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Failure of Mind

Searching deep inside me For something I can't find Reaching out to find the one That's hidden from my eyes I hear the call from far away Like music to my ears I carry on along my way, AND BATTLE WITH THE FEAR! (pre)I'm slipping again, HOPE I DON'T FALL! (chorus)I need to try and find a way To carry on throughout the day My failure laughs at me again, I won't give in! The path to you is pointed out But I ignore the light The demons try to play with me Convince me they are right Again I hear the call from you The darkness disappears And once again I carry on, TO SILENCE ALL MY FEARS! (pre)I'm slipping again, HOPE I DON'T FALL! (chorus)I need to try and find a way To carry on throughout the day My failure laughs at me again I won't give in! I WON'T GIVE IN! (repeat pre) (repeat chorus)
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