Lord knows, if I had any inhibitions before, I surely don't now." She turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.

The hot look in Elaine's eyes was just more than Lance could stand. She was fueling feelings in him already aroused. "Baby, I want to take some blankets down to the beach and go skinny dipping in the ocean and then make love by the fire on the beach all....(kiss)...night...(kiss)...long."

Lance began working on his plan for their last night on the island as he put into action his desires for this night they WERE in.

Have you ever awakened in the morning to wonder if you've dreamed the last seven or eight years of your life? Only to be made pleasantly aware that it is very real. To awaken to strong arms wrapped around you and soft, tender lips kissing your neck and shoulders, bringing you gently into the morning glow. To hear that deep, raspy morning voice telling you just how much he loves you and what he loves about you the most and to take inventory as he goes.

"Good morning Mrs. Bass. And how is my incredibly, amazingly sexy wife this morning?"

He could still manage to elicit a blush out of her and that is what he loved the most about her. She snuggled further into his arms and let her fingers roam his chest. "Your wife is feeling well loved and almost content this morning."

Lance looked at her. "What's this 'almost content' stuff?"

She gave him an evil grin and looked into his eyes, "I haven't had my morning noo..." Lance silenced her with his lips and proceeded to make his wife content.

By noon, Elaine and Lance had all of their stuff together and ready to leave the next morning. Lance had called to Security and asked them to set up everything on the beach for that night. They were going to set up the wood and have it ready to light the fire that evening.

Lance decided they would take out the speedboat that day. They anchored out from the island after circling it and getting a last look at their Paradise home for the last two weeks. They sunned on the bow of the boat and then made love before heading back in.

They went skinny dipping in the lagoon and enjoyed the jacuzzi in back one last time. Lance figured they needed to take a nap if they were going to spend the evening on the beach, so they headed to the loft and cuddled together on the satin sheets, smiling contentedly.

Unknown to Elaine, Lance had called the Security shack to ask them to gather the wood and set everything for their fire up and he also asked that a dinner be set up on the beach.

Lance woke before Elaine and laid there watching her sleep. She looked so peaceful and content. My Lord, he was a blessed man. He thought of all he had been through and he felt like the luckiest man alive to have someone like her love him to the extent she loved him. She had saved herself for him. He had, indeed, received the most precious gift of all from her. It was more valuable to him than all the honeymoons that could be put together. Their love making was special, even when they played. He could tell she never took him for granted, and he certainly didn't take her so. After all, he thought he would NEVER feel this way again.

Elaine soon awakened and they put on their suits and gathered their blankets and comforters to head to the beach. There was a protected area in one area of the beach near the entrance to the larger lagoon in front of the house. As they came around the jagged rock, there was a white canopy with a table set up for dinner. There was wood for their fire that was already set up. There was shrimp and kiwi on the table along with large bottles of water.

They sat at the table and fed each other shrimp, licking each other's fingers and leaning in for kisses from time to time. The soft light from the lanterns that hung from the sides of the canopy, cast shadows of two people so completely and totally in love with one another. A portable sound system played softly in the background as the waves crashed against the shore.

The sun had set earlier and soon Elaine reached over and pulled Lance to her in a long kiss. They rose from their chairs, still in their kiss, and pulled each to the other. Soon they were running across the sand, naked, and into the surf. They splashed water on each other and finally fell into each other's arms. As if in the classic scene from "From Here To Eternity," Lance and Elaine lay on the edge of the surf and sand, fulfilling their own desires. Afterward, they snuggled in the comforters and blankets they had brought to the beach and fell asleep until shortly before dawn.

This time, it was Elaine's turn to awaken before Lance. She recalled the morning she woke up in his arms at the retreat. She had thought that would be the only way she would want to wake up for the rest of her life, in Lance's arms. Now, here she was waking in his arms every morning. It was heaven to look into the eyes of love.

