~!*Chapter Eight*!~

“You lethargic, waiting upon me, waiting for the fire, and I attendant upon you, Shaken by your beauty…Shaken by you beauty…Shaken…” -William Carlos Williams After brunch Maya pulled me into another room for a moment while the guys cleaned up. I felt bad because I knew that we had used up all the breakfast food for this month and that Maya would probably have AJ buy us some more. I hated it when she let him buy her stuff. We needed no pity. But I let that go as we sat in the living room she was immediately questioning me.

“Was it good?” She asked first. I nodded, “Why did he come home with you? Are you an item now?” She questioned. I shook my head no.

“Kimmy, come on deliver the news.” She begged.

“It happened. It is over. We might be friends, but you know how that is.” I quickly explained before going upstairs. I felt like I was coping out of a couple things. One was Brian. The other was talking it out with Maya. But I had to study. I had to pass. I had to finish this report.

My goals were dependent on a 4.0 GPA. I needed perfection, at least in this. And possibly in future relationships but the future wasn’t now just like now wasn’t what I expected it to be. I wasn’t going to whine and complain. I was going to overcome and nothing would stop me. Not even Brian. So what if we had an attraction? I am far too busy for a guy, let alone one with a weirder schedule than me. It wasn’t going to happen. Maybe after I graduate. Not now though…

I collapsed into my work easily. It could easily be seen as an escape from emotion but with everything else going on, I need to at least be able to stay focused here. In my study area. In my room. In my life…

Once I was just beginning to get really into my report, Brian let himself in again. I turned down my music.

“I’m sorry, I’m busy, You should go.” I recommended. It hurt to say and it hurt to see his expression. What was going on here? This was supposed to have no strings. He nodded and looked hurt, but said ‘bye and I had a nice time’ before walking out my door. I turned to continue my report but soon the tears that were falling were causing too much confusion in my typing.

Chappy 9

Email: roksbabygirl@aol.com