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My So-Called Poems

Most of these don't have titles, so bear with me, every paragraph is a new poem.

The lagoon from Hell rises above the earth
To capture the souls of those whom trespass
An angel lays beside the dark liquid and dips
Her finger in the deadly water
And is swallowed in a pool of crimson blood

Have you ever
Stopped to think about
The evil that you've done
The way you've watched
People die and laughed
At their misfortune
The cruel intentions
That your soul has
Carried within for so
Many years...
That's the way that
People create their
Own Hell

The demon is after you
Would you like to see a dead body?
Wait for its presence
And then look in the mirror

Angels are like imps
They prance around
When good happens
And shatter
When evil is done
Imps are like angels
They prance around
When evil is done
And shatter
When good is done
But when they shatter,
Where do they go?
Perhaps imps go to heaven?
And angels go to hell?
It seems as though
Heaven is more censored
Than Hell, our future is at stake

Death is lurking in
The shadow of
Your soul
It's the death that
You've created, the
Hell that arised from
Your being
And now there is
No escape from it
Why do you do these things?
Put your knife down
Do harm no more
The only person you are
Hurting is yourself

We don't gain it
We are born with it
Every single vampire
No one's afraid of the dark
Light is what we fear
For light is graceful
And grace shall kill us all
It's such a powerful weapon
When used right
It shall work in our favor...
If used wrong
We are trapped in this gloomy cage
Called life
We live in darkness and in death
Don't fidget with us
Our fangs will sink into your flesh
And destroy your soul
Our capes will envelop
Your mind
And turn you into
The bloody river that
Flows in our veins
The never-ending cycle...
No one can stop us...

The world is a dark place
Full of famine and
Distorture, of cruel minions
When people have this power,
They turn it into their
Companion's blood

The dagger of your soul
Which once held the utmost power
And buried into my flesh
Has been rebounded and
Is tearing back at your aura
And you shall soon die

Stop this pain,
You made it begin
Make it seize
And leave me at ease
These scars will never vanish
Lay not a finger on me again
Your lies will never relenquish
Your evil ways will never reign
Leave me alone to perish
My good will has been slain

The world drowns
In utter stupidity from the way
The humans' frowns
Made it decay
And we all take part in these rounds
With the nothingness that we say

Comes from sourness,
The bitter consentment of today's mortals
Whom must be locked away behind portals
Those who have dared to deceive
And not let others conceive

Deceived Again
I don't want to leave this cloud
You'd made me so proud
But now you left a wound
Which has left me doomed
The cloud has disappeared
And with a smile you have reappeared
A devilish grin
An evil that stalks from within

Blood drips onto the dead ground
Lost and never to be found
These cuts are so profound
It is all so quiet, there is no sound

Morbid Felicity
Humans are full of shit
They tear away at your every bit
Never offering to make a knit
They think that they can just sit
And watch without a candle lit
And enjoy your getting slit

Eternally Lost
When shall it all end?
When you've lost your best friend?
Is there not a hand that will lend?
Just let the universe bend
For help I shall not send
No wounds will ever mend
Your fears I shall never fend
It is you that no one will tend

Hate today
More tomorrow
It comes with what you say
And it brings us more sorrow
Yet there you lay
And think of the evil you will borrow
To strike us like a ray
And do no more tomorrow

Follow The Leader
Why must everyone follow?
You are all so shallow
Are you to follow others 'til your day of end?
I believe it has become a trend
Die all if you think you must
And let your bones turn to dust