Chapter Five

Taylor set down his suitcases in his hotel room and went out on the deck. On the distant horizon, Taylor could see the big block letters proclaiming “Hollywood.”

“A brand new home.” Taylor said, feeling sad as he thought about Meg.

“She won’t come.” Taylor said out loud. “She still hates you.” Taylor sighed. “What can I possibly do here?” An idea suddenly came to him.

“College. I arrive in California and the first thing I think about is school.” Taylor grabbed a phone book and looked up the address of the University of California. It turned out to be a couple of blocks from his hotel. Taylor grabbed a coat and walked the few blocks to the campus. Taylor walked around for about twenty minutes, finally locating the admissions office.

“Hi, how may I help you?” A kind woman inquired. Taylor smiled.

“I’d like to enroll in a couple of classes.” The woman nodded, handing him a book and some forms.

“Here’s the fall courses and all the forms I need you to fill out.” Taylor nodded and sat down to look at the book. Hmm, Taylor thought to himself. Creative writing sounds good. Maybe photography. Taylor filled out the forms and chose three classes: Creative writing, Intro to photography, and AP World History.

“Thank you Taylor.” She typed a few things in the computer, printed up a card and handed it to Taylor.

“You start next week. Classroom numbers, teachers, and times are listed on this card. We’ll see you next week.” Taylor thanked her and walked home, if you could call a hotel home. His new life was beginning.


Where could he possibly be? Meg asked herself. She shouldered her duffel bag and walked into the hotel.

“I’d like a room please.” The man nodded, took her money and gave her a key. Meg turned, paused, then walked to Room 400.

“Where are you Taylor?” Meg asked out loud. “And how can I find you?”


Taylor looked at his room, room 401, and sighed as he unlocked the door. He had gone to the campus bookstore and gotten his books. His AP world history book looked pretty interesting. Taylor sat down to look through it when someone started playing MMMBOP obnoxiously loud next door. Even my own music is getting on my nerves, Taylor thought as he knocked on room 400’s door. Taylor’s mouth dropped open when Meg opened the door.

“Taylor!” Meg exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck.

“Meg.” Taylor said, hope cautiously soaring through his heart.

“I came for you.” Meg said against his chest. Taylor felt tears spring to his eyes.

“You actually came.” Taylor whispered. Meg looked at him, tears welling up in her green eyes.

“Come inside Tay.” Taylor walked inside and sat down on Meg’s bed.

“I’m sorry Taylor. I was just so hurt that you didn’t come to Blake’s funeral. It was easier to be angry with you than to be hurt by you.” Taylor nodded.

“I made some mistakes. I can’t tell you how much it hurt to watch you marry Blake.”

“I can’t even begin to understand. But if you were, or are, in love with me, you should have told me.”

“I know.”

“But I’m willing to forgive and forget, and I think we should try to regain what we had.” Taylor smiled.

“I agree. And I think we should stay here in California.” Meg smiled.

“I could get used to that, but why do you want to stay here?”

“I enrolled in classes.”

“That’s great Tay. I was enrolled in classes back home.” Taylor raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“Really? What classes were you taking?”

“Creative writing, British Literature, and AP World History. After you left, I decided my passion was writing. I plan to be a writer someday.” Taylor smiled.

“I bet you definitely have the talent for it.”

“I guess I could have University of Tulsa transfer my credits to the university here. Then I would probably be in a couple of your classes. What are you taking?”

“Creative Writing, Intro to Photography, and AP World History. And now I have a subject to use for any projects I might have to do.” Taylor said, winking at Meg. Meg blushed.

“Here’s to our rekindled friendship.” Meg said, kissing Taylor on the cheek. Taylor could not stop smiling.

Chapter Six
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