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Hey everyone! Welcome to the first ever Maximum Security Page. If you've seen them in concert you may have heard them plug this site (thanks guys). For those of you that aren't familiar with Maximum they are an alternative band made up of 4 guys, brothers Mike (20) and Ben (19), Trevor (18), and Ryan (18). Hailing from Somerset, Wisconsin Maximum Security plays shows around WI and MN with the Dweebs (a regional variety rock band). How'd they get that gig? Ben and Mike are related to the Dweebs (the sons of Papa Dweeb, nephews of Little Willie, and brothers of Claire and TeeTea). They've been running spotlight, selling merchandise, etc. for the Dweebs for quite awhile. The guys say they just picked up instruments one day and here they are (with some practice of course, as any band will tell you).

Note: I am NOT the band, I am just a fan. Email all your messages for MS to their email addy at or post them on the message board. Thanks!

Shoutouts go to Maximum, The Dweebs, and Heidi. Thanks for all your help :0)

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Online since: 9/1/00
Last Updated: 4/17/03