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World Never Known

(chorus)You close your eyes and pray That things’ll be okay Only worried about yourself Just you and no one else You show no concern for the life That lives and breathes inside of you But soon it won’t be living at all Just a pile of worthless tissue (repeat chorus) Another day has come and gone Your child had never seen the sun You had felt the time was right To take this helpless child’s life (repeat chorus) How can you say that it’ll all be ok? You may live on, but now the child is gone He never knew love, he never knew hate You want to turn back, but realize its too late How can you say that it’ll turn out ok? You know your mistake, but realized it too late You lie wide awake, and stare up to the sky All your happiness lost, all you can do now is cry (repeat chorus) Another year has come and gone You live your life like nothing’s wrong Again a child grows deep within You make the choice to kill again How can you say that it’ll all be ok? You may live on, but now the child is gone He never knew love, he never knew hate You try to repent, but once again its too late Who said that you, could kill an innocent life Before the life was lived, before the life was lived MURDER! MURDER!
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