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Chapter Eight

Lance sat and watched all the activity going on around him. He watched as Elaine interacted with her friends and their parents. She was loved and respected by everyone and the relationship she had with her Mom was priceless. She was everything he had ever looked for in a woman, and, here it was in this young lady.

"You're staring, Lance," whispered Chris. "She is beautiful, isn't she? My question is, when did she grow up?"

Lance was brought back to the present with that. "Chris! That's Sissy you are talking about."

"So, you did not look like you were looking at Sissy in a sisterly manner anyway. What's the deal, man?"

"I don't know man. It's like I'm seeing her for the first time. Like I've never seen her before. She has changed so much since I last saw her. Has it been a year since we saw her?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, almost. Man, you look like..."

"Look like what, man?"

"Lance, you look at her like her."

Lance turned and looked at Chris. "What are you talking about Chris? Elaine is like a sister to us."

"Maybe to us, but I have a feeling she is more than that to you. You have not taken your eyes off her since she took off that cap and gown." Suddenly, Chris heard Joey ask a critical question.

"Well, what are you girls doing for the summer?" asked Joey.

"Getting ready to go off to school in the fall," was Rickii's answer.

"Me, too," added Lynne.

"Well," said Chris, who knew exactly where Joey was going with the questioning, "how would you like to experience road travel first hand?"

Elaine, Rickii and Lynne all looked at them puzzled. "What do you mean?" asked Elaine.

Lance quickly clicked into reality. "Well, I happen to know that these two are your closest friends, heck, I feel like I know them as well as you do cause we've talked about them so much." Lance recalled their long talks and how much the girls meant to Elaine. "We thought it would be neat to have the girls come on tour with us until after your birthday bash. What do you think? Would your parents let you come?" Lance inquired.

Lynne and Rickii were speechless. All they could do was look at each other and hyperventilate. Lance looked at them and then at Elaine, "are they all right?"

Elaine looked into his sparkling green eyes that seemed to devour her. "You want the girls to come with us on tour?" She couldn't believe it. "Oh Lance, that would be so much fun. But what about Johnny, will he be okay with this?"

"Already set, okayed and just waiting for confirmation on the number coming."

Elaine looked at her best friends and collectively, they screamed. The guys were taken aback by this, but soon realized the total and sheer excitement they had.

"Hold on," Lynne and Rickii both said as they ran to talk to their folks.

"Lance, I can't believe that you guys are doing this. All of you are so sweet to do this, I just don't know how to thank you all."

"We'll think of a way," Joey sneered evilly, licking his lips.

"Behave!" was Chris' only comment. "Those are young ladies, not your club bunnies."

"Yeah, Pop. Since you got married, you're no fun anymore," whined Joey.

"I just wouldn't want someone talking to my daughter like that, so, straighten up."

About that time, Rickii and Lynne both returned with their families in tow to ask about going on the tour.

"Our folks think we're nuts. Would you please tell them that you asked us to go on tour until after Elaine's birthday," pleaded Lynne.

Lynne's Grandmother and Father looked at the guys questioningly. "Is this true?" asked her Dad.

Lance spoke up for everyone. "Yes, it is. We know how close these girls are and this is the last chance they will have to spend time together before Lynne and Rickii go off to school and Elaine starts her job with us. We wanted them to have a good time before they have to start studying again."

"But, Rickii needs to get a job this summer before school starts," her Dad said.

"Well, if there are no objections, we have that covered as well," remarked Lance. "It won't be just a fun time. Elaine is going to be working closely with her Mom to learn all her duties and then taking over after this tour. And right now, I do not have a liaison to my company until I can get someone hired. So these young ladies can assist and we would be glad to pay them for the work that they do. They will have a week of leisure and then the work will start."

Everyone looked at one another and the girls pleaded with their folks.

"When do they have to leave?" Rickii's Dad inquired.

"We are sending the limo to pick Gwen and Elaine up day after tomorrow." The girls looked at their parents questioningly, and finally got the nod to go. All three looked at each other and collectively screamed. There was chatter back and forth and JC and the guys assured the parents that there would be numbers available to them so they could check on their girls. All details were promptly worked out.

After everything settled down, the guys had Elaine return to the table so they could give her their graduation gift. "My goodness guys, it's enough that you are having the girls come on tour. What now?"

JC handed her a small box wrapped in pearl colored paper and topped with a gold and silver bow. Elaine carefully removed the bow and paper. Then she slipped the top off the box to reveal a black jewelry pouch. Elaine looked up and into the anxiously waiting eyes of the guys. "We hope you like it," said Justin as he leaned closer to see her expression when she opened it.

Her trembling fingers worked to open the string on the pouch. When this was accomplished, she held the pouch in one hand and poured the contents into the other. There, sparkling in the light, was a delicate gold chain and on the chain was a filigree engraved cross and on the front of the cross in silver the words "Class of 2005." It was so delicate looking she was almost afraid to touch it. A tear slipped down her cheek as she looked at it. "You guys shouldn't have," she said, her voice very emotional.

Lance put a hand on her bare shoulder to comfort her. He took the chain from her and opened the clasp to put it on her. Elaine lifted her hair so that he could fasten the chain into place. When he touched her sensitive neck underneath her hairline, she felt a shiver go through her entire body. Lance placed both hands on her shoulders and turned her around. The chain looked beautiful on her slender neck and the cross lay just above the neckline of her dress, which was low cut.

"Oh my! This is absolutely gorgeous. You guys are just too much," Elaine exclaimed breathlessly. She gave each of them a hug and kiss and when she came to Lance, she just clung to him for dear life. "This means so much to me. Thank you so much guys."

"Only the best for you Sissy," remarked JC. "It looks beautiful on you."

"Let's go dancin'" shouted Joey. "Where is there a place we can tear up the floor?"

"There is Club 2000, but without Mike, Lonnie and House, you'll be deadmeat," said Elaine.

"Oh, they are on standby for us," grinned Justin. "All we have to do is call. Did you think we would let you off that easily? We even have a change of clothes and everything."

"But you guys look so cool in your white suits. Besides, I didn't spend all this money on this dress not to show it off." Elaine looked at them with an evil grin.

"Your wish is our command," said Chris as he bowed from the waist.

"Why don't you ask your friends to join us?" asked Justin, as he eyed Lynne out of the corner of his eye.

Elaine checked with Lynne and Rickii and their parents said it was okay, so they all piled into the limo and took off. Justin phoned the guys to let them know where they were headed.

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