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Saving Face (Taking Control)

Looking confused is more common, and looking down on my actions Don't try to understand me Be yourself, confuse yourself Trying to step above the standard... Waiting for my chance to shine... Looking confused is more common then looking down on my actions Don't try to understand me Be yourself, confuse yourself (chorus)Trying to step above the standard Waiting for my chance to shine Why can't I get ahead? Why do you leave me behind? Just one chance to step above Just one thought to leave me out I just want to be a part of this, send me out Send me out Save your face! Looking confused is more common Then looking down at my actions Don't try to understand me Be yourself, confuse yourself Trying to step above the standard Waiting for my chance to shine Why can't I get ahead? Why do you leave I'LL BREAK YOUR SPIRIT i'll change your mind I'M VERY DIFFERENT i am inside I AM you WE ARE different WE ARE stronger we own you...WE OWN YOU!
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