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Psyciatrists Office

More Obsession signs Coming soon!!!

~When you feel your heart thud loudly and feel as thought everyone in the room can hear it when Hanson are on TRL.

~All the times when you are in your room doing your homework and you start writing out the lyrics to MMMBop...

~When you paid a cafe owner $100 for a plate Hanson ate off of....(From Mes)

~when you u realized you are screaming at a hanson picture ad, and you
thought it was them.... (

~stay up past 11:00 pm to watch a video, tape a performance etc.

~when you know your computer has turned on all the way only when you hear
"hey every body this is Isaac, Taylor and Zac and we're hanson...."

~Obsession is screaming louder than loud when you find out that Hanson are going to be in a 25 mile
radius of you in the next 5 seconds~

~It's when you are in the middle of dinner and you see Hanson's faces in your gravy.(then of course you look and sigh!)~

~On a song to sing when tay sings "looking for my radio," You hide your radio and run around your house looking for it. -Jessi

~You send Tay:

-some 4 leaf clovers so he won't hafta say goodbye to them (first line of a song to sing) ...
-a song you wrote so he has a song to sing
-your radio
-A note saying that he can borrow you (as a friend), cost free... ANYTIME

~You write the name of your fave on your arm, and you're not going to a concert

~You know albertanian (bop-bye, hanson-lo, taynx, etc.)

~You spend 5 or more days looking for a Bridges of stone Mp3 (all you find is a really crappy one)

~You spend an hour trying to decifer what they are singing on the crappy MP3 of bridges of stone (check the lyrics)

~you e-mail Hanson EVERY day and expect them to personally e-mail you back...and they never do

~ You know your obsessed when you get so in love with tay , its the can't eat, can't sleep, home run hit outta the ball park kinda love.

~when you save yourself to date hanson because you know one day they'll love u

~you dream about them -Ana Paulina

~or when you're walking on the street and you're just looking for someone who looks like them

~You know all the words to all there songs-Ana Paulina

~All your friends/ family know the words to all their songs

~You have an online radio station, just so u can say a radio station plays hanson.... (to make a station goto )

~You cry because u cant get your online station to play hanson (i'd been working on it for too long...)

~You scream/ cry/ freack when you're online radio station plays hanson (well, i was glad it was finally working....)

~When u look for the bulges in their trousers http://zip.ttp/mmmbop

~You buy the same watch as tay - ninne

~u show your hanson pictured in your pocket to your grama trying to explain that they're not girls - ninne

~your classmates think u r crazy cuz u still r a fan and u r 16- ninne

~u carry pix of em around in your pockets

U know you're obbsessed when... (from florida_hansonite)

~u go and buy all the johnny lang albums, and u dont even know who he is

~when u beat up the girl next to u in the concert b/c she got to meet and great and u didnt

~when u pose as a 12yr old so u can goto the meet and great w/ your friend

~u pay 700$ on front row tix and a meet and great pass... and u cant affor the plane ticket to go there so u just but the anyway so u can have a "piece of hanson"

~u like the arena doors that hanson just preformed at b/c hanson *MAY* have touched them!

~you have spent over 500$s on "zac shoes" (shoes that look just like zac)

~you start a petition to get "MMMBop" put in the dictionary

~you sign the petition to get MMMBop in the dictionary

~For Hallowe'en, you dress up as "a hanson freak", "the girl from san fran", "(your fave hanson's) girlfriend" or something else Hanson related (guilty as charged, but at least its original, no more witches or goblins for me...)

anymore? send em (please and taynx)

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