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The time is quickly approaching once again! PWS is getting ready and psyched about FIRST FRIDAY! Friday, April 5th is First Friday's 2nd Anniversary show, so it should be a good one. We'll be headlining and playing with Escape from Earth and CR-33! Also new for the website, I actually got around to doing a little may not be much, but its something. Go look at the pictures page and see for yourself. New pics will be coming soon, whenever I have access to a computer vastly faster than mine at home. Until then, I'll be putting the older pictures back up soon, after I make a page for them. KEEP CHECKING BACK!! I realize that the updates were lacking for a while there, but I'm going to try and keep updating as much as possible. If there is another long period of time without an update, just check the guestbook and I'll post when something new has happened. Hope to see you all at First Friday!

Alright, finally got around to updating the news! I've also put our new song up on the lyrics page, changed the link to our mp3's on the main page, and updated the show section. Pictures will be coming soon as I can get time on a decent computer. Right now, the rumor has it that PWS might be playing a show with Ghoti Hook the Sunday after First Friday, but since I don't have any specific details on it, I recommend taking it with a grain of salt for now. Other then that, I've talked to Jeremy from Causing Change Music, a local label out of Kenosha, and he seemed interested in our stuff. So look for a new version of our demo to be released soon, and as soon as we get enough money, PWS will be going BACK into the studio to record a NEW DEMO with our NEW SONGS!

Hey all, been a while since I've updated the news section! Well, first and most importantly, THIS SATURDAY is our show down in Skokie! Hopefully all of you will be there to show your support. If you need directions, here ya go:
Get onto 94 south for about 20 miles, Take the IL-58 East DEMPSTER ST exit, exit number 37B. 0.2 miles, Merge onto DEMPSTER ST/IL-58. 1.3 miles, Turn LEFT onto KOSTNER TER. 0.1 miles, Turn LEFT onto GREENWOOD ST., 4400 Greenwood DEVONSHIRE CULTURAL CENTER (should be a sign I would Imagine)
After this show, our next one will be at First Friday in January, where we will be debuting our SECOND GUITARIST, Gabriel! For a little bit of info on him, go check out the bio page. Hope to see you all at both shows!

First off, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween! Next, I updated some things on the website. There's one new pic in the pictures section from band practice, and then we finally got some decent individual pics, so now the bio pages all have pictures of the band members on them, so go check it out! A big thanks to Veronica for taking, scanning, and sending the pictuers! Check back soon for more pictures from band practice!

Hey everybody, guess what?? Penguins with Shotguns is the Spolight Band of the Month on! Go to the site and check out the interview, it's right on the main page!

I have some sad news to report. Unfortunatly, both of our upcoming shows have been cancelled. We didn't get into the CLC Battle of the (Pop/Punk)Bands, and the show for this upcoming Saturday has been rescheduled to sometime in November. SO DON'T SHOW UP TO THE SHOW ON SATURDAY, BECAUSE WE WON'T BE THERE! I'll keep you posted when I find out any new shows.

Good news! I finally got motivated and put NEW PICTURES UP!! Thanks to Alaina for taking this newest batch of pics and letting me post them up on our website! If you want to see the rest of the pics, or check out other local bands pictures, just go to her site!

Thanks to the ones who showed up last night for Rock the Spot, it was a good show! It was also fun playing in Skokie because we got to play in front of people who've never heard of us before, and it's always good to get the word out. It's also always a ton of fun to get to play with Escape from Earth! Our next show is next Saturday at Mundelien High School. It's 5 bux to get in, it's a Q101 sponsered show, and it's a benefit concert for WTC, so come on out! I'll post more details soon!

