Q: How did you get the name ScoogeMoore?
A: "Scooge" being the nickname of our drummer took it upon himself to tack on his last name to his already absurd name. Thus you have it, ScoogeMoore. After deliberating over doritos and funyuns for an hour, we finally adopted the name. Some of the other possibilities included Furious George, The Al Naylor Experience amd the Deutschland Bunch.
Q: ScoogeMoore is a stupid name. Will you change it?
A: No.
Q: Why not?
A: We feel that creating our own nouns and make believe words liberates us from societie's rules. So brewhaha. Next question.
Q: Why do you always sing about girls?
A: We like to sing about our passions, misunderstandings and failures. Thus, singing about girls makes sense.
Q: What equipment does ScoogeMoore use?
A: One word...Peavey
Q: Who writes the songs?
A: Adam usually, but it is a collective effort by ScoogeMoore to make these songs soul candy.
Q: Where can I buy your CD?
A: Wha...wh...what CD?
Q: When can I see you guys live?
A: Depends. When's your party?
Q: What do you guys do when you are not playing?
A: Sleep, eat, work...nuff said.
Q: Final question; what are ScoogeMoore's future plans?
A: Put some pants on first, and then get our name out. And eventually score some cash to recoupe our loses from our time being broke musicians. And to pay off the Porsche Scooge bought.
ScoogeMoore FAQ