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“No Need” By: Fallon B. Copyright-Fallon B. 2000

Nick walked around the mall with his four band mates, who were also his best friends. A few years back they had formed a band called Strangers with Candy. They really had fun with it. It gave them something to do.

All of the guys were really into drugs, drinking and sex. Except for Nick, he had given it all up not that long ago. It seemed to make him a totally different person. Everyone liked it that way too, especially the fans.

They entered Hot Topic where they all loved to shop. Nick was searching through the shirts when he found one he thought was really cool.

“Hey guys, come here!” he yelled across the store.

They all stopped what they were doing and headed over to see what Nick wanted. He was always kind of bossy. He wasn’t nearly as bad as he used to be when he was on drugs.

“What is it?” asked Mark.

“Check out this shirt, isn’t it phat?” Nick asked as he held up a black T-shirt that said Evil Inside.

“No, it’s gay,” Aaron sternly replied.

Nick laughed.

“So what. You’re gay. I’m buying it. So get what you getting so we can pay and then go.”

They all grabbed what they wanted and headed up to the counter.

“Hi, how are you?” The teenage girl who was working at the counter asked Nick as she started ringing up his things.

“I’m good and you?” asked Nick.

“I’m ok,” she said as she reached down for a bag and noticed the Strangers with Candy CD sitting on the stereo.

“Holy shit! You’re Nick. Nick from Strangers With Candy. I knew that I knew you from somewhere.”

“Yeah, that’s me,” he replied with a smile.

"Woah! This is so cool! Could you guys sign my CD booklet?”

“Sure,” he replied.

All the guys paid for their things and then waited for the young lady to take care of all of the other customers. No one else seemed to notice them, but it was fine with them.

After she was done she took her CD book out of the CD case and set it on the counter along with a black sharpie marker.

“What’s your name?” asked Nick.

“Vikki,” she said, happily.

“To Vikki, keep rockin’. Nick Coyle,” he signed. Then all of the other members signed. She thanked them and then they left.

After they walked around the mall a little more they grabbed some lunch. Everyone except Nick and DJ Worm decided to go see a movie. DJ Worm decided to go to the bookstore while Nick roamed the mall, looking for something to do.

He took a seat on a bench near the food court. He just sat there, bag in his hand, watching people stroll by while waiting for DJ. He was taking notice of all the good looking girls that walked by, when someone put their hands over his eyes.

“Guess who?” she said.

“Uhhh, I don’t know,” Nick said, not having any clue of who it was.

“It’s me silly,” she said as she took her hands off his face and walked around to the front of the bench.

Once Nick saw her he knew exactly who she was. It was his ex girlfriend, Lauren.

“Ohhh, hey!” he said, surprised to see her.

She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back. Even though he didn’t want to, he didn’t want to be rude. But after they way their relationship was he didn’t even want to know her anymore.

“You look good,” she said as she touched his lip ring.

“Thanks. You too.”

Nice piercing.”

“Thanks. I got this one too,” he said as he stuck his tongue out.

“Hey, that’s really cool.”


“So, would you like to do a little shopping with me?”

“Ok. Just let me find DJ and tell him. The rest of the guys are at the movies. So do you think you could take me home when we’re done, cuz Mark drove.

“Sure,” she said as they started walking towards the bookstore.

On their way to the bookstore at the other end of the mall they ended up running into DJ Worm who had bought a biography on Kiss. Nick told him that he was going to go shopping with Lauren for the day and that they band could head home with out him.

“We’re going to have fun today,” said Lauren as she turned around and headed in the other direction.

“Why? What’s so special about shopping?” asked Nick as he followed her.

“Nothing, really. I’m just happy to be with you.”

Nick didn’t say anything. He thought he had lost his feelings for Lauren, but maybe he was wrong. Or maybe, like himself, she had changed. He was glad to be with her too, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to say it.

Lauren dragged him into Victoria Secrets and modeled some lingerie for him. She knew she was turning Nick on, she was always a tease like that. Then after that the stopped at the music store the Bon ton, and Sears.

On the way home Lauren asked Nick something he was not expecting at all.

“Nick, will you be my boyfriend again?”

“I don’t know,” he replied. “It’s still the same situation. I’m still in the band, I still go on tour and there are still the girls. And remember that’s what caused the break up last time?”

“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. But I really do love you,” she said as she rolled her window down.

“Ok,” agreed Nick. “But if it doesn’t work this time, it’s over. No more relationships, we could still have a friendship, but no more relationships.”

“Alright. Would you like to come to my place for a bit?” she asked.


After they arrived at Lauren’s apartment Nick helped Lauren take her things inside. Then they sat down together. Lauren flicked the radio on and climbed onto Nick’s lap. She started kissing him and Nick couldn’t help but kiss back. Then Lauren started to unzip his pants when Nick quickly grabbed her hand.


“No what? I thought you liked sex?” she innocently asked.

“I do,” he replied. “But I have no need for anything I’ve left behind. The drugs, the drinking and getting laid whenever I want. I want it to be serious.”

“So, you’re saying you want to wait?” she asked.


“Well, then I guess I have no need for this relationship.”

~*~ SWC/No Need/No Need~*~