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Khan - Vocals
Thomas Youngblood - Lead, Rhythm and Acoustic Guitars
Glenn Barry - Bass
Casey Grillo - Drums

Since the Norwegian singer Roy Khan joined the band, Kamelot kept improving. Khan's voice was the only thing missing in Kamelot's great music. For the people who don't know; Kamelot is a band that plays a symphonic, slight progressive type of Power Metal. Knowing that, AND knowing that producers Sacha Paeth and Miro were behind this album, anyone must be aware we're talking about a great album here. This album is Kamelot's best even in my opinion. So what makes this one better than the other Kamelot albums? I don't has a little more shine and it's a little more symphonic, I think it's that. This album isn't that much different from 2000's 'The Fourth Legacy', it just is an improvement of what already existed. I can recommend every fan of good melodic Metal to buy this album. Don't mind the press saying that Kamelot isn't moving forward, they just keep playing their own style and that's a good thing...they're only getting better every year.

  1. Regalis Apertura: As always, the album starts off with a classic overture. This one is more "filmish" than before. It's just a very good, atmospheric classical song played by the Rodenberg Symphony Orchestra.
  2. Forever: A great opener! This instantly became one of my Kamelot-favorites. It's speedy, atmospheric, catchy and melodic (that's the way it has to be!!!). Khan shows his great abilities as a vocalist and the first tone is set.
  3. Wings Of Despair: This song is a little more progressive, but still a very good one. Reminds me of Queensryche a little bit.
  4. The Spell: Even though it's probably the most original song on the album, it's also my least favorite song of the album. It has some electronica-influences and that's probably what I don't like...but there are probably also people who'll love them.
  5. Don't You Cry: The ballad of the album. It's a beautiful song for acoustic guitar backed by a string quartet. It's a homage to Thom Youngblood's father (grandfather maybe?), but Khan's beautiful, emotional voice sounds like he has lost a dearly loved. Definitely a beautiful song.
  6. Karma: The first time we hear Arabian influences on the album (like in 'Nights Of Arabia' for example). The title song is a powerful melodic Metal song of great quality. Some nice piano work and a beautiful, catchy chorus.
  7. The Light I Shine On You: The depth used in the ampliefers on the intro sounds good. This song isn't bad (typically a Kamelot-song; melodic, catchy, speedy...), but it's just not something special, it has a little less emotion than the other ones.
  8. Temples Of Gold: A semi-ballad. The sitar used in the verse sounds pretty good. The double vocal lines in the chorus sound good. A nice piano on the third verse.
  9. Across The Highlands: Before going to the 'Elizabeth'-trilogy, I got surprised by this wonderful song. Probably my favorite of the album! The song gives me goose-bumps every time I hear it. I has something special...but I don't know what. It's euphoric, it's catchy, it's melodic...what the hell?'s just a great song!
  10. Mirror Mirror: The first part of the 'Elizabeth'-trilogy. Starts out with some beautiful keyboard-work, followed by some beautiful vocals by Khan. The most beautiful part is the high voice after the first two verses...beautiful! After a minute or two the electric guitar, bass and drums enter.
  11. Requiem For The Innocent: The intro to this song reminds me of Uriah Heep a little bit. After that a song enters which isn't really special, but just good. It ends with a good piano outro.
  12. Fall From Grace: The last song of the 'Elizabeth'-trilogy AND of the album starts with a very fast riff and some nice solos by Thom Youngblood. Khan could have done better on this one and actually the entire song could have been better, except for the fucking great intro and the good bass parts.

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