Security came early the next day to pick up the luggage and take it to be put on the plane. They advised that they would be back around 11:30 to pick them up to take them to the plane.

They had coffee on the balcony overlooking the lagoon. Lance looked over to Elaine and there were tears in her eyes. "Baby, what's wrong?" he asked as he pulled her into his arms to hold her close.

She looked deep into his green eyes. "I don't want to leave our Paradise. I don't want to leave this heavenly place. Oh Lance, I just want to stay tucked away with you from everything."

Lance could totally relate to her feelings. He wanted to stay here and never go back. "Oh Baby, I love you and I know what you mean. This place is like heaven. I promise, we will come back."

"Oh Lance, I would love that, I would love that so much. And the retreat, too?"

He smiled at her, "And the retreat, too."

Together, they said good bye to their home of the last two weeks. On the ride to the airstrip, Lance held Elaine close to him and did his best to soothe her. As they boarded the plane, they both turned to look back at the island and everyone gathered to say good bye. One young girl ran forward with two leis of purple and white orchids and placed them around their necks.

"May your lives be filled with beauty and love and many children to share the love that can be seen in your eyes," she said as she backed away.

Lance and Elaine grabbed her and hugged her and thanked her for the beautiful flowers. Elaine looked up at everyone there and waved. "Thank you so much for the best and most beautiful honeymoon a girl could have. Thank you each for whatever you did to make this time here so special." Then she disappeared into the plane before the tears became too evident.

Elaine went into the lounge to buckle in for take off while Lance spoke with Captain Oaks. Then, he joined her to buckle in himself. They took off from the strip and headed west and banked around to start heading east. Capt. Oaks rang in that they could remove their seat belts and that they would fly over the island to their port side as they headed east. They moved to the left side of the plane and watched as they flew over. Everyone was waving to them and bidding them farewell.

Lance rang the captain to speak to him about times of arrival at their different destinations. Elaine went into the back to the bedroom. Her heart was aching for the island already. She sat beside the porthole and looked out at the vastness of the ocean and the island fading in the distance.

Reality would soon hit them in the face and it was just a tad bit scary. They were heading back to their life together with family and friends around them and supporting them. They were heading back to their home and careers and their future as a family, hopefully.

When the island was out of sight, Elaine went over to the bed and sat down to take her sandals off and then she slipped out of her clothes and laid back on the satin pillows. There was a major contrast between her golden tanned skin and these white sheets now. She had a tan that most models would die for, no tan lines.

Lance came into the bedroom and found that Elaine had fallen asleep. As he came around the bed, he saw her clothes lying on the chair and turned to see her bronze body nestled in the white satin sheets. They had both gotten great tans during this honeymoon. They had truly been in their own Garden of Eden and he was finding himself missing it already.

He slipped out of his clothes and pulled the sheet back to crawl in behind her in the bed. His arm slipped around her waist and he spooned directly behind her, his excitement already growing just being near her.

As he laid there taking in the sight of his beautiful wife, he realized that his paradise lay beside him here in these satin sheets with him. Silently, he prayed. 'Lord, thank you for this woman you have given to me. I guess I can relate to how Adam felt when you gave him Eve. But Lord, I promise not to let this paradise get messed up. I promise to cherish this paradise until the day that I die.'

He proceeded to kiss her shoulder blade and shoulder. Then he slipped up to her ear and his hands roamed her body to awaken her.

Elaine moaned and snuggled back further against him causing him to moan into her ear. "Mmm, Lance honey...I was just dreaming...that we were still..on the island."

"Baby, I wish we were there too. But, right now, as we head home and back to the real world, there's a 'ceremony' we have to perform."

"A ceremony?" she asked as she turned in his arms.

"Yeah Sugar Bear, we have to induct two new members into the Mile High Club. And since we're well above the required limit, we can now proceed."

As they looked at one another, they silently vowed to be true to each other for the rest of their days. They vowed to love one another, "'til death do us part."

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