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Hi Everyone !!
Welcome to my modest virtual home at the Internet. Here you'll find links to other interesting
sites about whippets and music and quit a few nice pictures of myself. I really hope you'll
like my page as much as Inge's. For fanmail, please use Inge's Guestbook. Paws, Doris.

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As you can see at the picture above, I really enjoy playing in the snow.

And here are some nice buttons to navigate Inge's site with. Enjoy your visit !!

Above is another picture of me, made when Inge took me with her at a little trip. And at the left
is my first award ever !! Please visit the site it came from, they obviously have a good taste !!

Click at the button above to see all my
awards and to find out how to win mine :) !!

This is the Blackboard of two stupid cats, who are even
too stupid to have their own page. It is indeed very black, yes.

Doris links :
Martine's Website.
A very very very good dogsite.
Download a puppy for your desktop.
Rasbeschrijving van de Whippet (Dutch).
Een andere erg goede rasbeschrijving (Dutch).