The Water Buffalo Song Announcer:: It is now time for Silly songs with AJ. The part of the show where AJ comes out and sings a silly song. So without further ado.... AJ: ::In large leopard cowboy hat:: The water buffalo song. ::Starts singing:: Oh, everyone's got a water buffalo Yours is fast but mine is slow Where we get them I don't know, but everyone's got a water buffalo. ::Points to Brian:: Hit it. Brian: Owoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! He-llo! ::Waves:: AJ: Took my water buffalo to the store Got his head stuck in the door Threw lima beans on the floor Oh everyone's got a water buffalo..... Kevin: Wait... you can't say everyone's got a water buffalo... 'cause everyones doesn't have a water buffalo, and we will get nasty letters saying, 'I don't have a water buffalo! Where's MY water buffalo?' See? And I don't think you can handle that, can you? AJ: ::Shakes head:: Announcer: This has been Silly songs with AJ. Tune in next time when AJ sings..... AJ: ::Singing:: Ohhhh! Everyone's got a baby kangaroo. Yours is pink but mine is blue..... wait, I got tired of blue just thinking about it.... I think I want mine to be purple... Kevin:: ::Runs full speed into AJ:: AAAAAAAAAAAAA!