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This page was established July,19th,1999.

Last update January,3rd,2001. The photos are available in large size by clicking them.
Frenk, the drummer... Frenk, the drummer...                            
I don't recollect any photos from the stage (apart from a few VHS videos). However, if I find them I'll include them next time... From the photo session...
Bass guitar: Lemmy Hofman
Electric lead guitar: Matthias Mallešič
Drums: Frenk Novak

According to my experience in the music recording field I was trying to get the band to be more consistent, since to my opinion the studio cuts before I came in weren't good enough. We were close to finish the cassette/album project, but the others felt I was redirecting the group from its 'wild' Motorhead like stage image. In the studio I even used the sampled drums and piano player to improve the sound and timing of the band, which resulted in numbers with much airplay on the radio stations. The background vocals were sung by Regina, Nada Movrin, Aleksander Kogoj and me. The other two were confused since the attention was less focused on them than before, so we disbanded. They've owed me some money and hence have given the exclusive right to use the name ODISEJA 2000 to me...

Takes you to 'ME AS MUSICIAN' homepage...Charel...

Copyright © 1999-2001 Matthias. All rights reserved.