Chapter Nineteen-Stacey

I called Justin dozens of times and nobody answered. I felt horrible until I heard two girls talking while I was in a bathroom stall.

"Did you hear? Justin is going out with Britney Spears." Girl one said in a hushed whisper.

"I know. I ran into them at a club while I was in Florida about a week ago. I thought he was with Stacey." Girl two said much louder. I walked out of the stall and the talking immediately stopped. So, Justin's with Britney Spears. Are you trying to get revenge Justin? I know all about revenge and nobody can beat me at my own game. At a party that night, I was all over Ryan and when Justin walked in, the pain on his face was unmistakable. Score one for Stacey, I thought though the sight of his face broke my heart. By the end of the party, everybody was talking about us. As I unlocked my apartment door after the party, I couldn't get Justin's hurt face out of my mind. I sat down on my bed and looked at my picture of Justin and the one of us together next to it. I let the tears flow freely down my face. Realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I was alone. All alone.

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