Chapter Five-Stacey

God, what is happening to me? When Justin said he liked what he saw, I didn't come back with a snide comment. I just smiled and walked away. Maybe it was because Justin looked gorgeous in his faded blue jeans and light blue top. He had been so sweet. Earlier, my ex boyfriend stopped by and it scared the crap out of me. Was Justin just feeling sorry for me? I let my guard down and almost started crying. I haven't cried in years. There's no way I would fall for him, I told myself. I could resist him, couldn't I? Now I have to go out there and kiss him. In this scene, we had just finished playing paint ball. We fall into a pile of hay and Justin is supposed to kiss me. I tried not to notice how good Justin smelled. Justin slowly brought his lips down onto mine in a slow, sweet kiss. Justin's lips were cool and soft and he kissed me gently yet passionately.

"Cut! That was great you guys. If I didn't know any better, I would think you two were a couple." John exclaimed. A couple? Why didn't I feel angry? Tears suddenly sprang to my eyes and I turned to go to the bathroom but Justin stopped me.

"Come on. I know a place where we can go talk." Justin led me to an empty room and sat me down. He pulled up a chair next to me.

"Tell me what's wrong, Stacey. You can talk to me." Justin said, grabbing my hand. I couldn't hold the tears back any longer. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks and I choked back sobs. Justin pulled me close and held me while I cried.

"What upset you so much? Why are you always so rude?" Justin asked. I felt a pang of regret at the way I had treated him and his band. I wasn't sure if I should tell him why I was so upset.

"I haven't had an easy life, Justin. I was abandoned and I lived on the streets. I had this boyfriend-" I wasn't sure if I could go on.

"Go on. I'm listening Stacey." Justin said. I took a deep breath and moved on.

"I had this boyfriend and he wanted something I wouldn't give so he-he raped me." I said starting to cry again.

"Stacey, I am so sorry. I don't know what to say." Justin said, looking shocked.

"That's why I was so rude to you guys. I didn't want to let you get close to me. But I messed up." I said, drying my eyes.

"Why's that?" Justin asked, softly.

"Because I fell for you." I said, barely above a whisper. Justin leaned forward and hesitantly touched his lips to mine. This is wrong, I thought. I hastily pushed him away and ran from the room.

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