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*PIANOPALS* Welcome !!

Hi !! Welcome to our piano-pals site. This is a friendship-page made by&for piano-pals from all over the world. So, it will be always under construction, but you can already surf to lots of sites about the things we like, as facts about pianists and composers we admire, listen to classical music, e-cards and digital writing papers to send our pals wonderful e- and snailmail, learning foreign languages, chatting about falling in & out love, reading novels & philosophy and watching movies. If you have any comments or suggestions, please use our guestbook or e-mail us. Thanxx !!

NEW : our page about Geisha, our page about Dragons and our page about Chinese Opera !!

Index :

What's a piano ?? * Great Piano's. * Great Pianists. * Great Composers. * Celli.

Violins. * The Piano. * Shine. * Opera. * Ballet. * Musicals. * Literature. * Languages.
Pen-pals. * Our writing paper designs. * Animals. * Exact Page. * Movies, Cartoons & TV. Artistguide. * pianopals forum (chat, message-board etc.) * Mailinglist. * Awards & Prizes.

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Finally, we managed to create a Web-Ring. Just click here if you have a home-page and would like to join the ring.

Another page we're very busy with :