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copyright  - the legislation, the options, how and when to register

rhyme schemes - list of the names and types of rhyme

song check list - A list of questions to ask yourself to help you decide whether you have written a classic song.

Chord Map in the key of C - Copied, with permission from Steve Mugglin's wonderful site "Music Theory for Songwriters." 

10 song writing blunders - a comparison between classic songs & indie/demo recordings - kindly supplied by Roedy Black.

36 rules for bands - a light-hearted look at things to avoid.

Publishing basics - kindly supplied by Irene Jackson

How good your demo should be? - including tips on marketing

How to make a $million from your music - the secret information they don't want you to know.

How  to make a $million from your music Part II - A list of some of the more dubious ways to part a musician and songwriter from their hard-earned cash.

How to make a $million from your music Part III (UK-version) - a light-hearted look at some of the advice available (for a price) on the net.



The Creative Bit :-

including for wordsmiths, music makers, general song writing groups, songwriter web rings and fellow song writers with helpful tips/links

Musicianship/Tutorials etc :-

including for singing, piano, guitar, drums, harp, ear training and on line music stores.

The Recording Bit :-

including software, home recording advice, singer/song writer services, preparing for the studio, recording studios.

Samples :-

including loops, sf2, royalty free

Getting Heard :-

Including critique boards, promotion and critique boards

Information Overload :-

including band registration sites, lyric sites, further link sites, genre specific sites, humour, and miscellaneous links

Online facilities- radio & magazines

internet radio, magazines.

Some more useful links :-

Copyright and royalty collection agencies, song writer and musician organisations, legal advice sites, including a separate UK listing for the same

Chat rooms and message boards :-

Where a copyright is claimed be sure to ask the copyright holder, other than that, you are welcome to use any other page for your  own site, please let me know so I can add a link to you.


 Richhoncho's Songwriters Links

Draft Collaborators' Agreement



Many songwriters think a collaboration agreement is necessary. This is not strictly true; if you collaborate on a song then it would be deemed that all expenses and income are split equally. The following draft assumes that position. However, under  no circumstance can I take any responsibility for the Agreement, whether amended or otherwise. If you want to be really certain then you need to contact a lawyer and have an Agreement drawn up. Having said that every care has been taken with the Agreement with reference to other similar Agreements.





  • You must be of a legal majority to sign a legal agreement, if not, a parent or legal guardian can sign on your behalf.

  • The signatories jointly own the song.

  • The Agreement will be subject to the laws of the country(ies) of the signatories, which may vary.

  • When printing out the agreement (copy and paste into a word processing program) ensure the whole document is on one page.

  • Do NOT sign if you have any doubts,


Copy from here >>



Songwriting Partnership Agreement


This agreement dated this            day of                               ,  200    ,    


Made between




Whose usual residential address is




(hereinafter called “the first party”) and,




Whose usual residential address is




(hereinafter called “the second party” )


in respect of the musical composition known as :




(hereinafter referred to as “the Said Work”)





1.    The parties to this Agreement shall own the Said Work jointly.


2     All monies, receipts, benefits, benefits in kind or other remuneration, whether of money’s worth or otherwise received in respect of the said work shall be divided between the Parties in the following proportions:


50% (fifty percent) to the First Party, and


50% (fifty percent) to the Second Party.


3.    The Parties to this Agreement may jointly make any alteration to the Said Work, or allow others to do so, but any such amendment, alteration, or otherwise shall not affect the contents of clause 2 herein.


4     The parties to this Agreement may jointly or separately promote the said work, or allow others to do so, but neither party may commit the other party to any expense, loss of earnings from the Said Work without the consent of the other party, save that no reasonable request for consent shall be withheld.


5     The period for which this Agreement shall remain in force is 5 years, or is mutually cancelled by the consent of both Parties in writing, or this Agreement is superseded by a Publishing, Recording or other Contract with a Third Party.


6      At the end of the five-year period, either party shall be entitled to demand the return of their component part in the Said Work, by notice in writing, posted in an pre-paid envelope and sent by registered post within a period of thirty clear days immediately following the fifth anniversary of the date of this Agreement.


7.     Any further changes to this Agreement shall only be validated by  written agreement signed by both Parties and duly witnessed and dated in a like manner to below.


In witness to this said Agreement: -


Signed (by the First Party) ................……………….............………………….


Witnessed this day by (signed) ……………………........……………………


Name and address of Witness:



Signed (by the Second Party) ……………………………………………….


Witnessed this day by (signed) .............……………………………………...


Name and address of Witness:



















(c) 2004 Richhoncho. Permission is given to make not-for-profit copies of this material