Chapter Eight

(4 months Later)

“I’m not going on tour! I’m staying with conner.” Julie yelled. Johnny looked at her calmly.

“Yes you will. He’ll be here when you get back.” Julie knew she had to go and Conner still hadn’t woken up.

“I’ll go.” Julie said quietly. Another tour opening for N SYNC. Being with JC. Stop it Julie, she thought to herself. Think about Conner.

“Good Julie. You leave tonight.” Julie went home and started packing. She then headed to her bus.


(Two weeks later)

Julie had just finished soundcheck in Nashville when her cell phone rang.

“Hello?” She exclaimed, out of breath.

“Julie? It’s Jake at Miami Memorial. I have some news to tell you.” Julie tensed. Was it good or bad?

“I have some bad news julie. Conner passed away this morning. We did everything we could.” Julie swallowed heavily.

“Thanks for calling me. Do his parents know?”

“Yeah and they’re planning a funeral for next Friday in Tampa. They requested that you be there because you and Conner were so close. I’m sorry Julie.” Julie numbly clicked the talk button and put her cell phone away. From somewhere not too far away, a song floated to her ears.

I never thought you were a fairweather friend,

You never let me down, you’re true to the end....

You’re in the darkest hour, when all was lost

Somehow you left the light on...

You faced the wrong and showed the world a thing or two

Stood up for me, for you

And you should know....

Some say it wasn’t worth the things we went through

I say it aint worth losing you

I hope you know how much you changed all our lives

Someday you’ll see if only through heaven’s eyes(if only through heaven’s eyes)

I still remember the things that you said,

I keep your words alive I could never forget...

‘Cause in the final hour you made me proud

So proud that I could know you...

You told the world it’s time they believed in you

You stood for right and truth and you should know

Some say it aint worth the things we went through

I say it aint worth losing you

I hope you know how much you changed all our lives

Someday you’ll see if only through heaven’s eyes(if only through heaven’s eyes)

Only through heaven’s eyes...and so we can’t forget

We’ve got to keep remembering them all

The ones who took the fall

They did it for us...and we should learn from it

Stand up if you believe in it

You’ve got to face the strong

Some say it wasn’t worth the things i went through

I say it aint worth losing you

I hope you know how much you’ve changed all of our lives

Someday you’ll see if only through heaven’s eyes (if only through heaven) Fade......

Julie realized that NSYNC was doing soundcheck and how true that song was. Julie sarted sobbing uncontrolobly and san to the ground. Through tear filled eyes, she saw Justin, JC, and Lance came running up to her.

“Julie what’s wrong?” Justin exclaimed concerned . Julie was now hypervenilating from sobbing hystericly.

“Conner-accident-he- died.” Julie sobbed. She was vaguely aware of the fact that JC pulled her into his arms.’’

“Calm down Julie. Please? It’s ok. Just breathe. Julie took several deep breaths as JC stroked her hair. She had stopped crying.

“Conner passed away this morning. He had been in a coma for four months.” Julie said shakily. JC just held her in his arms as Julie reflected on the loss of her best friend.

“ You’ll be okay Julie.” JC said softly.”I’ll make sure of it.”


(Friday, Conners funeral)

Julie watched as the priest said a prayer. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. She threw her white rose ont Conners grce. white for friendship. He was only twenty four. Julie felt hollow and empty, void of feelings. She had grown up with Conner. He had been her rock, her lifeline. He kept her gronded and she helped hem lefe to it’s frllest. julie turned and walked to her limo. The ironic thing was, tonight she had to go out and do one of the thngs that Conner loved most about her. Perform. The fact that Conner loved her performing so much was what made it hard to go out there and do it without him there.

“1401 Player Place please it’s in Miami.” 45 minutes later, her limo pulled up in front of Conner’s house. Julie pulled out the key Conner gave her and went inside. Waves of memories washed over her as she looked around. An envelope on Conners desk caught her eye, because her name was on it. Julie picked up the envelope and carefully took out the letter inside. Conners familiar writing filled the page.

Dear Julie,

We have known each other forever . Since second grade right? When you shared your lunch with me and everyday after that we traded lunches. You were my best friend through thick and thin, good times and bad. I love you for that Julie. But I love you in another way. As more than just friends although I love Natalie. JC, if he gets his head out of his butt, is a very lucky guy. Because he, my friend, is the object of your affection. I would love to be more than just friends Julie but I love Natalie and I don’t want to mess up our friendship. I felt that as my best friend, you deserved to know how I feel. No matter what the concequences. I hope by giving you this letter it doesn’t change anything.

Love Always, Conner

Julie took the letter and carefully put it in her purse. She saw Conner’s books, unfinished schoolwork, undone laundry. All typical Conner. But Conner wasn’t coming back. Julie left Conner’s house and went back to the limo.

“Home please.” Home of course was referrig to the hotel that she was staying at. She had to be in hair an hour and ahlf and by the time they got to the hotel, she was ten minutes late.

“Sorry Marianne.” Marianne looked at her concerned.

“Boy Jan has her work cut out for her fixing you up. Have you been crying?” Julie nodded.

“Conner?” Julie nodded again. Marianne fixed her hair and sent her to makeup. Sure enough, Jan did have her work cut out for her, as Julie’s eyes were puffy and red from crying. Julie went out and performed that night like nothing was wrong. Performers always did, whether they were happy or not. And now, JC was being nice and getting her things.

“Why are you being so nice?” Julie asked. JC sat down next to her.

“I know what it’s like to lose somebody close to you Julie. One of my best friends comitted suicide about two years ago and it still hurts.” Julie looked at him.

“I’m sorry JC. I didn’t think you understood. But now I know that you do.” JC smiled at her. Suddenly, JC leaned forward and touched his lips to hers. Julie was about to ean into the kiss when JC suddenly pulled away.

“Why’d you stop?” Julie asked quietly. JC turned, looked at her, and without another word, fled from the room.

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