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12-01-02. Damn, it's been a long time. This site has been "forgotten, but not gone," sorry about the inconvenience. Anyway, I have an update! The Goo Goo Dolls will be on VH1's Rock The House on Monday, December 2nd (tomorrow!) at 10 P.M. EST. Check your local listings! Also make sure to check the news page for additional air dates.

06-09-02. All right, I haven't done much updating because I've been working on a new layout for the site - SO PLEASE BE PATIENT! I'm currently taking it for a test drive, and... it needs quite a few adjustments. So hang in there! And keep checking to see when the Goos are coming to your area! That is all for now!

04-20-02. I'M BACK! Sorry about that, my computer died! But now I have a new, faster computer, so more updates are a-comin'! Check out the goo news section for updates on T.V. appearances and the new album! IN STORES NOW! The Goos are on tour again! Make sure to check the special access area of the album for tour dates and advance ticket sales only available to members! I have my copy (I LOVE IT!), make sure to GET YOURS NOW! =o)

11-13-01.Sorry about the delay on the update, but Angelfire went through a few changes and I wasn't able to update the site. Ok, suspense is over... congratulations to the winner... ELIZABETH GOO!!! Congratulations to her!! You can view the answers to this contest at the contest page. Thanks again to everyone that entered! For those of you that haven't joined GooF yet... what are you waiting for?! Go to the home of the Unofficial Goo Goo Dolls fan club right now and join! =o)

10-29-01.Before I forget (again!!) I would like to thank Trac, from Do You GOO? for picking my site as site of the month. Thanks! =o)

10-26-01.The new GooF contest is up!! Click here to enter the contest! And don't forget to check out the chat room that Jay V set up for the members of the World Of Goo board. Thank you for arranging that, Jay.

10-25-01. We have a winner! Congratts to Raven!! You can check the contest page to see the answers to the contest. The next contest will be up and running tomorrow.

10-10-01. I know, it's been a while since I've updated, but I can't stay away from the WOG board, it's so addicting! Anyway, I have a contest for you! My boss is very generous and wants me to give away 2 GooF memberships! Click here for details!

9-15-01. Oh crap, a month of no updates... sorry about that. There really isn't much going on except that fucked up incident that occurred on Tuesday.. blech! I'm sick of hearing about it, so I shall say no more on the issue. Anyway, my e-mail addy is no longer I had some problems with AOL yadda yadda... so if you need anything, e-mail me at my new addy. I'll be working on stuff to add to the site today, and check out GooF, the unofficial Goo Goo Dolls fan club!!!

8-15-01.Nothing really GOOey today, just added some stuff from one of my many old pages to the Me section... AKA the boring section..... And Angelfire's an ass and keeps making the pop-up banners appear. So please e-mail me and tell me what the hell you want.... if you A)Want me to keep the pop-up banners appearing... OR...B)Want the banners right on the page like they were. The pop-ups are annoying to most people, so if you don't like them...LET ME KNOW!!

8-8-01.Added another link to the Links section. And now you lazy bums can visit this site more often because it has a new shorter URL! ::pathetic yay:: Now all you have to do is go to I don't know how long they'll let me keep it though, I didn't read their terms and conditions. This site has a lot of profanity on it, so be on the look-out heh heh ... oh, and did you notice? I have a new layout! Go me pffff .... ::slaps herself:: I actually WORKED on this site for once, too bad it'll never look as good as Susan's site whom by the way is to thank for helping me get rid of those HORRID banners. If you see any ad banners, please inform me, I HATE ad banners.

8-7-01.Updated the Goo News section... and I finally put up the Covers & Rarities section, it's under major construction though

7-26-01.Ok, nothing much today, just added more cliques to the cliques portion of the site.

7-24-01.Wow, I updated 3 days in a row again... I must be bored heh heh. Anyway, I added more "poems" to the me section.

7-23-01.Alrighty, another competition ::sigh:: This time it's for site of the month at Trac's site. So if you get bored, vote for my site here. Who am I kidding, you'll probably vote for some other site heh heh.

