NEW Builds For World Government! The New World Order

We must understand the NEA's obsession with promotion of the United Nations as an instrument for world government. The American Association of School Administrators, an affiliate of the NEA, presented a formal resolution in 1951: "We URGE continued use of the United Nations as an instrument of peace. We DECLARE our- selves IN FAVOR of a charter amendment to enable the United Nations to enact, to interpret and enforce WORLD LAW to prevent war.. Since the United Nations is the tangible organized expression of mankind's desire for peace, ALL SCHOOLS should COOPERATE IN SUPPORTING United Nations Education Service to be inaugurated by NEA in September 1951" (NEA Journal, September 1951, p.253). Of course, Socialism/Communism was founded by the French Grand Orient Lodge of Freemasonry. Socialist/Communists from Russia and the 43 representatives from the U.S. Department of State and Treasury by 1953 were all found to be secret members of Communism except one. The first acting Secretary-General was Communist spy Alger Hiss. Their goal is to dissolve the sovereignty of the United States and merge us into an all powerful world government.

William G. Carr, past Executive Secretary of the NEA, served on the executive committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization [UNESCO]. Unfortunately, Mr. Carr was a Socialist. As consultant to the United States delegation of the United Nations in San Francisco. - [Carr] worked for the creation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization" (Washington Star, January23, 1952) and assisted in DRAFTING ITS CONSTITUTION.

The 1952 "Report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Director-General of UNESCO" [UN Document E-2 I 84-Add. I, May 2, 1952] stated clearly that the NEA and the United States Office of Education were enthusiastically endorsing and cooperating with the UN-UNESCO programs for world government. The NEA committee on International Relations held a conference at Lyndonwood College. St.Charlcs Missouri in July 1950 with 400 members attending. This "was one of many activities of the National Education Association DESIGNED to encourage and improve teaching about the United Nations."

The report from this meeting continued: "In 1950 the National Education Association compiled and distributed to teachers 1,000 United Nations kits with a handbook prepared by their committee on international relations. A teacher handbook for United Nations Day and Week of 1951 was distributed as the first of a series of special mailings to United Nations Service subscribers" (Ibid, p.111).

On August 1, 1957, Dr. Carr spoke before a group of teachers at an UNESCO seminar. He said that "we should with ALL LOYALTY to the United Nations, teach that the world organization should be REVISED TO TAKE SOME OF THE ASPECTS OF A SYSTEM OF WORLD GOVERNMENT AND WORLD LAW." Therefore: "... the psychological foundations for the wider loyalties that are NECESSARY must be laid in part in the schools. To urge you, therefore, not only to teach about the United Nations as it is today, but also to teach the attitudes which will ultimately RESULT in the creation of WORLD GOVERNMENT' (UNESCO Pamphlet, Christian Crusade, Tulsa, OK. 1967).

Paul W. Shafer, former Congressman from Michigan, now deceased, called this philosophy of the NEA as subversive. Congressman Shafer documented his charges. In summary: "I believe that an educational movement and philosophy which proposes to convert our schools into an agency for the PROMOTION of super national sovereignty OR world government and which URGES systematic eradication...of nationalism and the loyalties which it involves, IS SUBVERSIVE. I believe that an educational movement which arrogates to the educational profession or to any other profession or segment of our nation life - the awful responsibility of' SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTION,' is subversive. I believe that a movement which URGES teachers, or any other single group [of people], to 'deliberately reach for power and then make the most of its conquest,' is subversive. I believe that an educational movement and philosophy which pits CLASS AGAINST CLASS in America, and which proposes that the schools teach and promote such a belief and attitude, is subversive" (Honorable Paul W, Shafer, "Is There A 'Subversive' Movement in the Public Schools?" Congressional Record, March21, 1952).

Nothing has changed about the NEA desire to build a COLLECTIVIST state. Only the attitudes and behavior of our children as a whole since the NEA has controlled education. "The NEA continues to issue mandates, orders, and memoranda from its impressive palatial headquarters with its 33 departments, 25 commissions and committees, 1 8 divisions, and over 1,000 employees in Washington, D.C. Its influence cannot be underestimated" (Blackboard Power, NEA Threat to America, by Dr. Gordon V. Drake, p.30). Past U.S. Commissioner of Education, Dr. Sterling M. McMurrin, who resigned in September 1962, told Executive Secretary William G. Carr that the NEA is ".. moving toward NATIONAL CONTROL of education" (New York Times, October 20, 1962). Dr. McMurrin's resignation as U.S. Commissioner of Education was because of his headlong fight with the NEA over its policy of promoting world government (Ibid).

