Sharing with God

We had been dating for about 2 weeks, Adriana and I. But we had been friends long beforehand. We were having an interesting evening too. We had both dressed up I wore a regular tux and she wore a greenish-purplish-bluish long flowing dress with a tight bodice and a matching scarf. We started our night with a gourmet meal of macaroni and cheese. Then she insisted we danced throughout my house. It was lovely and enjoyable. Her creativity in my home made it much more fun. I never saw romance in it before now.

All of it led to lounging in the hot tub, drinking Chardonney. Her hair was a blonde, light brown mixture that looked complementing in the long curly tendrils she wore it in. her face glowed, her full of delight, all because of the simple things we had performed so far. Our sudden intimacy shoed for we never shared an uncomfortable moment tonight was no exception.

“Brian dear, take my glass, I think I’ve had enough.” She proclaimed. I took inform her and set it on the ground beside me. She was never much of a drin

ker so I wasn’t surprised. “As enjoyable as this is, I think I better get out before I fall asleep.” She announced standing up. The water gently rolling off her smooth skin. Her bikini sticking tightly to her body showing every curve of her femininity. I smiled and gave her a hand so she could easily step out.

“I’ll be out in a minute.” I announced. As she walked to the bathroom. While I exited, I blew out the candles surrounding the water. I changed into a dry pair of boxers and waited for her to exit the bathroom. She soon came out in one of my T-shirts and dark purple panties. She laid next to me. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. The softness of her skin never ceased to amaze me. She inched towards me until we were face to face. I noticed she started to hold one of my hands too. The she dropped it, grabbed my head and gently pulled me to her until we were lip to lip, mouth to mouth, tongue to tongue. I loved her kisses and she quickly had me aroused. We twisted and turned continuing to taste eachother. Hands roaming but never leaving each other’s bodies. My hands then went to the dreadful task of removing her shirt, that stood in my way to her firm tummy and supple breasts. Once that was done, I ran my tongue down her body stopping at the next barrier. I went back up to her lips while my hands went to work at removing her underwear. We continued to kiss delving deeper until it was hard to tell where one mouth began and ended. I felt her delicate fingers tugging at my boxers, it aroused me even more. I never would have thought we would ever be doing something so intimate so soon. But time had no reverence with us. Once we both were skin to skin, I entered into her beautiful body. Sweat trickled down both our bodies as we rhythmically became one. One soul, one person. With each thrust came surges of physical pleasure but it poured through me to my heart. I knew I loved her, she was amazing in every aspect. Our lovemaking continued causing sensations everywhere. Then as easy as it began, it ended. We laid there together. I held her in my arms, surrounded by a bubble of contentness. I was happy truly happy. Nothing could ruin this moment, I thought as we drifted into sleep.

We awoke in the same position, near the same time. Without saying a word, only smiling and touching we got dressed. She opened the shutters and sunlight poured in. It reflected my optimistic mood. We had an unspoken need for breakfast but I lacked the food so we went to Denny’s Diner. We held hands the whole way there. One of my bodyguards Marc, wanted to talk to me a moment, I agreed and we left the new guy to watch Adrianna. We went outside and he told me he didn’t like us walking around town and suggested we take a cab home. I was reluctantly agreeing when we heard a gun shot. Out of instinct I ran in, Marc right behind me. We looked for the destination of the bullet and quickly found it to be Adriana. I ran to her side horrified while Marc looked for the source of the bullet, it was Jeff (the new guy), Marc quickly took his gun and pinned him to the floor. I couldn’t find the exact place the bullet hit but it was close enough to her heart to scare me.

“Adriana, oh God, it’ll be okay, oh no!” I exclaimed in a confused rush. She started to choke and out came more blood. I held her hand but it seemed to have lost most of its strength.

“I love you Adriana!” I exclaimed trying to urge to hang on but also wanting her to know the truth before her life was so eagerly taken. I knew it would be. Something way wrong had happened. I could hear sirens in the background as she choked out the words I longed to hear…

“I…Love…You…too…”she said softly before coughing up more blood, the paramedics rushed in and I followed them to the ambulance. It seemed she might be doing okay at one point but then her heart just stopped. I sat there my eyes already puffy form the unnoticed tears that had fallen. I had just found her and so quickly lost her, but she was mine, we had shared ourselves. We had shared something so great, something I may never have again but I had it for awhile. I had my moments of bliss and If I had to share her with someone I was glad it was God. (EN: FEedback please!)

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