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This page was established July,21st,1999.
Last update January,22nd,2001. The photos are available in large size by clicking them.
The Gen... I've replaced Marjan Hladnik in the band Planja. He's had some interesting musical ideas and quality voice. We agreed we could make some our own music together. Andrej Nanut was the bass player in the band Planja before so it was naturally for him to join in. We have rented the atomic shelter close the Marjan's flat and we were rehearsing nearly every day. On some occasion we brought all the Marshalls we had. I was playing in the shelter through three Marshall full-stacks open to 10! My guitar was really alive...
We have rehearsed two Marjan's songs: Djordja (Georgia) and Nov dan (New day). We've managed to get some sponsored studio time to record them. They've got some airplay and that was about all... First serious studio recordings...
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