Jason Krause Biography

Stagename: Jason Krause
Real Name: Jason Krause
(current) Age: 31
Birthplace: Mt. Clemens, MI
Birthdate: ???
Instrument: Guitarist (can play drums, bass, and piano)
Jason Krause is a talented man. He is abled to play a variety of instruments and is also a licensed carpenter who built his own studio. At first, he thought Kid Rock's music was bad. His little brother would listen to it, and Krause would call it crap. But once Kracker called Krause up in '97, Jason thought twice about Kid Rocks music. Rock was willing to hear all Krause had and wanted another guitarist. The audition was cake, and Krause was perfect for the job. Two days after, it was the concert and Krause's first time onstage playing for Kid Rock. Jason was perfect, and the band was growing more stronger then before.
(pics of Jason Krause)