Hey everyone! Tomorrow is Rock the Spot! I know a lot of you have been asking for directions, and I'm sorry it's taken so long, but wait no longer! Here are the directions to Rock the Spot:
- Take I-94 east (grab some change for a potential toll or two) - Take the IL-58 E. DEMPSTER ST. exit (exit number 37B) - Merge onto DEMPSTER ST. - Turn RIGHT ont GROSS POINT RD. - Turn SLIGHT LEFT onto LARAMIE AVE. - Turn SLIGHT LEFT onto LINCOLN AVE. - 8212 Lincoln Ave. The show starts at 7pm, it costs $5 to get in, and if you're a high school student, BRING YOUR I.D.! You MUST have a high school i.d. to get into the show; if you're not in high school, get ahold of me or Matt ASAP! Email or See you all there!
Alright, just got a few little tidbits to report, nothing huge right now. First, some good news! PWS might be heading back into the studio soon to record a few more songs! Nothing is set (time, how many songs, etc.), but it is a possibility. If we did record another demo, it would probably be another 4 or 5 song demo type thing, but this one would be a little bit heavier. Now, to report some bad news. as of right now it looks as if that benefit concert isn't going to happen. Our biggest hangup was finding a place to play, and unfortunatly, pretty much the only places that we could afford to really rent out are outside, and...well...just go outside and stand there for about 5 min. right now, and tell me how good of an idea you think that is ;) That's it for now! Keep checking back for more news, AND if I can get ahold of some, new pictures!

Hello again all! Coupla little tidbits of PWS news to inform you about. First off, we have a show coming up on Oct. 6th down in Skokie, it's called 'Rock the Spot', and it should be a pretty good show! When I get more details, I'll post them up (directions, costs, times, etc.). Secondly, we are currently trying to set up a benefit show for the recent tragedy in D.C. and New York. As of right now, we've got some of the stuff worked out, but a date and a place are still up in the air. Finally, we're also currently working on a BRAND NEW SONG! This one is going to be heavier then Awake from a Dream, and I think most of you should really enjoy it. That's it for now, keep checking back for updates!

Hey everybody! Time for another news update. First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who came to any of our last 3 shows; you guys comin out is what keeps us goin! First off, the Beach Bible Church show was great! First time we've gotten to play outside, and there was a HUGE crowd of people there! Unfortunatly, a lot of them were more concerned with the basketball and volleyball to really pay attention to the music, but that's alright. It was still a privelage to get to play there. Next came The Gathering, and that was just an awesome show! Second time there, and I think the second time back was the best! Awesome crowd response, and we were performing top notch! Finally was First Friday last night, which I think takes the #1 best show spot!! Thanks to everybody who came out and supported us and all the other bands, you guys were awesome! I'd like to say thanks to Dead to Sin, Every Person's Dream, and Escape from Earth for comin out and playing great shows! It's always a great pleasure to get to play with DTS and EFE, and everyone in the band looks forward to the next time we can see all of you guys! Well, that's it for now! I'll try and keep the updates coming more frequently, as some of you might have noticed a little slacking in the updates area (sorry!)

Alright everyone, time for another update! Sorry it's been so long, but I come bearing good news! First off, we've got First Friday on September 7th coming up quick, and I promise you that it will be one of our best shows yet! Also, we have a show coming up THIS SATURDAY, August 18th, at the Beach Bible Church, across from Zion Benton High School. Also, its not 100% confirmed yet, but we might also be playing at The Gathering again in North Chicago. We still have to set it in stone, but right now its looking very likely. That's it for now, but keep checking back, because PWS is back and the updates will start coming a lot more frequently now! Hope you all had a good summer, and see you all at our shows!

Hello all! I know its been awhile since I last updated, but that's just because PWS has been taking a sort of break. We finally got to practice today after going 3 weeks without having a really serious one. We went through our older stuff and I'm happy to say that not too much rust has collected on our songs; we went through them pretty well. Also, we made great progress on our NEWEST song, "Awaken from a Dream". The guitars are done, bass is almost done, lyrics and vocals are done, and Miguel is working on figuring out the drums. As of right now we still don't have any scheduled shows until the September First Friday. At the show we will definatly be debuting the new song, and hopefully will have 1 or 2 other new ones as well. Keep checking back, no matter how long it may be without an update! I'll keep you all posted when the news happens.

Alright, I don't have exact directions to get to the Heart and Soul cafe, but if you follow this link, you'll get to the Driving Directions page on Yahoo! All you have to do is type your address and it will tell you how to get there: Heart and Soul Driving Directions

Hello all! It's been a while since my last news post; I apologize. I just got kind of busy. I'll be putting up pictures from our recording sessions from oh so long ago. The main reason for this news update though is to give all of you some information on our show this upcoming Friday! The show is the Karitos competition, which will give us a shot at a spot on this year's Cornerstone fest! The show starts at 7:30, but doors open at 7, and we will be going on second. First band on is In-Tuned, then us, and then 38 Acres and Escape from Earth! The show is at the Heart and Soul Cafe, down in Mt. Prospect, IL. I'll be posting directions soon, but you can do it before me by simply searching the Yahoo! Yellow Pages, because that's where I'll be going anyways. Hope to see you all there!

