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My Favorite Education Links

Here are a few of my favorite links for education. Since I am a high school English teacher, I do tons of my own research. Search the pages. Explore and expand your mind. You never know what neat things you will find. Drop me a line if you find something new. If you come across a new site, let me know about it and I will try to post it here.

My Favorite Sites for Literature and Research Resources

Medieval Food Resources
14th Century Meals
A great place for Teachers to get lesson plans of ALL kinds
Legend of King Arthur
Heraldry on the Net
Queen Gwynevere
Knights, Chivalry, Training
Renaissance Bibliography of Food and Drinks
Medieval Culture (Crusades, Castles, Art History, Drama)
The Story of Avalon
Ms. Davidson's English class Research projects
Lesson Plans for teachers of all grade levels
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Online Encyclopedia for students and teachers
Send letters and email to schools across the world

Other Educational Services and Organizations

Teacher Resources
Science, Math, History and More at this Site
National Council of the Teachers of English

Drop Me A Line sometime

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