Chapter Two

Jeremy knew that returning home would do him a lot of good. He didn’t think he would get to see his best friend again. No longer than three days after Jeremy and Chrystelle had returned home, Nick got a break from his tour and returned home as well. Jeremy had been out getting the newspaper when Nick yelled from across the street.

“J man!” Jeremy looked up as Nick came running across the street. “It’s been way too long!” Jeremy grinned. Even though Jeremy was older than Nick by four years, he still had a close bond with the young man.

“Chaos! It’s good to see you!” Nick nodded and crossed his arms over his chest.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Africa or something?” Jeremy smiled.

“I’m going to do local reporting. I decided to move back home because I missed Tampa and wanted to watch over Chrys.” Nick looked down at the ground.

“How’s Chrys? Her career’s doing really well.” Jeremy nodded.

“I see.” He paused. “You know her professionally but on a personal level, she’s totally changed.”

“Yes! That’s it exactly. I miss hanging with her, but I guess that’s the price we have to pay for living our dream.”

“She adores you Nick. You’re the reason she started singing.” Nick blushed, the red stain creeping all the way down to his neck. Nick was about to reply when the door opened and Chrystelle came running out. he wore cut off jean shorts and a small white lycra tank top.

“Hey Jere--” She stopped when she saw Nick standing in front of her. Nick cautiously smiled and Chrystelle jumped into his arms as he swung her around.

“Nicky! I missed you!” Nick laughed and set her down on the ground. Jeremy let out a small smile. Chrystelle had always had a crush on Nick, and Jeremy wondered what would happen now that they had both matured.....somewhat.

“Hey Chrys.” Jeremy grabbed the newspaper.

“I’m going inside. You two behave.” Jeremy warned. Chrystelle laughed.

“He sounds like such an old man.” Chrystelle whispered. Nick chuckled as Jeremy frowned.

“I heard that!” After Jeremy was inside, Chrystelle turned to Nick.

“So how much time do you guys have off?” Nick shrugged.

“Two weeks give or take.” He shifted his gaze from her long tan legs back to her face. “You?”

“A month. I’m writing songs for my new album.” Nick nodded.

“Cool.” He motioned down the street. “Want to take a walk?” Chrystelle nodded and they headed down the street. They passed all the houses they had grown up near and some that were new, until they came to a large park. Much of their childhood had been spent playing in that park.

“I remember when you fell off the monkey bars and busted open your chin.” Nick said, cringing at the memory. Chrystelle nodded and pointed to the scar on her chin.

“I still have the scar and I did when I was what, seven?”

“Yep. I remember when I was riding my bike and fell. I ended up breaking my arm.” Chrystelle sat down in a swing and Nick started pushing her. “We were a couple of klutzes.” Chrystelle raised one perfect eyebrow.

“Were?” Nick chuckled.

“Still are.” He continued pushing her in silence. Nick watched as her blond hair fanned out behind her every time he pushed the swing and how she laughed each time she got higher. He remembered doing this exact thing when they were little, and from time to time, she would push him too. But they weren’t little kids anymore. They had grown up. Chrystelle had changed so much, from the little girl with blond pigtails to the amazing, stunningly beautiful woman she was today.

“Do you remember when we used to pretend we were getting married?” Chrystelle asked. Nick nodded. “You were the groom and the minister and I was the bride.” Somewhere deep down, Nick longed for the days when they would spend hours together, doing whatever pleased them at the time. He looked up at the sky, which was turning a smoky gray, with puffy black clouds that threatened to rain.

“I think we should head back.” Nick suggested. Chrystelle dragged her feet to stop the swing and hopped off.

“Race you home Nicky!” The two ran toward Chrystelle’s house and rain drops started splattering on the ground. By the time they reached the house, they were both soaked.

“I had fun Nick.” Chrystelle said, brushing strands of wet hair off of her face. Nick smiled and ran a hand through his wet blond locks.

“Me too Chrys.” Standing in front of Chrystelle at that moment, Nick began to see her in a different light.....and it scared him. “I better go.” Nick said. He kissed her on the cheek and ran across the street to his house. Chrystelle watched his lanky body run across the street, and whistled under her breath. They certainly weren’t little kids anymore.


