Harmony Harbor Chorus 2001 Regional Competition
The Harmony Harbor Chorus began in January, 1993, with less than 20 members, and
became chartered in June, 1994, with Sweet Adelines International, a world-wide
non-profit educational organization dedicated to spreading four-part a capella
singing throughout the world. Under the capable leadership of Denise Helbig,
musical director from the outset of its establishment, this chorus has
consistently grown in number of members and performance quality each year.
In addition to an annual show, Harmony Harbor Chorus has an active yearly
schedule that includes performing at local community and civic functions,
featuring a wide repertoire of classic barbershop, as well as contemporary
music, stage costuming, and choreography. The chorus presently showcases 60
female voices in four-part harmony, as well as quartets.
Rehearsals are held each Monday, 7:00 P.M., at Dunedin Community Center,
Michigan Boulevard in Dunedin, Florida. Membership is open to all females 16 or
older. For additional information on membership or bookings for the chorus or
quartets, call 727/938-SING (727/938-7464).