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Thanks to all who made it out to the show last night.  The band is really excited about the December show at "FatMans."  We look forward to seeing you there.


Okay the penguins are not going to play but one show in the month of October.  They are working on some new material and taking a much needed vacation.  Look forward to two new songs at the Halloween bash (listed in the shows section).  Rumor is that Saving Face will have a new ending, lyrically, as well, that is if the boys decide to play it. 


In the news today...the show at The Rave was fantastic.  Anyone who didn't make it out missed out on possibly one of their best shows in their 5 years of being a band.  Speaking of making history, in only 2 more days, Sean will be turning 21, making 4/5 of the band able to legally be at our bar shows after a set time.  Also, stage banter may turn nonsensical and drawn out.  Post your postings and wish this boy a happy birthday, and hopefully he'll be able to perform for EVERYONE who is showing up to our show on the 7th!  Speaking of which, if you haven't got your tickets now, hunt one of us down and buy yours now for only 8 bucks.  The show starts at 3 and goes all day, so you get more then your money's worth.

Peace out all you wonderful beautiful fantastic pretty people


Not much to report on from the world of the Penguin, but the guys appreciate the support they've recieved what with the plethora of shows they've been playing lately. There will be a break for a few weeks for "personal business" but PWS is writing some new music, so they look forward to showing it off at the next show. Hope to see you all soon.
For those of you that have yet to hear the news, PWS will be playing a show at the Rave in Wisconsin with Machinehead and 36 Crazy Fists, among others. This is very exciting for the band, and all the fan support here will be greatly appreciated. Bring your friends and tell them to bring their friends... the goal is to get EVERYONE you know to this show! Show your Penguin love... who knows, if this goes really well perhaps a new demo will be a lot closer than we've all imagined.
Although the PWS have no shows lined up for absolute POSITIVE, there may be (90% certainty) a show on April 20th at UWM, more info will be posted as it is received. Also, on April 2nd Matt Burke will be playing with his other band, WITH US, at First Friday. The church is on Kellogg in Waukegan. Kick off- 7 o'clock (when Matt plays) for a mere four dollar cover. The pics will be up, as promised by the end of Wednesday so check back soon.
The past few weeks have been fairly busy for the Penguins. First they had their second show at Doug's Bar which was an absolute blast. The place was packed and the moshing was crazy. On March 13th they played a house show which brought the playing of some oldie but goodie songs. The VERY NEXT DAY found PWS at Jimmy V's in Ingleside thanks to an invite from Big Swirl and the Russo-Nixons. The show went well, the guys sounded great, and it was an opportunity for some new people to experience REAL music. There will be a bit of a break in shows for a little while due to spring break, but I promise the new pictures will be up BEFORE I go on vacation.
Okay, I admit I've been slacking with regards to the site over my winter break, but with the new semester comes the return of my work ethics, so sit back and enjoy the updates about to hit the site. Particularly the much neglected bios and the elusive "Fan Forum" that is still sorta an idea in progress. ON THE PLUS SIDE, I have not been slacking as far as the merchandise goes, and you all may be happy to know that the new shirts should definitely be here in time for the Feb 28th show. The prices will be the same, but the designs are new, the sizes a bit more diverse, and we have TANK TOPS.... while supplies last....
Well, well, well. Last night there was a CRAZY house show thrown by Red Mercury. If you didn't go, it was probably for the best...unless you're the type that LOVES drunken brawls with crazy people. The guys sounded good and the people wouldn't stop moshing, but as many of us predicted, the cops were eventually called (due to the fight) and the party was broken up. Good times. Hopefully there will be another show soon... possibly that one on the 31? Only time will tell and then I shall pass on the word.
All right, the show on the 20th has been cancelled due to the owner not wanting to close the kitchen on Saturdays...not like the band brings in way more money or anything. Well, hopefully they'll have another show soon. There's some talk about doing something for the Save the Zion Rink so, keep looking and I'll keep you posted.
Sorry that the Doug's Bar pictures aren't up yet, I just figured out how to make the pictures a little less HUGE, so bear with me a little longer as it is kind of a process. A new design for the next round of penguin shirts has been submitted to the printer, and hopefully there will be some for sale on Dec 20th at Doug's. Work is also being done to get the "fan forum" link up and running... having a bit of trouble with the poll. Well there's your semi-regular update... a new one will be up when there's something to report.
For all of you who missed this show, I pity you. This is the show that will be talked about for all of Penguin history. First of all, Matt actually did something very right, and got PWS an awesome new home. Secondly, this was the very first show that Penguins With Shotguns has ever hosted. And thirdly, but probably most importantly, the music was absolutely awesome, and it was one of the best crowds the band has ever played to, especially since First Fridays. Pictures will be posted soon.
The show went well this weekend, although we seem to be constantly plagued with technical difficulties no matter what venue we play. This Saturday's show is gonna rock, we'll be playing some older songs, so all you First Friday fans should get out there. This is the first all ages show in a long time, and who knows when we'll be able to get another one. Thanks to all who showed up to Sharky's, and we hope to see you all at Doug's.
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