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6-27-03 We have stickers ask your local penguin for a sticker. For those of you who cannot ask one personally, seek a penguin through telepathic means. 4-25-03
Okay kids, nothing is going on Today. I just thought you all should know that we now have a Booking agent. Alan Jones is now setting up shows for us. To plan a show with the Penguins just call Gabe @ 262-705-2697 or you can call 847-336-3900 to talk with Alan.
Now that we've shaken the bias of the older crowd to sweet sounds of the Shotgun Blast, we grudge on to the unknown. If you Missed our show over the easter weekend, you really missed something special. We played two new songs (Pleez and Allured Sky) of which the lyrics are up in the lyrics section. The whole crowd was into it. The screams of the fans will ring eternally in the ears of the Penguins. Gabe did a great job on the body art piece. A special thanks goes out to Jake, for painting Gabe, and Kim for being a great mate for the painted Gabe. Penguins would also Like to thank Alan Jones, for setting up the show, along with the rest of the boys from Mission creep. And I would be remissed if i didn't thank the boys from TOOL for advertising Penguins with Shotguns on the TOOL website.
Here's the news folks... On second thought I'm not telling all the story just yet. This weekend is very special Penguins' show. If you're over 21 come on fown to libertyville and stop at mickey finn's (April 18 and 19). in other news.. Steve has a story to share... Tuesday 04/15/2003 2:57:57pm So I was walkin' around in China Town in Chicago yesterday. All of the sudden from out of nowhere these ninjas jumped me, held me down and put a sword to my throat (too many for even ME to handle). They said, "We are going to kill you unless you can give us any information on who has done Burke's mom recently." So I says, "Jake the Almighty Bug-Killa-Nigga has BITCH!" and they let me up. They apologized, gave me a complimentary Shurikan and bid me God Speed. Thanks buddy.
old news
The latest breaking news from Penguins with Shotguns is...we have our new demo recorded! It's only 3 songs, but we feel they are a much better representation of our sound now then our old demo is. We've got about 4 or 5 new songs, lyrics now up on the lyrics section. Two of the songs from the demo, "Yesterday" and "what it is" can also be downloaded on We also have a show coming on January 8th at the Lion's Den in Chicago. I must sadly inform all of our fans that this is a 21+ show, so unless you can buy a beer, you'll have to wait a little bit longer to see PWS. However, with our demo recorded and ready to hand out, we will begin our ascent into the local rock scene once again!
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