7-22-01.Kick ass, missed a couple of days... I'M NOT SICK! Heh. Glad to have everything back to normal, only random updates! heh heh ... Anyway, I updated the Goo News section and the Updates page. Please don't click on the latter link, it'll bring you back to this page, duh.

7-14-01. I'm beginning to scare myself... this site has been updated 3 days in a row. Just changed the counter was all... but I did something. I guess I'm not the lazy bum you thought I was!! HAH!! heh heh

7-13-01. Just changed the site around a little, moved all the webrings, awards and organizations to their own page. Nothing too drastic... and happy Friday the 13th mwa ha ha ha ha

7-12-01.Nothing exciting, I added more poems to the me section of the page.

6-20-01.I added a Message Forum to the site.

6-16-01.The Goo news section has been updated. And I changed the Home link to a button heh heh.

6-7-01.I added a Cliques section to the page, I was going to join more... but stuff comes up heh.

5-29-01.Watch out... new mailing list in town. ;o) I added the graphic to the Goo Goo Dolls Semi-Uncensored List to the bottom of the page. So please join!! =o)

5-27-01.Gawth damn it, does this site really suck that bad? Don't answer! Well, since no one wants it, might as well keep updating it I guess. I added another link to the Non-goo but GOOd section. And that's about it, might add more later.

5-5-01.Heh heh. Feliz cinco de mayo!! ;o) Well, as you've noticed, I haven't updated in QUITE a while lol It's 'cuz I'm going to give this site away. So if you're interested, e-mail me at Lazy Eyed Manson or at my hotmail address Or if you're too damn lazy, just Instant Message me on LazyEyedManson. 4-15-01.Nothing really that important today. Just a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little cousin Amanda Baca who turned 10 today, her name's in the daily goo for today. And I also added some more poems to the boring section of the page, well the MOST boring section, it being the me portion heh heh.


4-6-01.PSSS!! Haven't updated in a while... mostly 'cuz like... nothing's going on lol. Well, I added a Me page, it kinda REALLY sucks, so enter at your own risk heh heh. And that's about it.

3-14-01. I'm here to remind you to read the Daily Goo because there's a lot of stuff going on... (yeah, I'm so descriptive lol) And remember to write to me because I need to add to the Letters Page That was a pathetic cry for help in case you didn't notice lol So that's all for me now... ;o)

3-06-01.OMG Lazy Lazy Lazy! Ok, I updated today lol. So um... I updated the Goo News page. Lots of re-runs... I might update later today again... heh heh but there are NO promises!! lol

2-24-01. OK, lotza stuff today... I finished moving everything from GGD Rock to this site (finally!! lol). I finished the SSCW lyrics, so now I just need HMU, Jed, the first release, soundtrack tracks and the new album .... that's a lot of work lol. What else... I added a Non-Goo but GOOd section to the page, it doesn't have much yet, but it will hopefully have more soon... I added more links to the Links section of the page ... and I updated the "Updates" page heh heh. I guess that's all I did today... remember to tune in for the next episode ;o)

2-18-01. Susan says it's the year 3994... but we'll just go with 2001 heh heh. So today I put a logo on the page (if you haven't noticed lol). And I updated the "updates" page ::shruggs:: And... I added a couple of more quotes to the "Quotes" section ;o)

2-16-01. Today... I am happy to announce... I WON THE PEZ AWARD!! WOO HOO!!!! I would like to thank everyone who voted for me!! =o) And thanks, Dianna for the kick ass banner! Man, really, thanks!! And as you can see... the page got a "face lift" and now there's more visuals on the main page... heh heh. Man, "it's a beautiful day" lol Thanks! =o)

2-15-01.I added 3 more... no 2... no, yeah 3 more banners to the "Link Me" page... and I updated the updates page heh heh And like, write to me and stuff so I can update the "Letters" page ;o)

2-10-01.I put the spinning CD back as you can see heh heh. And I added a Goo News section... it used to be on GGD Rock, but I'm not gonna update that one any more ;o)

2-9-01.I thought "what the hay?" and added an updates page... if it starts to take up too much space (from goo pics and stuff), it's going down! lol So... today I added 2 more banners to the "Link Me" section and 5 more pics to the gallery... and that's about it...