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PRIMARY GOAL: To revitalize the "Pittsburgh Heavy Scene" by unifying different genres of music and consolidating all of our efforts into one goal which would be to build the scene up to its true potential.

I personally think some of the goals should be:

These are only suggestions of course. (they are not verbatim)

To not only promote your own band but others as well.

Do more show swapping with each other, this can only build your fanbase up.

In doing this you expose your music to others (people) that may not have seen you otherwise. And the opposite will react in the same way

Links, Links, Links. This is such a simple thing to do, but a great way to help others. If someone is on your home page. All they have to do is "click" and there on their way to more bands. easy, huh

When performing, at the end of your set, use that time to promote another show real quick. If you know of one. It takes no time to do and it could be real productive. The favor should be returned.

A simple thing is not to talk in a counterproductive way about a band, this does not apply to anybody in particular, but nevertheless it happens and this will only aid in the deconstruction of the "scene" "shit talkin" helps nobody.

Going to local shows is also a good way to support other bands. Believe it or not they do appreciate it.

Word of mouth.... Spread the word of other bands to your friends. They will more than likely take your advise.

As I said before, these are only suggestions, everybody has their own way of supporting others.

Thankyou for taking interest in the PBA. It is a worth while cause.

Chris Pawlowski
PBA Coordinator

PBA FEST 2... Details are forth coming!