During the 38 years that Dr. Carr served the NEA, he also was a world leader in developing INTERNATIONAL organizations of education. "In 1946 he served as a United States representative in the creation of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO]. And in the same year he began serving one of the first WORLD teacher's organizations, the World Organization of the Teaching Profession [WOTP]. WOTP had a 'consultative arrangement' with UNESCO".

In 1952, with the help of Dr, Carr, World Organization of the Teaching Profession gathered in two other world teacher organizations, and they MERGED into the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teacher Profession. Dr. Carr moved into the position of Secretary-General of WCOTP and has held that position ever since 1952 [until 1967 when this was written], the very year he was appointed Executive Secretary of the NEA. He served in these two positions concurrently until his retirement from the NEA post in 1967. [NEA Reporter, January 19, 1968] - possibly so that he could devote full time to the WCOTP militant programs planned in the immediate years ahead.


"WCOTP's plans for the future were revealed by the president of the organization, Sir Ronald Gould of England. He urged teachers to 'press on toward self- government' in an address to delegates from 61 nations who attended the sixteenth annual assembly in Vancouver, Canada, during the summer of 1967. The NEA Reporter quoted Sir Gould as lamenting that 'nowhere in the world has teacher self-government been achieved,' but that teachers in most countries are ready for it [NEA Reporter, October20, 1967, p.8].

"The National Educational Association [NEA] is an active member of WCOTP, and through this membership, it continues to work effectively WITH the United Nations, UNESCO, and other U.N. agencies to promote the work started earlier, a work of indoctrinating American youth in ANTI-NATIONAL attitudes for the acceptance of world government" (Blackboard Power, NEA Threat to America by Dr. Gordon V. Drake. p.31).


In 1966 Dr. William G. Carr announced his intentions to retire. The NEA selected Sam Lambert as his successor. Dr. Sam Lambert stated that the NEA, under his leadership, would continue to be "action oriented." In his inaugural address at the Statler-Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. he stated: "We [teacher's profession] are already four times as large as any other professional organization in this country. Within a few years, we will be six or seven times as large." Then he promised: "[The NEA] is going to put its power and influence to WORK for the things that are most important.. NEA will become a stronger and more influential ADVOCATE for SOCIAL CHANGE long overdue" (NEA Reporter, November 10, 1967).

Lambert emphasized that the federal share of school finance should increase to one-third within the next ten years (Ibid). Why would Dr. Lambert push for further FEDERAL government assistance to education? The Constitution nowhere gives the federal government the right to interfere with education. Whatever is NOT specifically assigned the federal government is to be left to the states or individuals.

In the 1940s into the early I 970s the Supreme Court had been packed with high Freemasons - 3/4ths. Notice what Socialists and Liberals want the federal government to get involved with subsidizing the schools. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Wickard vs. Filburn, 1942, case that "IT IS HARDLY A LACK OF DUE PROCESS FOR GOVERNMENT TO REGULATE THAT WHICH IT SUBSIDIZES." Each new Federal law passed by Congress which invades the rights of the individual States further strengthens the CONTROL of the Federal government over the States and individuals alike. The Communist Manifesto calls for "free" public education for all students paid for by the government. The Manifesto also calls for a strong "Central" government. This helps eliminate State and individual rights written into our Constitution.

Dr. Lambert became very pointed in the direction the NEA would take. "NEA will INSIST that the profession at all levels have a voice in the formulation of educational policy, in curriculum change, and in educational planning" (ibid). The NEA would now formulate curriculum to SOCIALIZE the neighborhoods of America through education. They would say HOW a teacher is educated, whether he/she should be permitted into the profession, and whether he/she should stay in the profession (NEA Reporter, November 10, 1967, p.4). Dr. Sam Lambert was now ready for the NEA to CONTROL every phase of education.

Dr. Lambert used financial inducements to entice teachers to join the NEA. They would become a Union and become militant to gain their increase in pay, such as strikes and sanctions against school districts. In order to receive these benefits you had to join the NEA. This forced teachers to support Freemasonic/Communist objectives through their dues without their knowledge of these objectives.

Dr. Lambert's and the Communist Manifesto's call for a Cabinet position for Education paid off. The NEA supported Jimmy Carter for president in 1976 and was rewarded for that support with the Department of Education. Education was now to be CONTROLLED from Washington, D.C. - CENTRALIZED, just like the Freemasonic Socialist/Communist movement wanted. PROOF? The "NEA was instrumental in the founding of the Office of Education, and in recent years NEA has urged CABINET status for the office" (NEA Reporter, May 19, 1967, p.2 & 6). NEA got their way in 1979.