Chrystelle woke up the next morning, and the previous nights events came flooding back. The park, the swing, the rain, Nick. Chrystelle grinned. It had been great to see Nick again. Chrystelle sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. After going to a Backstreet Boys concert when she was eighteen, Chrystelle had decided that she wanted to sing for a living. Her mom fully supported her and now, two years later, she was writing songs for her second album and taking a break before going on her second tour.

Chrystelle walked over to her closet and contemplated what she should wear. After sifting through her clothes, she finally decided on a short jean skirt and a blue tie dyed tank top. After brushing her long blond hair and her teeth, Chrystelle slipped her feet into a pair of open back sneakers and clomped down the stairs. She was surprised to see Nick sitting at the kitchen table, eagerly finishing one of Michelle Marin’s famous omelets.

“Hello Chrys.” Nick said, eyeing her outfit. “Lookin’ mighty fine today.” Chrystelle smirked.

“Hello Nicky. Lookin’ kinda rough this morning.” Chrystelle said, taking in Nick’s messed up blonde hair, worn jeans, and Miami Dolphins jersey. Mrs. Marin laughed.

“Be nice Chrystelle.” Michelle scolded. Chrystelle shrugged her shoulders.

“He started it.” Chrystelle went over to where her mom was cutting mushrooms and grabbed a couple. Nick stuck out his tongue and grimaced.

“Yuck! You do know you’re eating fungus right?” Chrystelle nodded, popping another one into her mouth.

“Let’s go Chaos, before you puke from thinking about mushrooms.” Chrystelle waved to her mom and dragged Nick out the door.

“I can walk Chrys.” He straightened his jersey. “Why did you drag me out of there so fast?”

“I have something I want to show you.” She stopped turned around so her back was facing Nick and pulled up her shirt. “I got a dolphin tattoo.” Nick burst out laughing.

“You’re mom is going to KILL you when she finds that!” Chrystelle shook her head.

“I’ll just have your mom calm her down.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Besides, I’m twenty years old. I can get a tattoo if I want one. You have six of them and AJ has twenty three.”

“Twenty four.” Nick corrected. “He got the 69 around his bellybutton.” Chrystelle nodded.

“See? One tattoo isn’t going to hurt me.” They walked across the street to Nick’s house where four other cars were parked.

“The guys are here and they want to see you.” Nick said when Chrystelle saw all the cars. “Besides, you haven’t met Kristin or Leighanne, and they’re anxious to meet you.” Nick pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. Chrystelle followed Nick into the house where three members of BSB were sitting in the living room. AJ came up to them.

“Well, Chrystelle. You get more beautiful every time I see you.” Chrystelle felt a blush creep into her fair cheeks, and she glanced down at the ground. Nick stepped protectively in front of her.

“Back off Bone.” AJ shrugged and sat back down on the couch. The door leading into the kitchen opened and Kevin, Kristin, and Leighanne walked in. Kevin smiled when he saw Chrystelle.

“Chrys.” Chrystelle smiled as Kevin’s strong arms enveloped her in a hug. “I’d like you to meet my wife Kristin.” The shorter of the two blondes stepped forward and hugged Chrystelle.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you! Leighanne and I have heard so much about you and we were wondering when we would finally get to meet you.” Chrystelle laughed.

“I hope you’ve heard good things.” Kristin smiled and Leighanne nodded.

“These guys have nothing but good things to say about you, especially Nick.” Nick blushed and went into the kitchen. He returned with a bottle of water for Chrystelle.

“How long are you on break Chrys?” Howie asked. Chrystelle leaned forward on the couch.

“A month or so. I’m writing songs for my second album before I go on another tour.” The group nodded in approval. Chrystelle felt lucky that she had a group of friends who were more experienced in the music industry and could look out for her. But they hadn’t been there when that photographer had called her fat, or the other reporters who said she needed to lose weight. Chrystelle never told the guys about them. She grabbed some of the Doritos in the bowl that was sitting on the table and popped them in her mouth.

“Earth to Chrys!” Nick said, waving a hand in front of her face. Chrystelle turned her head toward him.

“What was the question?” Chrystelle asked sheepishly. The guys chuckled.

“Do you want to run across and get your swimsuit? We're gonna go to the beach.” Chrystelle nodded. “It should be deserted.” Chrystelle ran across the street and into the house. She ran up to her room and changed into her jade green bikini and threw a white short sleeve shirt over it. When she ran back across the street, Nick had his Durango loaded with two picnic baskets, a volleyball net, and a surfboard.