Hey everyone, what's up! Just gonna fill everyone in on some new stuff goin on in the world of the Penguins. First off, as you might have seen on the message board, PWS is in the Karitos competition! If we win, we earn a spot at this year's Cornerstone fest!! Even if we don't win though, it's still a good way to get our name out, and we get to play/compete with Escape from Earth! The show is May 18th at the Heart and Soul Cafe (I'll be posting directions and more info later). Also, PLEASE go to within the next few days; I am uploading all 4 of our songs and am posting them onto farmclub. Please go there and VOTE FOR US!! Just click on the red song name link and vote; the more votes we get, the more the Farmclub A&M team notices us, and we might get a spot on tv!

Hey all! Our shows on Friday and Saturday went great! First off, First Friday's one year anniversary was just awesome. All the band's there played top notch, especially us. The crowd really seemed to enjoy our new song, "Your Own Utopia"(watch for lyrics up soon!). Unfortunatly, due to time constraints we had to cut our set short and thus cut March of the Penguin from the set, which definatly didn't please the crowd very much. Sometimes sacrifices must be made though, and we made up for it Saturday night. Speaking of which, was a great show. Fatal Error opened and did a really good job for their first show. They also did a great job setting the whole thing up. Thanks to everyone who made the trip out there, I know a lot of you couldn't because of other shows or simply couldn't find the place. The only other show we have scheduled now is the Indian Trail Academy talent show on April 27th, which is taking place at Lincoln Middle School here in Kenosha. Hopefully we'll get more gigs soon though!

Alright, I know I waited until the last minute, but for those of you interested in going to the Kemper Center show this Saturday, I've finally got directions.The main thing you need to do is get to 75th St./Hwy 50, in Kenosha. You can take Sheriden Rd., you can take Lewis Ave./39th Ave, you can take Green Bay Rd., you can take I-94, you can take any road you want. The most important thing is, get to 75th St./Hwy 50. Head east on 75th until you just about reach the lake. Turn left onto 3rd Ave. Keep going for about 5 or 6 blocks. Kemper Center is on the right hand side of the road, almost impossible to miss. It's a huge old building with a fence all around it, and a big sign saying "Kemper Center". Hope to see you all there!

Hello all, our Naperville show went pretty good! Not too terrible of a drive there or back, and traffic wasn't bad either. We performed well and the crowd really seemed to enjoy us. Once again, I'd like to thank Dead to Sin for inviting us to open! I'm sorry that nobody could make it; if anybody showed up the church, I apologize for us not being there. However, there were no emails to Matt saying that anyone was interested in following, so we assumed just that: nobody was interested in following.
Next 2 shows coming up are back to back, April 6th and 7th. First of the two is First Friday! This is the big one year anniversary show, so DON'T MISS IT! It'll definatly be one of the best! After our show at Kemper Center (in Kenosha) on the 7th, we don't have any other shows lined up, but hopefully that'll change soon. As always, keep checking back to see the latest updates!

After waiting a while, we finally got directions to the church down in Naperville. Directions off of Yahoo!:These are directions to get to the area by the church (Yahoo! couldn't locate the exact location) 1. Turn LEFT on to the I-94 SOUTH ramp towards INDIANA; 2. Merge onto I-94 E (Portions toll); 3. Take I-294 S towards INDIANA/O'HARE; 4. Merge onto I-294 S (Portions toll); 5. Take I-88 WEST RAMP towards AURORA; 6. Merge onto E WEST TOLLWAY/I-88 W (Portions toll); 7. Take the WINFIELD ROAD exit; 8. Keep LEFT at the fork in the ramp; 9. Turn LEFT onto WINFIELD RD; 10. Turn RIGHT onto W DIEHL RD; Turn right onto Raymond. Go past McDowell and the church should be the next right after the apartments. I combined the directions we got off of Yahoo! and the directions we got from Jordan of Dead to Sin. Yahoo! didn't know how to get exactly to the church, and Jordan didn't know where to go from I-94, but knew how to get to the church from I-88, so it all worked out in the end.
Penguins with Shotguns is also going to organize a time for fans to meet up with us and follow us down, so you don't have to figure out where the church is on your own! Final details to come within the next few days.

