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People die, so love them everyday.
Remember them when they've gone.
Love changes, but not the love you give.
Keep giving it and be strong.
Beauty fades, so look before it's gone.
Make sure you see it shine.
And if you love, you'll never be alone.
Never be alone this time around.


I walked down the path, of happiness.
I tried not to fall down.
But the path wasn't smooth,
And the stones were sharp.
I fell and cut my heart.

But then a hand reached out and took my own,
It helped me to my feet.
I looked into clear blue eyes,
So beautiful and deep.
I glanced at the path and noticed suddenly.
It was smooth and no stones lay there.
I looked back into the eyes and saw the smile, of an angel standing there.

"Carry on walking" a voice said.
I realised the eyes were talking.
"You won't fall down for a while yet".
I glanced nervously down the path.
"I'm scared" I said and gazed back into the eyes.
"Wherever you are, I will come to you" he whispers and he kissed my forehead.
He vanished and I carried on walking.

The grass on the edge of the path was green, it sparkled in the sun.
The sky was a rosy blue, it was clear from clouds and shone.
The air was scented, with the soft sweet smell of rose.
And as I felt the cool breeze of the wind, I felt the breeze of love.

As I neared a rocky part of the path, I felt my heart begin to tighten.
I took a breath and ventured nearer until I froze.
"You won't have to reach out for me, I'll guide you" said a voice.
I felt a warmth on my arm and I decided to brave the rocky path.
I clambered over the sharp stones.
I managed not to fall.
I reached the other side, with only a cut that wasn't deep at all.

"Happiness can be gained, but you need someone's help"
I turned to see the eyes.
But this time they are accompanied by soft blonde hair and an angelic smile.
"I see" I said.
"The rest of the path will be smooth but sometimes we may reach a part that will hurt" his eyes dimmed slightly and I reached out and stroked his hair.
"We?" I asked.
"We" he said and took my hand.


I span on the carousel of love,
Faster, faster, fast.
Colours and shapes whizzed by,
I saw nothing until I fell off.
When I looked up all the colours were gone,
And the sky was grey and blue,
I tried to find the carousel but it was gone,
With my love so deep and true.
A man gave me some advice as I sat down to cry,
"Child" he said, "Spin too fast, and the colours will always die".
I thought about the man, the next time the fair came to town.
I didn't get on the carousel.
I got on the rollercoaster as it rang the final bell,
I was thrilled all the ride through.
And when I got off and looked around,
I saw my love so true.

Little Bird.

Fly little bird,
Fly very high.
Fly into the sky.
Take off on your wings little bird,
Take off on your wings and fly.
In a flurry of white little bird,
Fly into the sky,
In a flurry of white little bird,
Fly so very high.

Me, Johnney Renn.

I've sat in the corner, as my friends watched a movie.
I've sat and watched them laugh.
I've sat in the corner as they ate a meal.
I've sat and watched them talk.
I've sat on their desks, as they worked at school.
I've sat and watched them write.
I've sat and watched them visit a grave,
a grave of a very dear friend.
I've watched them cry and lay flowers down.
For me, Johnney Renn.

I love the way...

I love the way your eyes sparkle,
when you make someone happy.
I love the way your smile brightens,
when you make someone laugh.
I love the way your lips feel,
when they brush mine at night.
I love the way your touch feels,
when I feel so down and blue.
I love the way you love,
no matter what I do.

Once upon a time.

Once upon a time, you were an angel.
You lived in the valley of happiness and truth.
Once upon a time, you lived in peace.
You weren't a soldier of war, but one of truth.
Once upon a time, broad wings grew from your shoulder blades.
You flew up to the sky so blue.
Once upon a time you were living in heaven.
You lived so happy and true.

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