“Ready Chrys?” Chrystelle nodded and climbed into the passenger seat. Nick noticed the thin outline of Chrystelle’s jade bikini under the baggy white shirt and thought about her tan body. Nick felt his pulse quicken. Damn, Nick thought. Where the hell did that come from? He pulled into the parking lot of the now deserted beach and stopped the car. The rest of the guys had followed and Chrystelle had already gotten out of the Durango. Nick unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. Brian and AJ were setting up the volleyball net while Chrystelle, Leighanne, and Kirsten were setting out the food. Nick noticed Chrystelle watching him as he peeled off his black shirt and threw it in the car. In response, she took off her shorts and tee-shirt. When she turned her back, Nick ran over, scooped her up, and dumped her in the rolling waves. She came up sputtering, and pulled Nick under the water. Their friends on the shore quietly observed.

“They want each other.” AJ stated. “It’s SO obvious. Especially when you look at Chrystelle.” The others nodded in silent agreement.

“The question is, when are they going to get together?” AJ shrugged, popping a couple of chips in his mouth.

“I hope soon because they would make a cute couple.”

“Do you guys think Chrystelle is bulimic?” Howie asked. The others looked at him in shock, while Kevin shrugged.

“I’ve always wondered. I mean, she pigs out on junk food and goes to the bathroom after every meal. She definitely shows the signs.”

“I hope not.” Kirsten commented. “She’s way too beautiful to be sick like that.” The others nodded agreement.

“I wonder if Nick sees the signs.” Brian shook his head.

“I don’t think so. He thinks that she’s perfect.” After playing around in the ocean for awhile, Nick and Chrystelle came up to the table for food. Chrystelle took very little. She saw the others looking at her funny and shrugged.

“I’m not very hungry.”

“Can I join the party?” A voice behind them said. Jeremy Marin stood behind them.

“J-Man!” AJ exclaimed. The two guys hugged and Jeremy glanced down at Chrystelle’s untouched plate. Chrystelle silently pleaded with her eyes for Jeremy not to reveal her secret. Jeremy shook his head slightly before sitting down. The group danced and played volleyball until the sun started to set.

“Hey Chaos, we’re heading home.” Nick nodded and looked over at Chrystelle who was sitting near the surf, watching the sun set. He sat down next to her.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” Nick commented. Chrystelle nodded.

“I really miss being able to just sit here and watch the sun set without having to worry about fans, or having my cell phone on me incase they need me in the studio. We missed out on being teenagers, Nick.” Nick thought for a moment.

“I guess we did. But we get to do something that not many people get to do. We’re living our dream, Chrys, and not many people get to do that.” Chrystelle turned toward him and cocked her head slightly to the side, as if looking at him in a new light. Nick found himself leaning forward until his lips softly touched hers. It sent tingles through his body before she pulled away.

“I need to get home.” Chrystelle said, standing up. Nick silently followed her to the car, and drove her home. She went inside without another word. Nick sighed and ran his hand through his spiky blond hair. What the hell is happening to me?


Chrystelle headed toward the kitchen and pulled out a piece of cheesecake, salami, bread, chips, pickles, chocolate, anything she could get her hands on. She began shoving it in her mouth, barely chewing before swallowing. Disgusted with herself, she ran to the bathroom and stuck her finger down her throat. As she was retching, she was aware of somebody holding her hair and wiping her face with a washcloth. She heaved for a half an hour while Jeremy wiped her face. When Chrystelle stood up, she shakily made her way to the kitchen to clean up the mess she had made. Jeremy looked around the kitchen sadly.

“You need help Chrys.” Chrystelle shook her head.

“No.” She put the food away in the fridge, wiping away the tears that had slipped down her cheeks. “That’s never happened before. It was because....I didn’t....I couldn’t......” She trailed off as she started crying harder.

“I’m calling Mom.” Chrystelle grabbed Jeremy’s arm.

“NO!” She wiped the tears off her face. “I’m fine. Mom doesn’t need to know.” Against his better judgment, Jeremy put down the phone.

“I want you to stop Chrys. This is going to destroy your throat and mouth.” Chrystelle shrugged.

“You don’t understand. You’ll never understand because nobody pays attention to your weight. Nobody has ever called you fat, or done anything to compromise your self esteem.” She started to walk out of the room. “It’s none of your business Jeremy.” Chrystelle slammed the door of room so hard, it made Jeremy flinch. Someone needed to help her before it got out of control.

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