Alright everyone! For those of you who are interested in going down to Naperville, IL on the 24th to see us, here is some basic info (directions are still coming): The venue is Trinity Church of the Nazarene on 1451 Raymond Dr. Naperville, IL 60563. The cost of the show is 2 dollars, and the order of appearance is as follows - PWS, Dead to Sin, Ransom for Many, and Sleeping at Last. Time of the show is also still unknown, but Matt has emailed the questions and is awaiting a reply. Hope to see you all there!
In other news, another show has been added in April. We'll be playing with the band Fatal Error on April 7th at the Kemper Center. The cost is free, and you're free to do whatever you want. In fact, Fatal Error has requested we get as many people to come as possible, and they expect a wild and crazy moshpit, so let's show them what the PWS crowd can do!

The show at the Naval Base was a great success! The band played in top form (even though I had one or two brainfarts on stage) and all the people there seemed to enjoy us a lot. It was good to play in front of a crowd of people aside from our friends. This isn't meant as an insult to our friends and fans who come to all our shows, simply that its good to get out to people who've never heard us before and to spread the word to new people. Our next show is in Naperville on the 24th, hope to see some of you out there!

Half of PWS went to court today to try and solve the matter of the drunken neighbor signing a complaint. Well ladies and gentlemen, we learned an important lesson today. If you're going to sign a complaint, make sure you're not too drunk to remember the court date. The guy never showed up, therefore the case was dismissed and no charges are being brought against us. Remember kids, don't drink and leave your house for any reason whatsoever. It just leads to trouble. As a matter of fact, don't talk while drunk either, that's pretty bad too.

Alright, for those of you interested in going to our show at the Navy Base on March 10th, here's what you have to do:
To get to GREAT LAKES: Off of Hwy 41 or I-94 go EAST on Hwy 137(Buckley road); stay on it until you see the sign to the MAIN GATE of Great Lakes Naval Training Center. Pass the Recruit Training Command gates on Buckley. Near the end of Buckley Road, go under the overpass which will curve around left and up to Sheridan Road. Get in the right lane and turn right on Sheridan Road at the signal. Stay in the right lane; you will turn right at the very next signal which is the MAIN GATE for the base.
Getting on the base and to the right building (From the base entrance) As you go toward the main gate each car driver must pull into a parking lot immediately before the guard house; walk to the security building to obtain a "Visitor's Pass". Tell the guard you are here to attend The Gathering at the chapel. You must present your driver's license, car registration, and proof of insurance on the car. Once you obtain your pass, ask the guard to direct you to Building 3 and Bluejackets Memorial Chapel which (the east part of the building. Park behind the building in the parking lot and nearest the chapel.
Well, hope to see all of you there! It should be a really fun time!

Hey all! We just got done with a really good weekend of shows. First was our Friday show at Zion Benton, which was pretty fun. We got to open for Escape from Earth, who are an amazing band and just really awesome people. If anybody hasn't seem them live or even heard them yet, go find some way to do it, because they rock. Then stick around after the show and talk to them, because they're just really cool people.
Next up came our Saturday night show at Rinkside Sports. At first I was a little worried because I'd been sick all weekend, and I had a hoarse throat. The Pressmen opened and did a great job, even though they had some sound problems. When we first started my voice was a little raw. However, as the show went on, my voice gradually improved. If you missed this show...well, you missed what was, in my personal opinion, our best performance to date.
Come to March's First Friday! Even though we're not playing, it's still going to be a good show. Also, we'll be selling our demos there as well! After that, our next show is on March 10th at the Navy Base. It's a little hard to get in, but if you're interested, look them up and contact them to find out how to get in. I'll try and get information for all of you by the end of the week!

I updated the shows section to reflect us not playing at this upcoming First Friday. The reason for this is because we decided to take a break ourselves and also give our fans a break as well. As some of you might remember, before we started writing our new songs and after Jesse left the band, people started to get kind of bored with us playing the same songs every show.

