All were present and waiting to leave except for Howie and Kevin.....they still weren't there yet and it was 20 minutes after he time they were supposed to meet.
"Here they come" said AJ "What the hell too yall so long" asked AJ
"Some fans had spotted us" said Howie "Yeah and we couldn't say no when they asked for autographs and pictures so ya know..... but sorry were late" said Kevin
"Its ok" said Amaya
"But anyway are we ready to leave and head to get something to eat?" asked Howie
There were yeahs from everyone.
"Hey Maya, can you drop me off at my house, I forgot I promised my dad I'd go furniture shopping with him" asked Tina
"No hay de que" replied Amaya which in English mean 'no problem'
They pulled up to Tina's house and everybody said their good-byes to her!
"Hey Amaya how about you take us back to the hotel so we can freshen up and you can go back to your house and do the same and well call you when were all finished because my shorts are still wet from that ride" laughed Brian
Amaya laughed "Aight that's cool...... besides mine are a little damp too"
After Amaya dropped off the guys and was heading back to her she got to thinking about some things. She though about how Tina left her, knowing Nick would say something to her and wouldn't have the confidence to really fight back. Mostly she thought about why Nick hated her so much, why he would constantly make her feel like she is nothing......... She then thought back to why this type of stuff effects her so much and then she realized who made her feel the same way....... her mother.
After Amaya got home safely she took a shower and contemplated on what to wear. She decided on something casual. She was wearing her Express Boot Cut Jeans with her white classic Reeboks and a black tank top that had lettering on it that said Dancer on it. She pulled her hair back int a tight slick ponytail and let the ponytail hang. She was feeding her cat when the phone rang.
"Amaya hey it's Brian, just calling to say we are ready if you are"
"Umm, yeah I'm ready it I'll be there in about 20 minutes k?" said Amaya
"Alright, see you then" answered Brian
"Bye" said Amaya and she hung up
Amaya hopped into her car and in no less than 30 minutes she was at the hotel. She had that feeling again! The feeling where she knew this night would not be very good!!!