Master Plan for Federal Control of Schools

When Dr. Stering M. McMurrin resigned as U.S. Commissioner of Education in September 1962, he charged that the NEA "is NOT interested in higher education, is COOL to the private schools, and is pathologically OPPOSED to the parochial [religious schools" (New York Times, October 20, 1962).

Dr. McMurrin told William G. Carr [at that time NEA Executive Secretary] that "You and I head up the biggest bureaucracies in Washington. NEA has all of the bureaucratic shortcomings and is in danger of moving toward NATIONAL CONTROL of education, not by the Federal Government but by the NEA" (Ibid).

"In 1961 a fifty-six page booklet entitled A Federal Education Agency For the Future was published jointly by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, under Secretary Abraham Ribicoff, and United States Commissioner of Education, Sterling M. McMurrin.

"The committee that assembled the report was charged by Commissioner Lawrence Derthick with developing 'a clear cut and balanced statement of the mission proper to the Office of Education over the next decade...' The report concluded that a NEW role for the Office of Education should be an extensive involvement in the FORMULATION OF NATIONAL POLICY it should be a striking force ready to move along the educational problems front - at home AND abroad. The Office of Education must be sensitive to the social, economic, political, and MORAL aspects of our national and INTERNATIONAL life if it is to properly relate to the education scene. To implement this it was suggested that a Bureau of International Education be established to work WITH UNESCO, OAS, NATO, the International Bureau of Education, and foreign ministers of education" (as quoted in Blackboard Power. NEA Threat to America, by Dr. Gordon V. Drake. p.78).

U.S. Congressman John NI. Ashbrook of Ohio was against NATIONALIZATION of education. While addressing the House of Representatives in 1963, he called for a full investigation of the U.S. Office of Education to determine whether certain key U.S. Office of Education officials are or are not planning to circumvent the will of the Congress of the United States and of the American people in the matter of Federal CONTROL of education...

'I feel sure, and there is plenty of evidence to prove my point, that the people of the United States, the voters who send us here, want to hold on to their traditional prerogative of controlling the public school system." (Congressional Record, House of Representatives, September 23, 1964, "Local Forces Versus the School Boards, Speech by Honorable John M. Ashbrook).

Congressman Ashbrook presented the H.E.W. publication, A Federal Agency for the Future, as a 'boldly drawn plan' for more Federal CONTROL of education- "an olympian ambition to CONTROL American education against the will of Congress and of the American people."

Congressman Ashbrook said that the NEA and Office of Education gaining power on the Federal level would take control of the schools AWAY from the local school boards. It would then be FEDERALIZED education in direct violation of the Constitution. THEIR GOAL WAS FEDERAL EDUCATION TO PROGRAM OUR CHILDREN'S MINDS FOR GLOBALISM INSTEAD OF NATIONALISM.

National Testing Programs! WHY?

Under the 1964 Civil Rights Law, the U.S. Office of Education 'instituted a program of administering tests to school children all over the country, supposedly to determine what percentage of our students were not receiving equal educational opportunities." So many complaints came into Congressman Richard L. Roudebush of Indiana that he contacted the Fort Lauderdale News concerning the tests. The newspaper reported after investigating the tests that "some of the questions being asked in this test are so 'loaded' as to be unbelievable. Take this one, for instance: 'Do you [students] agree that the fairest economic system takes FROM each according to his ability and gives to each according to his needs?'

"Now, obviously, not many school children would recognize that this question outlines ONE OF THE BASIC TENETS OF COMMUNISM, and when it is presented in such a POSITIVE manner, it is likely a high percentage of the children answering this question would do so in the affirmative.

"Then there is the question: 'If you were to vote against the President's anti-poverty program, you would probably be - (a) Communist; (b) Conservative; (c) Republican; (d) traitor; (e) radical.'

"Now there's a 'loaded' question to be sure. It serves to link conservatives and republicans with the communists, traitors and radicals, and who is naive enough to believe that those who drafted this didn't have that very INTENT" (Fort Lauderdale News, October 15, 1965).

The whole purpose of the tests was to start brainwashing our children against the American system of government and religion. The Communists have long known that the best method of gaining total control over a nation is to brainwash the children to be passive and meekly ACCEPT the communistic system (ibid).