I've burned our first MP3 and posted it on the internet! "Fake" has become the first real PWS song ever to be turned into mp3 format. I had to debate between posting up that song, or posting up "Disillusioned", and finally ended up deciding on "Fake". Right now I'm also considering the idea of turning "Ban Mtv" into an mp3 and posting it on the web as well. For now, I'm not sure how to add mp3's to my site, but if you're interested in hearing it, go visit our Lycos Listeningroom page at Lycos Listening Room
Help to bring PWS onto the top 40 charts of Lycos! Also, start checking; I submitted a page to them too, and am hoping to see it on there soon!
Good news to report! All recording is done for the Penguins with Shotguns demo! All that has to be done is mastering, and the master cd should be complete by Sunday. The track listing and order is: Disillusioned, Fake, Ban Mtv, and March of the Penguin. I'd like to very heartily thank Rex Carroll for recording and producing us, and for being so cool! If there are any bands out there interested in recording, you can contact Rex by going to his website, which is He was very cool, down to earth, knew exactly what he was doing, and thanks to his dedication and our determination, we got everything done a lot quicker then I had first thought.
On a side note, we had quite an interesting experience before recording got started. when we first got there, Rex decided that Miguel needed new drum heads for the best sound, so we headed out to Music Center up in Kenosha, Wi. We were about halfway there, when Miguel's car ran out of gas and we had to pull off to the side of Russell Rd. About half an hour later Steve and Matt came back with enough gas to get us to the gas station.

Ladies and gentlemen, Penguins with Shotguns will be hosting a performance, but its not the kind many of you may be thinking of. Unlike our enjoyable and music-related performances we usually give, this performance is taking place in court on March 5th. A neighbor to the AGAPE Christian Fellowship building has filed a complaint against us for being too loud, and now we have to appear in court. Hopefully things will turn out for the best and no fines will be brought against us, mainly because we have witnesses to prove our innocence and disprove false claims this guy has made. I'll keep you all posted on how this turns out. Wish us luck!
Also, just a reminder to you all, PWS is going in the studio to start recording our 4 song demo THIS UPCOMING WEEKEND! We held practice today to get ready for it (in fact, our practice is what got us in trouble with the neighbor). Hopefully all will go well, and we'll be in and out of the studio quickly and end up with a fine sounding demo!

It's official: the weekend of January 27th and 28th, Penguins with Shotguns is going into the studio to record our first demo. Tentatively, we're going to record 4 songs, but if we have time we might do more. The track listing is looking to be (in no particular order) Disillusioned, Ban Mtv, Fake, and March of the Penguin. After recording, we're hoping to have the cd completed and ready for copying and distribution by early to mid-March. A more specific date will be known after we've got all the songs recorded.

Right now, the band has agreed on the weekend of January 27 & 28 for recording. We'll be going to work and record with Rex all weekend long and probably won't see the light of day for a good portion of that weekend. However, right now that weekend is planned just to record guitars, bass, and drums. Vocal tracks will be laid down the following weekend (and hopefully won't take as long to do). Keep your fingers crossed, and hope all goes well!

Although no date has been set yet, last night our bassist, Matt Burke, went in to have a talk with someone who's willing record us, so we can finally put out a professional 2 or 3 song demo. As soon as I hear any dates or any more info, I'll post them up on the site, so keep your eyes peeled!

First, I'd like to start off by saying that this will be the new home for the Penguins with Shotguns website, and I'll try and update as frequently as possible (most of my life is spent on the computer, so that shouldn't be a problem).
Next, this has been one of the band's busiest weekends. We started it off on Friday with our monthly show at First Friday. This month we played with Escape from Earth and Knuckleduster, both of which are exceptional bands. This was also probably one of our best First Friday performances to date, and the crowd reaction to our new songs was really great.
On Saturday we played our first show outside of the church, at Rinkside Sports. I'd like to thank everyone who showed up, and I'd also like to thank Rinkside for inviting us and making it, in my opinion, probably our best performance yet! The sound system was great, lots of room to move around, and the rest of the band was performing at their best. The only speedbump was a power failure at the beginning of our second song of the evening, "Pokemon Waltz". We played it off really well though and started our typical prize throwouts early on. Within 10 min., the Rinkside crew had fixed the problem, and we continued on with no further incidents.
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