I Love My Lips (Only in the case of Kevin - lip, since he only has one...) Announcer: It's now time for silly songs with AJ - the part of the show where AJ come out and sings a silly song. Unfortunately Kevin got mad because AJ was getting more face time than him, and AJ is, um, unable to perform today, so Kevin will be filling in. One day while Kevin was talking to Doctor Jones, Kevin comforts one of his deepest fears... Kevin: ::Laying on couch:: ::Starts singing:: If my lip ever left my mouth Packed a bag and headed south That'd be too bad I'd be so sad Dr. Jones: I see... that'd be too bad you be so sad? Kevin: That'd be too bad. Dr Jones: Alrighty Kevin: If my lip said adios I don't like you I think you're gross That be too bad I might get mad. Dr Jones: That be too bad you might get mad? Kevin: That'd be too bad. Dr. Jones: Fascinating. Kevin: If my lip moved to the lose Left a mess and took my tooth That'd be too bad I'd call my dad Dr. Jones: That'd be too bad you'd call your dad? Kevin: ::Nods head:: Dr. Jones: HOLD IT! Did you say your father? Kevin: ::Nods head again:: Dr. Jones: So what your saying is, if your lip ever left you.... Kevin: That be too bad I'd be so sad I might get mad I'd call my dad that'd be too bad . Dr. Jones: That be too bad? Why? Kevin: Welllll.... ::Ten minutes later:: Kevin: 'Cause I love my lip. Diddly dat bop diddly boo bee bap bop ba dee ba bobby bap bow yabba daba dow blblbllblblbllb lablbllblblblbllbll blblblblblblblblblblbl Dr. Jones: Oh my! This is more serious than I thought. Kevin, what do you see here ::Hold up piece of paper with an ink blot on it:: Kevin: Um... that looks like a lip. Dr. Jones: And this? Kevin: It's a lip. Dr. Jones: And this? Kevin: It's a lip It's a lip It's a lip lip lip It's a lip It's a lip it's a lip lip lip It's a lip It's lip It's a lip lip lip It's a liiiiipppp It's a lip lip lip. Dr. Jones: Kevin, tell me about your childhood. Kevin: When I was just two years old I left my lip out in the cold They turned blue What could I do? Dr. Jones: They turned blue what could you do? Kevin: Oh they turned blue what could I do. Dr. Jones: I see. Kevin: On the day I got my tooth I had to kiss my great Aunt Ruth She had a beard It felt weird. Dr. Jones: She had a beard and it felt weird. Kevin: She had a beard. Dr. Jones: Oh. Kevin: Ten days after I turned eight I got my lip stuck in a gate. My friends all laughed ANDIJUSTSTOODTHEREUNTILTHEFIREDEPARTMENTCAMEANDBROKETHELOCKWITA CROWBARANDIHADTOSPENDTHENEXTSIXWEEKSINLIPREHAB.WITHSOMEKIDNAMED OSCARWHOGOTSTUNGBYABEERIGHTONHISLIPANDWECOULDN'TEVENTALKTOEACHOTHERUNTILTHEFIFTHWEEK'CAUSE BOHTOFOURLIPSWERESOSWOLLENANDWHENHEDID STARTSPEAKINGHEJUSTSPOKEPOLISHANDIONLYKNEWLIKETHREEWORDINGPOLISH EXCEPTFORNOW'CAUSEOSCARTAUGHTMETHEPOLISHWORDOFLIPS... OOSTA. Dr. Jones: Your friends all laughed - oosta? How do you spell that? Kevin: O-O-S-T-A. Dr. Jones: So what your saying is that when you were young.... Kevin: They turned blue What could I do She had a beard And it felt weird My friends all laughed.... oosta. Dr. Jones: I'm confused. Kevin: I love my lip. Diddly dat bop diddly boo bee bap bop balldee ba bobby bap bow yabba daba dow blblbllblblbllb lablbllblblblbllbll blblblblblblblblblblbl Announcer: This has been silly song with Kevin. Tune in next time when...... Kevin: Have I ever told you how I feel about my nose? Dr. Jones: Oh! Look at the time!