Chapter One

(Redding, California)

Puffy white clouds dotted the beautiful California sky and the day was hot and humid. There was nothing that eighteen year old Alanna Murray wanted to do more than go swimming at one of Redding’s beautiful beaches. After all, it was her last summer in Redding before heading down to Florida to attend college.

So, in order to spend a peaceful afternoon alone, Alanna headed to her “special” spot, a cliff overlooking the river that flowed near her house. It was her sanctuary, the one place where she could go and not be bothered. When she arrived, she set down a picnic basket with her lunch and picked up the current novel that she was reading. Alanna was so engrossed in her book that she didn’t hear someone come up behind her until his smooth voice rang out through the air.

“What are you doing here?” Alanna looked up from her book to see a young blond guy standing about ten feet away from her, looking plenty pissed off.

“Excuse me?” Alanna replied. “I don’t see your name anywhere. Besides, I’ve been coming here for years.” The young man snorted.

“Must not have been at the same time as me because I’ve been coming here for years.” He nodded his head in her direction. “What’s your name anyway?” Alanna shut her book, annoyed at the distraction.

“If you MUST know, my name is Alanna Murray. And you are?” He sat down on the blanket next to her.

“Ashley Parker Angel.” Alanna straightened up in interest when she heard his name. “I remember you. You went to my high school.” Alanna nodded.

“You sang a song at graduation.” Alanna said. “It was really good.” Ashley’s cheeks turned pink.

“Thanks.” An awkward silence enveloped them, and Ashley cleared his throat.

“You want to go get a bite to eat?” Alanna looked into his clear blue eyes.

“Um, I have lunch right here.” Ashley nodded and got up to leave. “Wait.” Ashley stopped, his hands in the pockets of his baggy jeans.

“Yeah?” Alanna gestured toward the picnic basket. “I have more than enough, if you want to stay.” Ashley grinned and sat back down.

“Thanks Alanna.” Alanna smiled, noticing the twinkle in his gorgeous blue eyes.

“So where are you planning to go to college?” Ashley asked, biting into the turkey sandwich that Alanna handed him.

“Florida. Or maybe New York.” She took a sip of her bottled water. “My turn. Have you ever thought about singing professionally?” Ashley nodded thoughtfully.

“I have. It’s always been a dream of mine.” Alanna laughed.

“Well, you do have the talent for it Ashley.” Ashley looked down at the ground. “You really do.”

“And what do you plan on doing with your life Ms. Murray?” Alanna smiled wistfully.

“I’m going to be a writer.”

“Sounds good to me.” he poked her playfully. “You can write about me when I’m famous.” Both laughed, never knowing just how true that one statement was.


(One month later)

For more than a month, Alanna had enjoyed Redding in ways that she had never known how. When Ashley was with her, old things had new meaning, new things had more meaning, everything had a new appeal. Walking along the river by which she had grown up, hand in hand with Ashley, Alanna was beginning to see life in a whole different light.

“You know what?” Ashley asked, tucking a strand of Alanna brown hair behind her ear. Alanna giggled, the hair tickling her ear.

“What?” Ashley pulled her into his arms and Alanna rested her head on his broad chest.

“I think that I am falling in love with you.” Ashley’s hand was drawing lazy circles on her back as he spoke and it sent shivers down her spine. It amazed her that in such a short amount of time, Ashley had come to know Alanna almost as well as her best friend. He had amazing insight into her personality and was just all around an amazing person. To know her almost as well as her best friend was quite an accomplishment, considering how long Alanna had known Jake Quinn. Jake was the one person who knew Alanna better than anyone.

“Lana?” Alanna snapped out of her stupor.

“Sorry Ash. What was the question?” Ashley sighed.

“I asked you about your family.” Alanna looked down at the ground.

“What about them?” Ashley was surprised by the hostility in her tone.

“I don’t know anything about your family because you rarely talk about them.”

“I rarely talk about them because there isn’t anything nice to say about them and my best friend taught me that if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”

“What’s made you so hostile toward them?” Alanna shook her head, trying not to cry.

“My parents don’t give a damn about me.” Ashley looked at her in surprise. “Their stupid country club parties were always more important than anything going on in my life. I told my mom that I was going to be valedictorian and you know what she said? ‘That’s nice honey, I have a country club party to go to.’ I told my father ‘Today is my graduation.’ He said, ‘That’s nice sweetie, but we can’t make it. We have an important party to go to.’”

“I’m sorry Alanna.” Alanna shook her head.

“We’re not here to talk about them.” She nuzzled closer to his chest. “I’m just glad that I’m here with you.” Ashley smiled.

“I love you Alanna.” Much to the disappointment of Ashley, and herself, Alanna did not respond.


The smallest things took on new meaning. Even when Alanna wasn’t with Ashley, she was a much happier person than she had been before she had met him.

“Earth to Lana! Is anyone home?” Alanna smiled sheepishly.

“Sorry Jake. What was the question?” The twenty one year old rolled his emerald green eyes.

“It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.” It was Alanna’s turn to roll her eyes.

“Fine. What was the statement?” Jake laughed and poked Alanna lightly in the ribs.

“I love it when you get all riled up.” Alanna glared at him and Jake threw his hands up in surrender. “I said, Ashley Parker Angel has totally changed your life.” Alanna nodded.

“He has.” She got a goofy smile on her face. “Whether we’re walking along the beach, sitting by the river, or just holding each other, I feel sparks. I get shivers down my spine and when Ashley kisses me, I am deaf to the world. Nothing matters except for the fact that we’re together.”

“I hate to burst your happy bubble, Alanna, but have you discussed what’s going to happen when you leave for college? We’re leaving for Florida in two weeks so that we’ll have time to find an apartment, register, get books, and take the placement exams. What are you going to do then?” Alanna sat down on her bed, pouting.

“You think I haven’t thought about that? God, I don’t even know if he wants to go to college! How can I tell him that I’m moving to Florida?” Jake ran a hand through his shaggy blond hair.

“Tell him that you love him but you have to leave for college.” Green eyes met gray ones as Alanna tried not to try, unsure of her ability to let him go.

“I don’t think I can let him go.” Jake pulled Alanna into his arms as she started to cry. “I don’t want to let him go.”


(Two weeks later)

Alanna tried to make the best of her remaining time with Ashley. Every moment possible was spent with him, as if Alanna was trying to commit it to memory. Perhaps, in some way, she was. It’s not like she didn’t plan on not seeing Ashley again. Alanna just wasn’t sure when she would.

“You seem preoccupied.” Ashley commented as Alanna lay enveloped in his arms. They were at their special spot, laying on a beach blanket, under the stars. It was a warm California night, making it perfect for stargazing. Alanna sighed and rested her head on Ashley’s chest, slowing running her fingers over his flat stomach.

“We need to talk.” Ashley pulled away, concerned.

“What’s wrong?” Alanna took a deep breath. Don’t cry, she told herself. Don’t cry. “This can’t be good or it wouldn’t be so hard to say.”

“I’m leaving.” Ashley looked away. “I’m going to college.”

“When?” It was Alanna’s turn to look away.

“Tomorrow.” Ashley’s surprise was evident on his face.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Ashley said, trying to pull her back into his arms. Alanna pulled away.

“I wasn’t sure if I was going to go.” Alanna shook her head and got up. “I’m sorry Ashley.” She gave him a quick kiss on his full red lips and, without another word, got into her car and left.

Chapter Two
Rest Of My Life Index