These tests were designed to cause doubts in the minds of our children about the American system as to whether it is superior to Communism.

Teaching the Communist Manifesto

John Dewey and other Socialist educators realized that the most effective means to indoctrinate children and the public was through the Federal Government and its various agencies. In 1934 John Dewey and the Committee on Social-Economic Goals for America defended President Roosevelt's New Deal Socialistic policies in the NEA Journal.

Dr. Willard E. Givens, President of the California Education Association in 1934, told educators and other Socialists that they should "...join in creating a swift nationwide campaign of adult education which will support President Roosevelt in taking... [Industries] over and operating them at full capacity as a unified national system in the interest of ALL the people" (Education For the New America, by Willard F. Givens, op. cit.).

A few years later John Dewey and a group called "The People's Lobby" [a typical Socialist/Communist name for their front organizations] presented a program which proposed:

1. Heavy Progressive Taxation of Incomes.

2. Government Marketing, and Farming Corporations.

3. Socialization of Banking and Credit, and of Coal, Oil, Water, Power and Gas.

4. Socialization of the Steel Industry.

(People's Lobby Bulletin, June 1939, 817 14th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.)

You have just discovered the social-political roots of the National Education Association from the 1930s. How far have they come in 2001? They are basically teaching the Communist Manifesto cloaked in sweet language.

Books and Authors to Destroy Religion and Create Racism and Revolution

We have seen the National Education Association's early history - its Communist and United Nations connection. We have proven in past literature that the United Nations is a One World Government front organization for the IlIuminati founded by Adam Weisbaupt on May 1, 1776 with funding from the House of Rothschild.

In 1967 a book was offered to teachers by the NEA to be given as gifts to other people. One book and its description was: If This Be Heresy, by James Pike. "One of the most controversial men of our time affirms that there is a God, but we must seek NEW ways to reach him" (NEA Reporter, October20, 1967).

Why should this be mentioned? Ex-Bishop James A. Pike, cited as a heretic of the Episcopal Church, has gone so far ASTRAY as to participate in seances [calling up demons] in which be talks with his dead son (The Bakersfield Californian, December 11, 1967, "Bishop Pike Says 'Ghosts' Really Exist;" This Week, January28, 1968, "Bishop Pike's Strange Seances"). Pike had become involved in the Occult and demonism.

Was Pike right or did a "lying spirit" talk to him? Notice Ecci. 3:20: "ALL go unto one place; ALL are of the dust, and ALL TURN TO DUST AGAIN." Ecci. 9:5: "For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing." John 5:28-29: Marvel not at this: for the hour IS COMING [yet future], in which all that are IN the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth..." I Cor. J5.'52: "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, AT the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the DEAD [that are still in their graves] shall be raised incorruptible, and we [who are still alive] shall be changed." Mr. Pike was and is wrong because the dead are IN their graves waiting for the resurrection. The object was to introduce Occultism into the schools to destroy Christianity through our children.

Another book and its description by the NEA was Games Christians Play by Judi Culbertson and Patti Bard. It said the book was an ilTeverent guide to religion without tears. The 'shortcuts' to becoming spiritual, or how to LIVE LIKE THE DEVIL and STILL be a saint (NEA Reporter, op. cit.).

Then there was Harold Rugg's Building America series endorsed by the Communist Party through one of its front groups, the National Council of American Soviet Friendship. Kits of teaching materials about the Soviet Union was promoted as "excellent source material...that should be used by the teachers and professors in our educational institutions (Fourth Report, California Fact-Finding Committee, Un-American Activities in California, 1948, p.324-326). So much pressure built against these books that a California legislative committee reported that the Building America books do NOT "...present a true historical background of American history and progress.. .the cartoons and pictures appearing in said books belittle American statesmen, who have been... heroes of American tradition." However, the report said, the series .. glamorizes Russian statesmen and [it is] replete with pictures which do great credit to these leaders of Russian thought... [The] books contain PURPOSELY DISTORTED references avorin Communism, and life in Soviet Russia.."(Foundations: Their Power and Influence. by B.A. Wormser, Devin Adair Co., NY, 1958).

Teaching the Communist Manifesto