Chapter Thirteen

"I will not have you sleeping with Justin Timberlake! Do you hear me? I'm filing statutory rape charges against him. I don't care if you consented or not! I want him put away!" Judy ranted

"Judy STOP IT! He didn't do anything! I consented and I love him! I won't let you hurt him or his career!" I cried as tears streamed down my face. Why oh why did you have to do that Stacey? I thought. You knew it was illegal and you did it anyway and now Justin is going to pay for it.

"I DON'T CARE! I don't care if I hurt him, his career or his band. You are a minor Stacey Korman and what you two did was illegal! He took advantage of a sixteen year old girl! I'm taking this to court and N SYNC can find a new manager. You will also find yourself a new boyfriend." Judy declared.

"All your hard work will be wasted because you're jealous that I slept with someone as sexy as Justin and you haven't had any in years!" I taunted her. Judy's face turned bright purple and she reached her hand up and slapped me across the face.

"You witch! I take you into my home, make you a star and what do you do? Sleep with one of my clients. What you did was illegal. Don't you realize what this could do to me?" Judy exclaimed. Leave it to the witch to think about herself.

"In order to place those charges I have to testify? I could always claim that you're some psychotic mother who doesn't like anybody to even touch her daughter and you're out to ruin an innocent young man's life. I'm an actress so I could easily pull it off. You can't win this believe me!" I said triumphantly. Your career will be okay Justin, I promise.

"You wouldn't dare." So dear little Judy thinks I'm bluffing? Well, I don't bluff.

"Damn right I would you old witch. Hurt my boyfriend and I can guarantee that I'll hurt you ten times worse and I don't bluff!" I said snidely. I knew I would get kicked out and not get the spot on General Hospital but it was worth it to know that Justin's career was safe.

"I want you out of my house and I want you to never contact me again. Also, you can kiss your spot on General Hospital or any other movie good-bye. You'll never act again if I have anything to say about it." Judy said. When we got home, I grabbed two suitcases and packed as much stuff as I could. I grabbed my backpack and stuffed my CDs, headphones, and my picture of Justin into it. I turned and walked out the door. I didn't have any money for a cab so I had to walk. I knew it would be a long walk and hard because I was carrying two suitcases. As soon as I had started walking, it started to rain. Pouring rain. Just my luck. No money, no car, heavy suitcases and no job. It took me four hours to walk to Justin's house. I was cold and shivering when I knocked on his door. When he answered the door, I threw my bags down and ran into his arms. I felt like I had finally come home.

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