Chapter Six

JC’s slim fingers swiftly move across the keyboard, creating a haunting melody. Julie stood a few feet away and looked on in amazement. She had always wanted to play the keyboard but her parents wouldn’t give her lessons.

“I didn’t know playing the keyboard was that interesting.” JC’s voice floated to Julie’s ears and she snapped out of her stupor.

“I always wanted to play but parents wouldn’t let me. They weren’t happy with my singing either but I wouldn’t hear it.” JC smiled.

“I’ll teach you a song.” JC said. He put his hands on hers, placed them on the keys, and together they played the same haunting song he had just played. After about ten minutes, Julie was able to play the song on her own.

“You’re a fast learner. Maybe this will help you write songs” JC handed her a book.

“They’re songs. You’re welcome to use my keyboard whenever you like.”

“Thanks JC.” JC nodded and left the bus. Over the course of the next few hours, Julie had started to write her first song.

CHORUS: I’m so curious Do you love me? Do you wonder the way that I do? (I do) I’m so curious What do you think of me? (of me) Boy am I just a game or do you feel the same as I do?

It was a start. She had a chorus and the rest of the song would soon follow. Julie sensed someone behind her and she turned around. JC was standing there, leaning against the door, arms folded.

“You have talent.” JC said. Julie felt a blush creep up to her cheeks. She flipped over the paper that had her song on it.

“Ok, so I guess you don’t want me to read it, but I’d really like to see it when it’s finished. And hear it.” Julie nodded and JC left again. She had three hours until they got to Cincinnati. She could probably have the song done by then. She grabbed her pen and started writing again.


After twenty minutes, Julie finally found Johnny and had the chance to show him her song.

“This is really good Julie. I s this your first time writing a song?” Julie nodded, feeling a little embarrassed.

“When we get LA, I have a recording studio there where you can record the song and we’ll put it on your album.” Julie nodded and ran back to her bus. Joey’s girlfriend Jessica was on the bus when Julie entered.

“Hey Jules. Did he like your song?”

“He loved it and when we get to LA, we’ll record it and it’ll go on my album.” Jessica got up and gave her a hug.

“That’s great Jules. I have to go. Joey’s waiting to take me out to dinner since it’s rare that you guys stop.” Jessica left and Julie looked at the song in her hands and sighed. It was how she felt about JC. This song said everything.


(Thursday April 8-Recording Studio in LA)

After Julie had recorded her song, she had a CD single made. She was going to write a long letter and give it to JC. She knew JC would be proud. As she rounded the corner, she ran into somebody and when she looked up, she looked into familiar green eyes.

“Conner! What are you doing here?” Julie exclaimed. Conner smiled and put his arms around her.

“I had to see my favorite performer. Did you really think I could go six months without seeing you?”

“No but it’s still a surprise. A good one of course.”

“I’m glad it’s a good surprise. Come on, I’m taking you out to lunch.” Julie grabbed her sunglasses and put then on. Then she tucked her brown hair into her favorite baseball cap. Hopefully, no fans would recognize her. Conner, although sweet, took her to McDonalds.

“Thanks for lunch Conner. I needed to get away from everybody.”

“No problem.” Julie looked over at Conner. He had stubble along his strong jaw line from not shaving, spiky brown hair, and gorgeous green eyes. Julie realized something. Conner was gorgeous. He wasn’t the little boy with skinned knees and dirty hands that she had grown up with. He was a man.

“Earth to Jules. Are you okay?” Julie nodded. The question is, Julie thought to herself. Are you okay? Conner had bags under his red bloodshot eyes.

“Are you okay Conner?” Julie asked.

“Of course. I’m doing finals the day after tomorrow and I’ve been pulling some all nighters. I’m fine Julie.”

“Ok. I’m just worried about you.” Conner smiled.

“Don’t be. I’m okay.” Julie shrugged her shoulders and let the subject go.


Conner flew back to Orlando that afternoon because of finals. Julie wished he could have stayed because it was hard to say goodbye to her best friend. Julie saw her single on her night stand. She hadn’t had a chance to show JC.

“Julie go to hair. You have to get ready for the concert.” Julie did as she was told. As she headed toward the hair department, she could hear Justin’s screams.


“It’s not my fault. It’s the damn curls. Sit down and take it like a man.” Marianne, the tour’s hairstylist, commanded. Julie walked over to Marianne’s station. She laughed when Justin looked at her with pleading eyes.

“It’s not my fault. If you would just cut your hair...” Justin glared at her.

“Ok, you’re done. You’re turn Julie.” Justin got up and ran out of the room.

“I’ll be gentle with you. God, that boy needs to toughen up.” Julie laughed.

“Well you are pretty lethal with a brush.” Marianne glared at her.

“Watch it or you’ll be in even more pain than Justin was.” Marianne worked on her hair for about two hours with little pain. Later that night, after the concert, Julie headed toward the bus. She was ready to just drop dead. Julie was about to go to bed when she got a phone call.

“Hello?” She said, exasperatedly. Who would be calling at midnight?

“Julie it’s Brian.” Julie groaned inwardly.

“What do you want?” she asked coldly.

“My dear, what I want, is you. And I will have you.”

“No you won’t. You never did and you never will.” Julie seethed. Brian laughed.

“But yes I will. We will a couple. A very public couple. I can see the headlines and fame now.”

“Is that all you want? To be famous?”

“Of course not Julie. I want you. Here’s how I’ll make that happen. I’m in charge of your career for the time being. If you don’t agree, I can end your career and probably your wussy boy band crush too.” Julie was shocked. He had this all figured out.

“Agree Julie and your career is safe. Disagree and you and N SYNC’s careers are history. I know you would feel horrible if you were responsible for ruining their careers.”

“I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.” Julie whispered, Brian laughed.

“So dear Julie. What’s your decision?” Julie swallowed. He had her cornered.

“I’ll do it.” She said softly.

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” Brian taunted.

“I’ll do it.” Julie said with more conviction.

“Then I’ll see you soon.” He hung up the phone and Julie numbly clicked the talk button. She lied down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Brian had trapped her again.

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