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Hanson's House

More of Our opinions on Hanson's Private life Privacy coming soon. (man that was a tongue twister!)

Yeah I know, you wanna see what the little Hansons look like. What color is their hair? How about their eyes? How old are they? What's their b-day? What's their full name? Are they ever gonna join the band? And everything else. I do too!!!! I mean who doesn't?

But think about it, if you're older/younger brother(s)/Sister(s), one of your parents, your aunts/ uncles or any other relatives were famous, would you want all their fans to know everything about you? I know I wouldn't!!

And also does it really prove your love to Taylor, Isaac, Zac if you know everything about their siblings?

I mean a little basic info doesnt hurt, but everything? Come on thats a little extreme. So basically what I think is that you can know some info (rough idea of what they look like, names...) but don't make it an obsession. And don't take (too many) pictures of them if you ever happen to meet them. They (Hanson and family) have made it very clear that they dont want the rest of the family in the spotlight.

Another thing, Itz TAYLOR, ISAAC, and ZAC's choice on who they marry, go out with and whatever else!!!! I'm also sure that if he (Tay/ Ike/ Zac) ever heard you say "he's mine" or "i'm gonna marry him" he would be totally turned off.

I mean wouldn't you hate hearing your independance/ right to choose what you do with your life taken from you by someone who doesnt even know you personally?

Hey this is just my opinion, nothing's gonna change it, so don't bother trying, k? waste of time.

G/f + Stuff

I just thought I'd write what I have recently decided about a lot of things.
Okay, we are constantly hearing that Hanson have girlfriends. The rumours have been endless! But now, they have confirmed it, and Zac has apparently been seen holding Marion's (M2M) hand.
So it's true.
Is that really a bad thing?
I mean, if Taylor is going out with this girl called Kate (that right?) then I really hope they are happy.
He deserves some happiness after all he's done. He's given us great music, someone gorge to drool over and he is always really sweet and kind to his fans. Yet we seem to throw it back in his face by screaming abuse all overthe net etc.
And if Zac and Marion are together, then I know it probably upsets a lot of you, but if he's happy *shrug*.
And Ike and this girl (Natalie?), sure, I love Ike, but once again, if he's happy, then I am happy to :)
You get the point?
We should be happy for them. Yes, we're all probably quite upset, but thats life. It's the same as finding out that boy you have had a crush on for ages in your class, is now going out with the head cheerleader.

On another point, everyone is desperate to find out who Kate, Natalie, Alyssa, and all the other supposed g/f names are.
Sure, we're all curious, but maybe if we all just butt out, we'll find out sooner or later.
I mean, if they are serious about each other, then eventually they'll be seen.
Just be patient!
One of my friends said this :
"Love Hanson for the music and who they are, not on the fantasy that one day you'll be their bride"
Thats true, come on guys, they may be gorgeous and worth the earth, but it's their music we should love them for!


PS I don't know whether any of these names are correct, they are what I have gathered from all over the place!

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