Love Songs with Howie D. Announcer: It is now time for Silly Songs with AJ. The part of the show where AJ comes out and sings a silly song. AJ: ::With bear trap stuck on butt:: ::Looks at camera:: Kevin: Wait... ::Saunters in front of camera:: ...stop talking... excuse me... I have an announcement. Be cause of the standards that we on this show strive to adhere to and as a result of the previous silly song ::glares at AJ:: management has decided to review compositions from other performers for this segment. Several song were shared and we chose on based on the African sense of artistry and all around priority. Thank you. AJ: So... what are you saying man? Kevin: I'm saying, Silly Songs is canceled until further notice. AJ: Oh, yeah? Well then... how am I supposed to get this bear trap off my butt? Kevin: I sure you'll think of something. Announcer(who by the way is Kevin): And now it's time for love songs with Howie D. The part of the show where Howie D. Comes out and sings a love song. Nick: ::In car - pulls up to drive through:: Howie: ::Standing on street corner under lamp light:: ::Starts singing:: He said, I'd like a cheeseburger And I might like a milk shake as well She said to him, I can't give you either And he said, Isn't this Burgerbell? She said, Yes it is But we're closed now But we open tomorrow at ten He started to count on his fingers And he said I don't think I have ten But your his cheeseburger His yummy cheeseburger He'll wait for yoo-ou Yeah, he'll wait for yoo-ou You are his cheeseburger His tasty cheeseburger He'll wait for yoo-ou Oh he will wait for you. He stayed at the drive through till sunrise He might have dosed off once or twice When he spotted a billboard for Denny's Bacon and eggs for half price How could he resist such and offer He really needed something to munch Cheeseburger, please don't get angry He'll leave and be back before lunch 'Cause your his cheeseburger His precious cheeseburger Be back for yoo-ou He'll be back for yoo-ou Won't be so long cheeseburger Oh lovely cheeseburger Be back for yoo-ou He'll be back for yoo-ou 'Cause he love you cheeseburger With all of his heart And there ain't nothin' that'll tare you two-oo apart And if the world ever ran out of cheese He'd get down on his knees To see if someone accidentally dropped some cheese in the dirt And he would wash it off for you Wipe it off for you Clean that dirty cheese off for yoooooou You... are... his... cheeesssse... brrrrr..... ::More falsetto than normal:: grrrrrrrrr.