~~Chapter One~~

(Eight years later)

“This is great!” Summer Masterson said. Twenty year old Chrystelle nodded in agreement as the two girls scarfed pizza. It was a rare occasion when Chrystelle and Summer, one of her dancers, could have peace and quiet. Chrystelle wiped her mouth with a napkin and stood up.

“I’ll be back.” Chrystelle said. She walked to the bathroom on the bus. As quietly as she could, Chrystelle quickly stuck her finger down her throat. She retched, the contents of her fatty lunch going down the toilet inside of to her thighs or stomach. Chrystelle, pressured to be thin ever since a photographer had called her fat, found she could eat whatever she wanted and as much as she chose as long as she got it out of her system before it was digested. Along with her vigorous dance routines, Chrystelle also had a personal trainer, making sure she had a flat toned stomach and muscled legs. Chrystelle returned from the bathroom and Summer looked at her in concern.

“Are you okay?” Chrystelle nodded.

“I felt like I had to throw up. Turns out it was just cramps.”

“Oh girl i feel your pain! I have cramps from HELL!” Chrystelle laughed.

“I’m sorry girl.” Chrystelle drew in a deep breath. another person who had no idea how she kept so thin.


It felt good to come home. Twenty-five year old Jeremy Marin had seen a lot of places as a reporter, but he loved coming home to his parents spacious Tampa home. Today would be the first time Jeremy had seen his younger sister in two years. He put her CD into his CD player and “I Wanna Love You Forever” filled the car. Jeremy had been surprised when Chrystelle had told him that she wanted to follow in Nick’s footsteps. She certainly had the talent for it. Jeremy was proud. Jeremy was sure that Nick was proud too. He had been over eight year since Jeremy had since his best friend. Jeremy swung his Jeep into his parent’s driveway and walked into the house.

“Jeremy!” Michelle Marin exclaimed when she saw her son. Jeremy grinned.

“Hey Mom. Where’s Chrys?” Jeremy asked, using her nickname. Mrs. Marin point toward the studio Jeremy’s father had built for Chrystelle to practice when she was home.

“The studio. She’s playing a new song on the keyboard.” Jeremy walked downstairs to the studio, hearing the strains of a new song.

“Don’t try to tell me that he’s not my type, to hide what I feel inside.” Jeremy cleared his throat and Chrystelle looked up.

“Jeremy!” Chrystelle cried, giving Jeremy a big hug. Jeremy examined her toned body, wondering how she stayed so thin.

“It’s so good to see you Chrys.” Chrystelle nodded.

“It’s been way too long. That’s the problem with touring and recording.”

“Working on a new album?”

“Yep. “Irresistible.” You just heard what will be my title track.”

“Cool. Best of luck.” Chrystelle smiled.

“Thanks J.”

“Chrys, Jeremy! Dinner is ready!” Mrs. Marin yelled. Chrystelle and Jeremy walked upstairs to the dining room and sat down at the table. Mrs. Marin had order a three meat pizza and had made chocolate mousse for desert. Chrystelle ate two slices of pizza and two pieces of chocolate mousse.

“That was great Mom.” Jeremy said. Michelle smiled.

“Thank you Jeremy.” Mrs. Marin stood up. “I hate to leave you guys on your first night back home but your father and I are going to a play. We made the plans months ago” Chrystelle nodded.

“We’ll be fine Mom.”

“I know. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye Mom.” Chrystelle kissed her mother goodbye and headed toward the bathroom. Jeremy watched her every move. The fan inside the bathroom was turned on, muffling any sound inside. Chrystelle came out ten minutes later.

“Are you okay?” Jeremy asked. Chrystelle nodded and grabbed a piece of strawberry cheesecake. “Aren’t you full?” Chrystelle looked down at the cheesecake.

“Habit.” Chrystelle said. “I mean, we have sweets in the house and no matter how full I am, I have to have some.” Jeremy crossed his arms over his chest.

“Are you bulimic?” Chrystelle’s eyes widened in fear.

“No.” She stated. Jeremy pointed to the cheesecake.

“You have two pieces of pizza, two pieces of chocolate mousse, go to the bathroom for ten minutes, come back and grab a piece of cheesecake but you’re not bulimic?” Chrystelle looked down at the ground.

“I don’t do it very often Jeremy.” Jeremy shook his head. “I only do it when I have too much of something I know I shouldn’t have.”

“You shouldn’t be doing it at all Chrys! Don’t you know what you’re doing to yourself?” Chrystelle sighed.

“I don’t do it that often Jeremy.” She put her hands on her hips. “You can’t tell Mom and Dad.” Jeremy shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s not my place to tell them. You’re old enough to make your own decisions but I just want to tell you that I’m moving back home.”


“I miss Tampa, and now I have to look out for you too.”

“You don’t have to worry about me Jere. I’m okay, I promise.”
