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07/28/2002 Wow, has it *really* been a year and a half??? wow. Really sorry about that, been pretty busy with school and pretty depressed to boot. Not to mention a wrist injury back in December. But I'm back now.
~Changed all the email addresses to my new addy. If you've sent anything in the past lil while (particularly to please resend it! I more then likely did not get it.
~removed and changed several other things that did not work (links, listbot, yahoo club)
~made the return tickets page look neater
~removed think links that werent working in the train station (ps it looks really empty now, please email your site so that I can put it up!
~removed all the broken links on the Help Hanson Page (need more for there too now...)
~renewed my top songs
12/09/2000 I'm sorry i havent updated in like 2 1/2 months, but i made up for that today! honest i did!!!!! O yeah, some of these are things we added already, but i forgot to put it up here, little things... here goes...
~Added the Comunity Center. Now you can meet Hanson fans in hansontown!
~ Added a pic to Your house Thanks SOOOOO much for sending that in sac!
~ Added a g/f section to Hanson's House
~ added a new Quote
~added some pics to the Art Gallery
~Finally got all the pix up in the Museum
~Added a Second language to the School. Now you can learn to speak Albertanian!!!!!
~Started the Hall of Fame
~ The start of Warm rain(the Hanson town series) was added to the Book Store
I decided to put up a Depression help page. Please consider helping out those who are suffering from depression. If you are currently suffering from depression. do NOT hesitate to email me here If i'm online, it gets checked every 5 minutes, automatically... So hopefully i'll be able to get back to you fairly quickly.
~ Check out the cool Yahoo Club that was started to protect hanson. Here.
10/09/2000 Got the frame version working right. Sorry about yesterday.
10/08/2000 Added a frame version to hansontown!
09/29/2000 Finally got around to adding the links to the disco section. YAY!
Put the a quiz up.
Put some poems up.
09/28/2000: Finished up the colour scheme. hope you like it it took a long time!
09/23/2000: Got most of the Disco section done. We'll be doing the rest and adding links to what we've done soon (tomorrow or so).
Added the Man from Milwaukee review to the Review section.
Added a survey! Tell us what we could do better to make this site better! (Please and Taynx!)
09/22/2000 Official opening of the site! I (Mel) spent all day (ok a couple hours) sumbmitting links to hanson sites like Hansonhotel and search engines! Site isnt finished yet but most search engines take time to have the pages appear so i figure we've got a couple days- a month! Updates will start to appear today on!