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About the Site

So maybe you want to know our reason for creating this site. Well its simple really. I was getting ticky about the number hits, or lack thereof, my site was getting. Mollie and Jackee were feeling the same. At first we decided that we would just help each other out, sort of like mass advertising each other. Then by a stroke of genius we decided to take it a step further. We decided to create a site for our purposes.

We were doing well with the idea when we looked at other fanfiction sites and saw them in the same boat as us. Everyone needs a little recognition. So the site became a site to promote under priviliged fanfiction. That was all well and good for a while. Then we stumbled across a problem, or rather a sort of different path. I was surfing around, looking at the various fanfics that we were advocating and i realised something. The quality of fanfic has gone down. I will be the first person to admit that I am no Ernest Hemingway or J.D.Salinger, but I do know what quality is.

If I read another story in which Nick falls in love ith a 13 year old (Trust me there are far too many) I think I may have a conniption fit. Maybe if it were REMOTELY Lolita-esque, I could get down with it. But I just can't. Some times I wonder who writes this dribble. I'm sorry if I hurt anyones feelings, but come on! Ya'll know what I'm talking about!

So anyway. We decided to change the focus a little. Instead of the site being for just under read stories and sites we decided for quality fanfiction to be the main focus. I've ranted long enough. Go do stuff now.


After reading what Sa had to say, I'm pretty much at a loss for words due to the fact that she took them directly from my own mouth. The sole purpose of this site was to promote our stories of which we felt, deserved more recognition and readers. But of course, we are readers as well as writers and only saw it fit to help out other authors who feel the same about their works as we do ours. Our shameless self promotion holds no ties with arrogance, by all means, but we strongly felt that amidst the many fiction that is posted everyday, our stories and others' that we post on this site deserve more attention than that of which they have recieved. In summary, I wish you all happy reading.

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