Availability: Was REALLY hard to find but re-released Nov. 7, 2000 on Immortal Epic records.
Info: Incubus' first release. Fungus Amongus was released on an independent lable called "chillum". I was able to get my hands on one of the ORIGINAL copies for 7 bucks at a used CD store! I almost pee'd my pants when i saw it. Hehe. :) Your best bet to find an original release copy is probably eBay. The original copys have slightly different cover art on the back. Nothing very noticeable, though. Fungus Amongus has a hearty mix of funk, hip-hop, and rock. (note: some of the songs on Fungus Amongus are also on the Enjoy Incubus E.P. but the Fungus Amongus versions of the songs are slightly different)
1.) You Will be a Hot Dancer
2.) Shaft!
3.) Trouble in 421
4.) Take Me to Your Leader
5.) Medium
6.) Speak Free
7.) The Answer
8.) Psychopsilocybin
9.) Sink Beneath the Line
10.) Hilikus
Availability: You should be able to find it at any of the larger chain stores. (try Best Buy, Hastings, Boarders, etc.)
Info: Enjoy Incubus was Incubus' first release on their current lable, Immortal Epic records. (koRn, Rage Against the Machine, and some others are on this lable.) Enjoy Incubus has a great mix of well produced funk, hip-hop, and rock. Very cool CD. Also has a secret track. Enjoy Incubus is also the first Incubus release to have a turntabalist (Kid Lyfe).
1.) You Will Be a Hot Dancer
2.) Shaft
3.) Take Me to Your Leader
4.) Version
5.) Azwethinkweiz
6.) Hilikus
|_____!!!Secret Track!!!
Availability: You can find this CD almost ANYWHERE that sells CDs. And I mean ANYWHERE! Even Wal*Mart! Don't buy it at Wal*Mart, though unless you want an edited copy. Yuck. hehe.
Info: S.C.I.E.N.C.E. is a great CD of funk, rock, and hip-hop! You gotta love it! The first release that i ever bought by Incubus! Contains an EXCELLENT and VERY LONG secret track as well as a computer game!
1.) Redefine
2.) Vitamine
3.) New Skin
4.) Idiot Box
5.) Glass
6.) Magic Medicine
7.) A Certain Shade of Green
8.) Favorite Things
9.) Summer Romance (Anti-Gravity Love Song)
10.) Nebula
11.) Deep Inside
12.) Calgone
Availability: You can find Make Yourself ANYWHERE!
Info: This is Incubus' breakthrough album. With singles such as Pardon Me and Stellar, Incubus' quickly found themselves in heavy rotation on MTV! This obivously caused their record sales to sky-rocket! Nice work, guys! Make Yourself is a bombastic mix of hard rock, funk, hip-hop, and trip-hop. Really trippy music! Great album!
1.) Privilege
2.) Nowhere Fast
3.) Consequence
4.) The Warmth
5.) When it Comes
6.) Stellar
7.) Make Yourself
8.) Drive
9.) Clean
10.) Battlestar Scratchtica
11.) I Miss You
12.) Pardon Me
13.) Out From Under
Availability: Only 100,000 copies where made. Good luck finding one. Best bet is either areas where Incubus isn't popular (no one will buy it at the stores that bought some), or eBay.
Info: This is Incubus' latest release. It is a limited edition release. It contains live tracks and acoustic tracks as well as Crowded Elevator from the Scream 3 soundtrack. Also has an AWESOME secret track.
1.) Pardon Me (acoustic)
2.) Stellar (acoustic)
3.) Make Yourself (acoustic)
4.) Crowded Elevator (from the Scream 3 soundtrack)
5.) Favorite Things (Live)
6.) Pardon Me (Live)
|_______AWESOME secret track!